
  1. Responsibility
    Being reliable and dependable

    Something you have to do to be a good responsible citizen.
  2. Pluralist society
    a society in which many different groups and political parties are allowed to exist.
  3. Rule of Law
    The principle that no government or person is above the law
  4. community
    a group of people living in a particular local area
  5. common good
    is the good of a community
  6. Citizen
    a native or naturalized member of a state or other political community
  7. purposeful citizenship
    • beliefs and values of democratic citizenship
    • personal beliefs and values
    • governing diverse communities
  8. Active citizenship
    • inquiry and research skills
    • decision making and conflict resolution
    • collaboration- working together
    • citizenship participation/ community involvement
  9. Politics
    human activity in which one individual or group opposed to another mobilizes support to obtain power to govern
  10. Power
    ability of a group or individual to get what it wants
  11. Authority
    The right to give orders or make decisions
  12. Coercion
    Use of threats or force to intimidate citizens. Example through army/police
  13. Influence
    • the ability to persuade people to do something
    • Example through laws or advertising
  14. Ideology
    A set of beliefs or values especially about how society should be organized and what goals it should persue
  15. Authoritarian, Autocratic
    Leader is the boss and has the final say in all decisions

    • Advantages
    • Fast solutions
    • Can control everyone
    • Good during emergencies

    • Disadvantages
    • Everyone is not happy
    • people don't get a choice
  16. Democratic
    • leader supports open discussions and sharing of ideas between others
    • Decisions are made through a consensus, agreement or voting.

    • Advantages
    • people can participate
    • Majority Wins

    • Disadvantages
    • can take a lot of time
    • debates/conflicts
  17. Leissez Faire
    (Let it be)
    • Leader refuses to accept leadership role and gives up assisting with decision making.
    • Leader doesn't lead discussions or make any decisions.

    • Advantage
    • freedom
    • citizens have the power

    • Disadvantages
    • people could get out of control
    • too much freedom
  18. Right side of the political spectrum
    • government should be as small as possible and not interfere too much in business
    • lower taxes
    • people should live by tradition
  19. left of the political spectrum
    • government has a responsibility to care for all people.
    • higher taxes for special programs.
    • open to new values that include personal freedoms.
    • change should be reflective of society.
    • individual right have high priority.
  20. rights
    • something you are allowed to do with being punished.
    • permissions for legal and moral nature
  21. democracy
    a system of decisions that uses a majority vote of members or elected representatives to make a decisions.
  22. fascism
    a system of government in which nationalism is promoted, labour and industries are regulated by a strong national government and all oppositions are suppressed
  23. socialism
    an economic system based on government control of the economy for the benefit of the people.
  24. communism
    any economic system based on ownership by the community or workers of all property and the means of production and distribution.
  25. lobbying can be divided into 3 categories
    • 1) cooperative
    • 2) Non-cooperation
    • 3) Intervention
  26. Intervention
    participation in a demonstration protesting

    occupy land that is being misused

    put yourself between people or groups that are trying to harm other
  27. non- cooperation
    • refuse to buy goods from a certain company or country
    • refuse to obey a law that you think is unjust
    • refuse to pay taxes
  28. cooperative protest
    • write letters of protest government representatives
    • hold public meetings
    • start a petition
    • advertise a cause with flyers/posters/newsletters
  29. voting
    electing a representative of their choice
  30. lobbying
    practicing private advocacy with the goal of influencing a governing body so that an individual's or organization's point of view is represented in the government.
  31. government
    the rule or authority over a country, province, or district.
  32. civil society
    a caring, peaceful, and supportive society where humans are respected.
  33. freedoms
    the absence of interference of the sovereiguty
  34. majority rule
    the group that has more than 1/2 the voters wins
  35. minority rights
    normal individual rights as applied to numbers of racial ethnic, religion groups
  36. civics
    civics is the study of duties and right of citizenship.
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Civics Class