Review for Avdance Preaching Midterm

  1. What does John McDowell reguarding is it true or will it work.
    Parents would ask "Is it true?" If it was true, then it would work.

    Children and today's generation ask, "Will it work?" And if it works, they assume that it is true.
  2. What generation does deductive sermons fit and why?
    -Fits older generation

    -Because the deductive sermon declares the truth and then proves it to be true and shows how it works
  3. What Generation does Inductive sermons fit and why?
    - Todays generation

    • - Because the inductive sermon explores
    • whether or not something works,
    • or how something works,
    • or if something works
    • THEN concludes that it is true, or finds truth in the Journey
  4. What nature are narative sermons?
  5. In a true narrative, what is the focus on


    how is told?
    - The Focus is on the story

    - It is told in an inductive way
  6. In a true inductive what is the subject?
    The story
  7. How do you know if one has grasped the idea of inductive?
    If one can turn a subject into a story with a requisite plot, characters, etc.
  8. What is another way to look at inductive?
    - To consider a Journey.

    - We are taking walk/drive with audience

    -at the end we need to arrive at our destination.
  9. Is an Inductive outline horizontal or vertical?
  10. When thinking of an inductive outline, in what terms should you think?
    Think in terms of scenes and moves

    rather than
    points and sub-points.
  11. What is Lewis' image of an inductive outline?

    And describe.
    - a Whirlpool, one circles idea in even tighter concentric circles until one finds the subject.

    - A cone shaped mountain, and a trail that circles higher and higher until the summit is reached.
  12. What is another illustration of inductive outline.
    That of a chalk artist and picture emerging at the end after the application of seemingly urelated colors and shapes.
  13. Inductive preaching is an advanced form of preaching and more room to go astray.

    What do we need to remember about this?
    In Inductive sermon

    - One of the points might not make sense

    - but since one declares objective at beginning

    - and shoots the arrow of the homiletical idea many times

    -There are many recovery points.
  14. Besides good intuition what 2 things does inductive thinking require?
    The preacher must have

    1 - Clear, Logical thinking skills

    2 - Understanding the big picture of the sermon
  15. What formats may inductive preaching include?
    1 - narrative

    2 - multiple narratives

    3 - expository

    4 - topical

    Key point : Each of these can be developed in a deductive or inductive style
  16. Does inductive preaching invovle 3-dimensional or 2-dimensional thinking?
    3 dimensional thinking
  17. In inductive preaching what is the main idea about 3-dimensional thinking?
    - The audience wants to see a 3-dimentional plan

    - They want to see what the picture looks like

  18. In inductive preaching, where does success lie?
    1 - in the details

    2 - in the transitions
  19. What is Lowry's illustration of bricks and mortar?
    In Deductive preaching we focus on bricks

    in Inductive preaching we focus on mortar

    • Both are important to sermon... but real question is on emphasis like right and left thinking
  20. Where is the main point in deductive sermons stated?
    At the outset -- declaring where we're going to go in the rest of the sermon.
  21. Where does Induction begin?
    - particulars of life experience


    - points toward principles, concepts, conclusions.
  22. Where can the inductive course grow out of?
    The hearer's need

    not the uncertainty of the preacher
  23. In induction what 5 things must the preacher do?
    1 - Seek to lead rather than push

    2 - explore with the people before he explains what they find

    3 - Inductive preaching is a quest for discovery

    4 - It can -disarm, -interest, and -involve the people in the exploration

    5 - It can capitalize on the psychological process of learning from experience.
  24. Regarding exploration what do we do with the congregations?
    We take the congregation on exploration

    Rather than coming back and telling them the results of the exploration
  25. What two basic structures have philosophers found for all human patterns?


