PSY Chapter 6 Questions

  1. When our mental activity undergoes a change in quality or pattern, this is called a(n) __________ .

    C. Altered state of consciousness
  2. The sleep-wake cycle is a(n) ________ rhythm, normally occurring every 24 hours.

    C. Circadian
  3. In which stage of sleep is a person is very hard to awaken?

    B. Stage four
  4. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of REM sleep?

    B. slower, deeper breathing
  5. Acting out your nightmares is a rare condition called______ .

    D. REM behavior disorder.
  6. In which disorder does breathing stop for nearly half a minute or more?

    A. sleep apnea
  7. Which of the following is bad advice for someone suffering from insomnia?

    A. Lie in bed until you fall asleep, even if it takes several hours.
  8. Nightmares occur in_______ sleep, whereas night terrors occur in ____ sleep.

    C. REM; NREM
  9. What term do psychologists use to designate our personal awareness of feelings, sensations, and thoughts?

    A. consciousness
  10. A biological cycle, or rhythm, that is approximately 24 hours long is a(n) ______ cycle.

    D. circadian
  11. If the EEG record reveals evidence of very small and very fast waves, you are likely to concludethat the sleeping person is

    A. really not sleeping and is awake.
  12. Each of the following is true of sleepwalking EXCEPT ______.

    C. waking a sleepwalker is dangerous
  13. For several months, Ted has been taking increasingly larger doses of barbiturate sleeping pills totreat insomnia. He just decided to quit taking any barbiturate sleeping pills. What is likely to happen to Ted when he stops taking the barbiturate sleeping pills?

    A. He will experience the REM rebound
  14. REM paralysis

    B. prevents the acting out of dreams.
  15. REM behavior disorder results from

    C. failure of the pons to block brain signals to the muscles.
  16. What is the rationale for the use of “sleepwalking” as a defense for committing a crime?

    A. The suspect actually suffers from REM behavior disorder and was unknowingly acting outa dream.
  17. Mary is having insomnia. Which piece of advice would you give to help her deal with it?

    C. Don’t do anything but sleep in your bed
  18. Sleep apnea is a disorder characterized by _________.

    A. difficulty breathing while asleep
  19. a cycle of bodily rhythm that occurs over a 24-hour period.
    circadian rhythm
  20. a person’s awareness of everything that is going on around him or her at anygiven moment.
  21. state in which there is a shift in the quality or pattern of mental activity ascompared to waking consciousness.
    altered states of consciousness
  22. the inability to get to sleep, stay asleep, or get a good quality of sleep.
  23. sleep disorder in which a person falls immediately into REM sleep duringthe day, without warning.
  24. relatively rare disorder in which the person experiences extreme fear andscreams or runs around during deep sleep, without waking fully.
    night terrors
  25. bad dreams occurring during REM sleep.
  26. any of the stages of sleep that do not include REM.
    non-REM sleep
  27. stage of sleep in which the eyes move rapidly under the eyelids and theperson is typically experiencing a dream.
    rapid eye movement(REM) sleep
  28. a rare disorder in which the mechanism that blocks the movement of thevoluntary muscles fails to function, allowing the person to thrash around andeven get up and act out nightmares.
    REM behavior disorder
  29. the inability to move the voluntary muscles during REM sleep.
    REM paralysis
  30. increased amounts of REM sleep after being deprived of REM sleep onearlier nights.
    REM rebound
  31. disorder in which the person stops breathing for nearly half a minute or moreduring sleep.
    sleep apnea
  32. occurring during the deep sleep of Stage 4 non-REM sleep, an episode ofmoving around or walking around in one’s sleep.
  33. state in which thoughts, feelings, and sensations are clear, organized, and theperson feels alert.
    waking consciousness
  34. Most of our time awake is spent in a state called_______ , in which our thoughts, feelings, and sensations are clear and organized, and we feel alert.

    C. waking consciousness
  35. Which of the following situations is NOT an altered state of con­sciousness?

    B. You are concentrating on a math test.
  36. Which of the following is NOT an example of a circadian rhythm?

    B. menstrual cycle
  37. What is the first stage of sleep in which, if awakened, you will real­ize that you were asleep?

    B. Stage Two
  38. In which stage of sleep do night terrors occur?

    C. Stage Four
  39. Sleepwalking________ .

    D. is partly hereditary.
  40. Night terrors________ .

    C. are more common in children.
  41. Which of the following statements about REM sleep is FALSE?

    C. Lack of REM sleep produces psychological disorders.
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PSY Chapter 6 Questions
PSY Chapter 6 Questions