history systems psyc

  1. what is a gymnasium
    secondary school/ getting you ready for college
  2. what is the experiment robert bunson and wundt worked on?
    salt intake in urine
  3. what was wundt education
    slacker, graduated med school in 3 years because he didnt have ne extra money
  4. who did william wundt assist at the univers of hidenburg?
  5. 1st class wundt taught?
    inductive anthropology/ social science
  6. 1st book wundt wrote?
    perspeption in introduction of psyc betweeen psyical and social science
  7. what subject wasnt he interested in?
    children, animals or the mentally ill with introspection
  8. immediate vs mediate experience
    touching it or experiencing it vs watching someone else do it
  9. journal helped write
    philosophical studies
  10. what is abprospection
    selective attention( mental content into focus of attention)
  11. what is wundts work on emotion?
    feeling pleasure, strain and exitment (dimensions) spends time plotting them
  12. what kind of advisor was wundt
    186 students, did his own thing
  13. wundts publications
  14. what kind of writer was that?
    a good writer/ productive
  15. what was the day psych became important?
    1879, experiments outside the classroom
  16. what are simularities between titchner and munsterberg?
    they studied under william wundt
  17. how was titchner's personality?
    restricted and inflexable
  18. how was munsterberg's personality?
    broader, more varied
  19. where did titchener go to school?
  20. who was the first women grad student?
    margaret washburn
  21. how are titchener and wundt the same?
    both hardasses/ were good writers/ had lab experiments in class
  22. what was titcheners book and how many volumes?
    experimental psych/ 4 vols/ 2 student/ 2 teacher
  23. who did titchener study when doin introspection?
    only healthy adults
  24. what was titcheners fundamental elements?
    sensations(feels), images(objects not present), feelings(emotional reactions to those experiences)
  25. how did titchener get in his later yrs?
    more restrictive
  26. what took over after titchener?
    functionalism and behaviorism
  27. what happened at the apa conference?
    titchners theory failed
  28. where did munsterberg work?
  29. who supported munsterberg?
    william james
  30. what type of theorpist was munsterberg?
    directive( told ppl they would get better)
  31. who created eye witness report?
  32. who bashed the legal system nd women on the jury?
  33. what was munsterberg's book?
    psych and industrial affiency
  34. what was munsterberg defamed for?
    he was the german spokesman
  35. what is psychophysics?
    bring together psychical world and psychological world
  36. what is the two-point discrimination threshold?
    mastered using two point feeling
  37. what is jud?
    min amount of difference in the weight to notice/ 1/10th change it 10 to feel the difference
  38. what is corpus calosum?
    if you cut this then you will be two different ppl, bundle of fibers between two hempspheres
  39. what are nonsense syllables?
    2200 syllables were studied then let time go by and say that Fechner only could remember 50 percent after a hour
  40. what is sleeping slows forgetting?
    fechner sleep and studied and he remembered more then studing and walking around
  41. why did fechner invent intelligence testing?
    to question the valitiy of another researcher
  42. what are the pysch of mental acts?
    ideating, judging, loveing versus hating
  43. what did Carl stumf believe about interpretation?
    it was inate
  44. what is tone pych?
    colors, tones/ sensory or imaginative
  45. who was the first psch chair of philosophy at the univ of berlin?
    Carl stumf
  46. what did the clever hans experiment prove?
    that u need to listen for why your need experiemental controls
  47. who is kulpe?
    earned a phd under wundt( act psychologist)
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history systems psyc