Axial Muscles

  1. Orbicularis Oris
    • origin-manubrium
    • insertion-lips
    • action-controls lips
  2. sternocleidomastoid
    • origin-manubrium, medial 1/3 of clavicle
    • insertion-mastoid process, occipital bone
    • aciton-flexion and lateral flexion of neck
  3. rectus abdominus
    • origin-pubic crest, symphasis
    • insertion-xyphoid process
    • action-flexion of vertebral column
  4. external oblique
    • origin-external surfaces of inferior 8 ribs
    • insertion-pubic and iliac crest
    • action-rotation and lateral flexion of trunk
  5. pectoralis major
    • origin-medial half of clavicle, sternum
    • insertion-lateral lip of intertubercular groove on humerus
    • action-flextion, medial rotation, adduction of arm
  6. latissimus dorsi
    • origin-spinous processes of vertebrae (T6-12), iliac crest
    • insertion-intertubercular groove of humerus
    • action-extension, adduction,medial rotation of arm
  7. trapezius
    • origin-posterior surface of occipital bone
    • insertion-lateral 1/3 of clavicle, acromion
    • action-elevate, retract, depress scapula
  8. deltoid
    • origin-lateral third of clavicle, acromion
    • insertion-deltoid tuberosity of gumerus
    • action-medial rotation, flexion, abduction of arm
Card Set
Axial Muscles
bio lab session 6