TOUR2001 Lecture Eight

  1. What is the experience economy?
    • Idea made popular by Pine and Gilmore (1999)
    • Supposedly the next stage in progression of production and consumption
  2. Experience economy definitions:
    • "experience occurs whenever a company intentionally uses services as the stage and goods as props to enage an individual"
    • "a customer experience is an interaction between an organisation and a custome. It is a blend of an organisations physical performance, the senses stimulated and emotions evoked..."
  3. Experience Economy Concepts
    What does a person purchase when buying a service?
    A set of intangible activities carried out on their behalf
  4. Experience Economy Concepts
    When a person buys an experience, what are they purchasing?
    They pay to spend time enjoying a series of memorable events a company stages to engage them in a personal way
  5. Experience Economy Concepts
    Schmitt (2003) theory:
    • Sense
    • Feel
    • Think
    • Act
    • Relate
  6. Experience Economy Concepts
    Knutson and Beck (2003) use of all of these theories (from Schmitt) but added:
    • Virtual vs Real
    • Novel vs Common
    • Aim of the experience
  7. Experience Economy Concepts
    Gentile et al (2007) thoery:
    Type of value or benefit - either utilitarian (functional benefit) or hedonic (just enjoyable)
  8. What are the five phases from the model of recreational experiences?
    What are they all influenced by?
    • - Aticipation
    • - Transit experience
    • - On-site experience
    • - Return transit experience
    • - Reflection

    Social and psychological influences
  9. Staging Experiences
    Common views of experiences
    • Offer visitors some sort of value or benefit
    • Personal relevance for the customer
    • An element of learning
    • Interaction/engagement
    • Novelty/surprise
    • Happen over time
    • Multisensory
    • Memorable
    • Co-created
  10. Authentic Experiences
    Perceived by visitors as:
    • Real
    • Genuine
    • Untouched
    • Unspoiled
  11. Authentic Settings
    Categories of tourist Settings (MacCannell's Approach)
    • 1. Front Stage
    • 2. Staged Authenticity
    • 3. Authentic Backstage region
  12. Cohen's Typology of Tourists
    5 types based on experiences sought:
    • Recrational tourist - physical activity
    • Diversionary tourist- escaping everyday life
    • Experiential tourist - search for authentic experiences
    • Existential tourist - total immersion in culture & lifestyle of dest.
    • Experimental tourist - desire to be in contact with local people
  13. Autenticity and People
    Authenticity achieved on the basis of:
    • combination of people and setting
    • people based experiences in isolation
    • environment or setting based
    • experiences in isolation
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TOUR2001 Lecture Eight
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