Chp. 14-15

  1. Biogenesis
    States that all living things come from other living things
  2. Spontaneous Generation
    Process which living things could also arise from nothing
  3. Radiometric Dating
    Method of establishing the age of material
  4. Mass Number
    An isotope is the total number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus
  5. Radioactive Decay
    When isotopes nuclei release particles or radiant energy or both, until the nuclei became stable
  6. Radioactive Isotopes
    Isotopes that their nuclei release particles or rasiant energy, or both, until the nuclei becaome stable
  7. Half-life
    The length of time it takes for one-half size sample of an isotope to decay to a stable form
  8. Microshperes
    Structures that are spherical in shape and are composed of many protein molecules that are organizedas a membrane
  9. Coacervates
    Collection of droplets that are composed of molecules of different types, including lipids, amino acids, and sugars
  10. Ribozyme
    RNA molecule that can act as a catalyst and promote a specific chemical reaction
  11. Archea
    A related group of unicellular organisms, many of which thrive under extremely harsh environmental conditions
  12. Chemosynthesis
    CO2 serves as a carbon source for the assembly of organic molecules
  13. Ozone
    Is poisonous to both plant and animal life, but absorbs the ultraviolent radiation from the sun
  14. Endosymbiosis
    Theory that suggests that between about 2.0 billion and 1.5 billion years ago, a type of small aerobic prokaryote was engulfed by and began to live and reproduce inside of a larger, anaerobic prokaryote
  15. Evolution
    The development of new types of organisms from preexisting types of organisms over time
  16. Strata
    Rock layers
  17. Natural Selection
    The theory that states that the more adapted will survive and reproduce
  18. Overproduction
    More offspring can be produced than can survive to maturity
  19. Genetic Variation
    Individuals have different traits
  20. Struggle to Survive
    Individuals must compete with each other in what Darwin called a "struggle for existance"
  21. Adaptation
    A trait that makes an individual successful in its environment
  22. Differential Reproduction
    Organisms with the best adaptations are most likely to survive and reproduce
  23. Fitness
    A measure of an individual's hereditary contribution to the next generation
  24. Fossil
    The remains or traces of an organism that died long ago
  25. Superpostion
    Principle that states that if the rock strata at a location have not been disturbed, the lowest stratum was formed before the strata above it
  26. Relative Age
    Its age compared to that of other fossils by reffering to the geologic time scale and to records of known fossils
  27. Absolute Age
    The time since formation
  28. Biogeography
    The study of the locations of organisms around the world
  29. Homologous Structures
    Anatomical structures that occur in different species and that originated by heredity from a structure in the most recent common ancestor of the species
  30. Analogous Structures
    Closely related functions but do not derive from the same ancestrial structure
  31. Vestigial Structure
    Structures that seem to serve no function but resemble structures with functional roles in related organisms
  32. Phylogeny
    The relationships by ancestry among groups of organisms
  33. Convergent Evolution
    The process by which diifferent species evolve similar traits
  34. Divergent Evolution
    A process in which the descendants of a single ancestor diversify into species that each fit different parts of the environment
  35. Adaptive Radiation
    Pattern of divergence
  36. Artificial Selection
    This process occurs when a human breeder chooses individuals that will parent the next generation
  37. Coevolution
    When two or more species have evolved adaptations to each other's influence
Card Set
Chp. 14-15
Bio H