1. Normal Sinus Rhythm
    • Rate-- 60-100 bpm
    • Rhythm-- R-R intervals are constant; rhythm regular
    • P Wave-- Uniform & 1 for each QRS
    • PRI-- 0.12-0.20 sec & constant
    • QRS-- < 0.12 sec

    • Sinus Bradycardia
    • Rate-- < 60 bpm
    • Rhythm-- R-R intervals constant & rhythm reg
    • P Wave-- Uniform & 1 for each QRS
    • PRI-- 0.12-0.20 sec & constant
    • QRS-- < 0.12 sec
  2. Sinus Tachycardia
    • Rate-- 100-160 bpm
    • Rhythm-- R-R intervals constant & rhythm reg
    • P Wave-- Uniform & 1 for every QRS
    • PRI-- 0.12-0.20 sec & constant
    • QRS-- < 0.12
  3. Sinus Arrhythmia
    • Rate-- 60-100 bpm but can be slower
    • Rhythm-- R-R interval varies & rhythm is slightly irr
    • P Wave-- Uniform & 1 for every QRS
    • PRI-- 0.12-0.20 sec & constant
    • QRS-- <0.12 sec
  4. Wandering Atrial Pacemaker
    • Rate-- 60-100 bpm but can be slower
    • Rhythm-- slightly irr
    • P Wave-- 1 P for every QRS but may tough to see depending on pacemaker site
    • PRI-- 0.12-0.20 sec. Some PRI may be < 0.12
    • QRS-- < 0.12 sec
  5. Premature Atrial Contraction (PAC)
    • Rate-- Depends on underlying rhythm
    • Rhythm-- single ectopic beat will effect regularity of underlying rhythm
    • P Wave-- P wave of premature beat differs fr morphology of P Waves of underlying rhythm. Ectopic beat will have a P wave but it can be unusual - Can be notched, flattened or buried in the preceding T wave
    • PRI-- 0.12-0.20 but can be prolonged. PRI of ectopic beat probably different than that of underlying rhythm
    • QRS-- < 0.12 sec
  6. Atrial Tachycardia (rapid A Fib)
    • Rate-- 150-250 bpm
    • Rhythm-- R-R interval constant & rhythm reg
    • P Waves-- 1 for every QRS. P's may be hidden in T's.
    • PRI- 0.12-0.20 sec & constant. P may be difficult to measure if hidden in T's.
    • QRS-- < 0.12 sec
  7. Atrial Flutter
    • Rate-- Atrial rate 250-350, Ventricular rate varies
    • Rhythm-- Atrial is regular. Ventricular can be reg or IR
    • P Wave-- P replaced by "f" waves in a saw tooth pattern
    • PRI-- Not measurable
    • QRS-- < 0.12 sec-
  8. Atrial Fibrillation (A Tach)
    • Rate-- Atrial = 350-400 Ventricular = Variable
    • Rhythm-- IR-IR
    • P Waves-- Ps replaced by "f" waves
    • PRI-- Not discernable
    • QRS-- Usually < 0.12 sec
  9. PVC
    • Rate-- Depends on underlying rhythm
    • Rhythm-- Can be R or IR
    • P Waves-- W/underlying rhythm only
    • PRI-- None w/PVC. Underlying rhythm yes
    • QRS-- PVC > or equal to 0.12; usually wide & bizarre
  10. SVT
    • Rate--Atrial & vent = 150-250
    • Rhythm-- R
    • P Waves-- Usually not discernable
    • PRI-- Usually not discernable
    • QRS-- < 0.12
  11. V Tach
    • Rate-- 150-250 bpm
    • Rhythm-- Atrial not discernible, Ventricular is R
    • P Waves-- May or may not be present & not associated w/QRS
    • PRI-- None
    • QRS-- Bizarre morphology > 0.12
  12. V-Fib
    • Rate-- Not discernible
    • Rhythm-- Not discernible
    • P Waves-- None
    • PRI-- None
    • QRS-- None
  13. 2nd Degree AV Block (Mobitz II)
    • Rate-- Atrial R; Ventricular Brady
    • Rhythm-- Atrial R; Ventricular IR
    • P Waves-- More Ps than QRS's
    • PRI-- Normal then QRS drops a beat
    • QRS-- < 0.12
  14. 3rd Degree AV Block (complete)
    • Rate-- 60-100 bpm
    • Rhythm-- R
    • P Waves-- Present but no relation to QRS
    • PRI-- Variable
    • QRS-- Normal
  15. 1st Degree Block
    • Rate-- Based on underlying rhythm
    • Rhythm-- R
    • P Waves-- Normal
    • PRI-- > 0.20
    • QRS-- < 0.12
  16. Junctional
    • Rate-- 40-60 bpm
    • Rhythm-- R
    • P Waves-- May be inverted, missing, b/f, aft or lost in QRS
    • PRI-- None
    • QRS-- Normal
  17. Accelerated Junctional
    • Rate-- 60-100
    • Rhythm-- R
    • P Wave-- May be inverted, missing, b/f, aft or lost in QRS
    • PRI-- None
    • QRS-- Normal
  18. Junctional Tach
    • Rate-- 100-180 bpm
    • Rhythm-- R
    • P Wave-- May be inverted, missing, b/f, aft or lost in QRS
    • PRI-- None
    • QRS-- Normal
  19. 2nd Degree Type I (Wenckebach)
    • Rate-- Atrial = Normal ; Ventricular = Slower than atrial
    • Rhythm-- R-IR
    • P Waves-- Present
    • PRI-- Variable (longer, longer, longer, gone)
    • QRS-- Normal
  20. Ventricular Escape (Agonal)
    • Rate-- Depends on underlying rhythm
    • Rhythm-- IR
    • P Waves-- Not present b/f PVC
    • PRI-- None
    • QRS-- Widened, > 0.12 sec
  21. Idioventricular
    • Rate-- 20-40 bpm
    • Rhythm-- Reg
    • P Waves-- None
    • PRI-- None
    • QRS-- Wide > 0.12 sec
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Rhythm card by 5 Rules