What is interpretation? - Definitions
"the formal process of explain to people the significance of a place or object they have come to see... so that they enjoy their visit more, understand their heritage and environment better and... develop a more caring attitude towards conservation"
"communicating ideas and feelins which help people to understand more about themselves and the environment"
What is interpretation? - Two categories
Non-Personal Interpretation includes:
- Signs
- displays/exhibits
- props
- brochures/maps
- guide books
- audio tours
- interactive media
- mobile media
- virtual media
Personal interpretation includes:
- roving guides
- guided tours
- visitor centres
- re-enactments
Pearce's Place Model for Tourist Sites
A successful place integrates which three components?
- Resources (physical/cultural setting/reource)
- Conceptions (meanings & understandings)
- Activites (available on-site for visitors)
What are the four goals of interpretation?
- Enhancing visitor experiences
- Managing visitors & their impacts
- Encouraging learning
- Producing mindful visitors
What are the two types of learning discussed?
- Conditioning (classical & operant)
- Cognitive (iconic rote, vicarious, reasoning)
Types of Learning
Cognitive Learning - what is the emphasis and the four stages?
Emphasis: the thinking rather than the doing aspects of learning
- Four stages:
- 1. Formulation & Hypothesis about products or brands
- 2. Exposure to evidence (passive/active)
- 3. Encoding of the evidence
- 4. Integration of earlier hypotheses with new information into beliefs
Learning Influences
The strength of learning is influenced by:
- importance
- involvement
- mood
- reinforcement
- stimulus repetitions
- imagery
What is mindfulness?
"a flexible cognitive state that results from drawing novel distinctions about the situation and environment"
"active processing of information and questioning of what is going on in a setting, actively noticing new things"
What is mindlessness?
"A state of rigidity in which one adheres to a single perspective and acts automatically"
"Reliance on categorisations & routines derived in the past"
Outcomes of Mindulness
- learning and recall
- feelings of control
- detailed memories
- positive evaluations
- better choices
- feelings of acheivements
Outcomes of Mindlessness?
- No learning
- feelings
- limited memories
- negative evaluations
- poor choices
- feelings of incompetence
Factors which trigger Mindfulness include:
- personal interest/importance
- relevance of situation
- activity (involvement)
- control (responsibility)
- interaction (participation)
- novelty (surprise)
What are the six prinicples of Effective Interpretation?
- 1. Vary the interpretive experience
- 2. Capture visitor attention
- 3. Practise participation
- 4. Provide personal connections
- 5. Provide clear content
- 6. Allow for alternative audiences
Principles of Effective Interpretation
How to vary the interpretive experience
- encourage visitors to use multiple senses
- incorporate social elementinto the experience
- vary level of physical activity
- incorporate mental activity/challenges
- vary types of media used
Principles of Effective Interpretaion
How to get and hold visitor attention
- extreme stimuli (colour, size, volume)
- movement and contrast
- unexpected, novel, surprising things
- things connecting with the individual
- interactive exhibits
Principles of Effective Interpretation
How to practice participation
TOUR2001 Lecture TenPrin
- asking visitors questions
- encourage visitors to ask questions
- creat quizzes and puzzles for visitors to solve
- seek out topic areas from visitors
Principles of Effective Interpretation
What are the three M's of personal connections?
How to provide personal connections?
3Ms - moving, memorable, meaningful
- - Static displays use conversational text
- - use of analogies and metaphors
- - use stories that visitors can relate to
- - present topics direclty related to visitor experiences
- - encouraege visitors to ask questions
Principles of Effective Interpretation
How to provide clear content
- Structure of message = important
- Avoid detail and complicated terms
Principles of Effective Interpretation
Allowing for alternative audiences
- Find common ground with audience
- Build on existing knowledge base
- Pitch communication/message at right level
- Flexibility in delivery
- Key = Respecting & Understanding
The 4 steps to planning interpretation
- 1. Goals - why?
- 2. Audience Profile - who?
- 3. Resource themes - what?
- 4. Technique - how?