Social Psych Ch. 6

  1. Conformity
    A change in behavior or belief as a result of real (or imagined) group pressure
  2. Compliance
    Conformity where one acts in accordance with request while privately disagreeing
  3. Obedience
    Acting in accordance with a direct order or command, Acceptance distinguishes obedience from conformity
  4. Sherif's studies
    • participants stared at stationary light on wall and discussed how much it moved.
    • Deals with: Conformity
  5. Social Contagion
    Mimicking the behaviors of others (often unconsciously)
  6. Asch's Line experiment
    determine which line is the same while discussing with confederates. confederates would say wrong line and 75% of time participants conformed

    Deals with: conformity
  7. Milgram's Obedience experiment
    participants acted as teacher and had to shock the "learner"
  8. Factors that increase obedience
    • authority must be legitimate
    • authority present
    • depersonalize victims (ex saying collateral damage)
    • chains of command
  9. Factors that decrease obedience
    • learner (person getting shocked) in same room
    • commands inconsistent
    • other people who disobey
  10. Predictions of Conformity
    • situational features- group consensus
    • group size-between 2 and 7
    • behavior done publicly
  11. Group cohesiveness
    how much members feel bonded to group
  12. Status
    power or prestige of group, more conformity to higher status groups
  13. Prior commitment
    conformity decreases when prior commitment made
  14. Informational Influence
    group's behavior tell us what is right
  15. Normative Influence
    we want to fit in and be accepted by group
  16. Most Likely to Conform
    Collectivistic countries, adapting to a new role (new initiates)
  17. Reactance
    motive to protect or restore sense of freedom
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Social Psych Ch. 6
Exam 2. Ch. 6