  26. What 6 things did Jesus use to preach?
    1 - Narrative

    2 - Parables

    3 - analogy

    4 - dialogue

    5 - questions

    6 - references to common experiences
  27. Into What four steps can Jesus method of preaching be outlined?
    1 - Introduce Idea

    2 - Explain - illustrate simply

    3 - Reason-appeal to the mind

    4 - Apply - "go and do"
  28. What is an acronym for the 4 steps of Exegesis - "Climing up the Mountain?"

    and what does it stand for?
    PCSP - Pizza Come Soon Please

    • Plot
    • Characters
    • Settings
    • Point of View
  29. In Exegesis - "Climbing up the Mountain" what 4 points are there in Plot?
    PART - *Plot Stages *Archetypes *Repetition *Time and Space

    - Plot Stages: Determine the story's expositino, crisis, resolution, and conclusion

    - Archetypes: Identify plot patterns or motifs (comedy, tragedy, etc.)

    - Repetition - Notice key words, changes or duplication in command fulfillment, and unnecessary repetition of names and pronouns.

    - Time and Space: Compare narrative time (length of events) to naration time (length of telling)
  30. In Exegesis - "Climbing up the Mountain" what are the 6 points in Characters ?
    CDB NDD --------Call David Because Now Does Did

    Classifications: Identify characters as major (protagonist, antagonist, foil) or minor.

    Direct Descriptions: Look for the occasional statement about a character’s appearance.

    Behavior: Observe the characters’ actions for insight into their personalities and nature.

    Names: Notice the significance behind names of characters.

    Designation: Pay attention to how the narrator or other characters describe a character.

    Dialogue: Listen to speech for insight into characters and for clues pointing to meaning.
  31. In Exegesis - "Climbing up the Mountain" what are the 2 points in Setting?
    Double i

    -Textual: Check the text for the story’s temporal, geographical, and cultural setting.

    Inter-Textual: Check the content for the story’s role in the larger narrative framework.
  32. In Exegesis - "Climbing up the Mountain" what are the 3 points in Point of View
    • FOI
    • Focalization: Notice whether the perspective is external (the reader’s) or internal (the character’s or narrator’s).

    Omniscience: Identify narrator statements that give inside views or privileged information.

    Irony: Determine the occurrence of verbal, dramatic, or situational irony.
  33. Regarding the Big Idea what 2 main points are there?
    1 - Components: of a Big Idea

    1 - Expression of a Big Idea
  34. What are the 2 components of a Big Idea?
    1 - Subject - What Am I talking about

    2 - Complement - What Am I saying about What I'm Talking about?
  35. What are the 3 Expressions of a Big Idea?
  36. Exegetical Idea: Sentence statement of the author’s intended meaning that reflects the time and culture of the original audience.
    Theological Idea: Big idea stated in timeless language that applies to God’s people living in any stage of salvation history.

    Homiletical or Preaching Idea: Making the statement of the Big Idea in a more personal, contemporary way.
  37. What are the 8 types of induction?
    EEB NAC PE -

    Enumeration, Elimination, Biography

    Narrative, Analogy, Casual Relation

    Problem, Elimination

    1 - Enumeration - Most Simple and Straight Forward

    2 - Exploration - More Complex - more examples from many different sides of a subjext

    3 - Biography - present biography as an inductive case study

    4 - Narrative - Can preach both simple and complex stories

    5 - Analogy - 4 kinds of analgy

    • 6 - Casual Relation - Sermons that examines or searches for cause and effect.
    • 7 - Problem Solution or Question and Answer - Why does God allow Suffering etc.

    8 - Elimination - After problem or question check off wrong/inadequate/incomplete - process of elimination and conclusion
  38. What four kinds of analogy are there?
    RCSF - Relational, Comparative, Spatial, Functional

    1 - Relational - (Father-son, Bride-groom, etc.)

    2 - Comparative - (dos, swine, treasures, etc.)

    3 - Spatial - (highest, deepest, etc)

    4 - Functional - ( Fruit, walls, head, salt, light, door, etc)
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Review for Avdance Preaching Midterm
Review for Advanced Preaching Midterm