Animal Bio Lab Quiz

  1. Define endotherm
    • produce own heat (warm blooded) through respiration
    • -maintain constant body temp warmer than environment
    • -keep warm to keep enzymes active
  2. Define ambient
    • temp around us is high/lower
    • -maintain temp by sweating/shivering i.e., frost bite
  3. Define ectotherms (room temp blooded)
    • don't use heat from respiration; temp is ambient
    • advantage: don't have to eat very much; don't produce energy
    • disadvantage: decrease enzymes activity
    • i.e., as temperature drop respiration slow down
  4. Anterior
    toward head
  5. Posterior
    toward rear
  6. Dorsal
    back side
  7. Ventral
    stomach side
  8. How are the trunk divided?
    • Into three subregions
    • thoracic
    • abdominal
    • sacral
  9. What does the thoracis subregion include?
    • rubs
    • pectoral girdle
  10. What does the abdominal subregion include?
    • umbilical cord on ventral surface at midline
    • male external urogenital opening is posterior to umbilical cord
    • five to eight pairs of teats or mammae
  11. What does the sacral subregion include?
    • stiffened by pelvic girdle
    • anus is ventral to the base of the tail on caudal aspect of the trunk
    • female pigs genital papilla and external urogenital ventral to the anus
    • males have scrotum here
  12. How many coelomic cavities does the thoracic subregion contains?
    • pericardial cavity
    • pleural cavity
  13. What is the lining of the abd cavity called?
  14. mesenteries
    the transparent membranes suspending or supporting the visceral organs
  15. Where can you find the thymus gland? Describe it.
    • Either side of the larynx into the thorax and covering the anterior end of the heart
    • bi-lobed mass, usually light in color
    • left lobe larger
  16. Where can you find the thyroid gland? Describe it?
    • dorsal of the thymus glad and towards the middle
    • compact, dark structure
  17. Where can you find the larynx?
    middle, superior to thyroid gland, between jugular veins
  18. Where is the liver located? Describe
    • posterior to the diaphragm
    • large, dark brown, compose of 5 lobes
  19. Where is the stomach located? describe
    • left side, posterior to the liver
    • light colored
  20. Where is the spleen located? describe
    • attached to ventro-lateral border of the stomach
    • leaf-shaped
  21. What does the digestive system compose of?
    mouth, oral cavity, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, and anus, plus the salivary glads, liver, and pancreas
  22. Where is the epiglottis located? describe
    • posterior edge of the tongue
    • ventral flap of tissue
  23. Where is the glottis located? describe
    dorsal to the epiglottis
  24. Where is the esophagus located?
    dorsal to the epiglottis
  25. Describe the stomach
    • bean-shaped sac with an entrance and an outlet, convex curve
    • portion esophagus empties is call the cardiac end
    • portion where sm intestine begins is called the pyloric end
  26. Describe the liver
    4 principle lobes and smaller 5th lobe
  27. Where is the gall bladder found? describe
    • posterior surface of the right central lobe of the liver
    • connected to hepatic ducts
  28. Describe the pancreas
    • dorsal wall of the abdominal cavity
    • end of region is the pancreatic duct which enters the intestine
  29. Where is the kidneys located? describe
    dorsal body wall lateral to the midline and outside the peritoneum
  30. Where is the ureter? describe
    • passes from the kidney to enter the allantoic bladder
    • light colored
  31. Where is the urethra? describe
    • leading from the bladder
    • female is short and joins the vagina
    • male urethra is much longer and passes out through the penis
  32. Where is the adrenal gland located? describe
    • medial to the kidney along its anterior half
    • elogate, light-colored
    • part of endocrine system
  33. Where is the uterus located? describe
    anterior to the vagina; continuation of it
  34. Where is the urogenital sinus located?
    posterior to the juncture of the urethra and the vagina
  35. where is the clitoris located?
    inside sinus on the ventral surface of its posterior end
  36. Where is the uterine horns located?
    anterior to the cervix corpus
  37. Where is the seminal vesicles located?
    dorsal to the urethra
Card Set
Animal Bio Lab Quiz
Notes from lab