Unit 3

  1. John Peter Zenger
    Who: a printer’s apprentice

    When: 1733 (early or mid 1700s)

    Where: New York

    What: hired by anti-gov faction of Lewis Morris to start the newspaper The New-York Weekly Journal, that publicized the tyrannical actions of Gov. Cosby --> arrested but declared innocent b/c informing ppl of attacks on their liberties

    So what: government was the people’s servant; public criticism could keep ppl with political authority responsible to the ppl they ruled--> liberty and corruption; foreshadow REVOLUTION
  2. French and Indian War
    Who: British vs. French with Indians helping both (but mostly French) --> later Fr, Austria, Russia vs. GB and Prussia

    What: represented a showdown for control of North America between Atlantic Ocean and the Mississippi R. --> Anglo-Americans win--> Spain acquired New Orleans, Louisiana, and Havana; Spanish FL surrendered to GB; French disappeared

    When: 1755-1763 (turning pt. 1757)

    Where: between Atlantic and Mississippi (all colonies)

    So What: GB felt a new sense of identity; surveyed the world free of French and Spanish threats, they began reassessing subordination to England and the advantages of standing alone
  3. The Proclamation of 1763
    Who: British Government tries to separate Natives and colonists

    When: 1763 (mid 1700s) after making peace in the French and Indian War

    Where and What: reserved all land west of the crestline of the Appalachian Mtns from Maine to Georgia for Native American nations --> FAIL b/c interior tribes would fight for their land and settlers wanted to expand

    So What: showed that there is nothing that will get in the way of British domination of colonies anymore
  4. Revenue Act
    Who: Grenville (chief minister of GB) and Parliament

    When: 1764 (mid)

    Where: colonies to England

    What: aka Sugar Act: reduced tax on imported French molasses; added colonial products to the list of commodities that could be sent only to England; required American shippers to post bonds guaranteeing observance of the trade regulations before loading their cargoes; strengthened the vice-admiralty ct. to prosecute violators of the trade acts

    So What: violated the rights of overseas English subject who were unrepresented in Parliament --> start opposition
  5. Stamp Act
    Who: Grenville and Parliament

    When: 1765 (mid)

    Where: colonies

    What: tax on every newspaper, pamphlet, almanac, legal doc, liquor license, college diploma, playing cards, and dice

    So what: mass defiance in colonies—VA House of Burgesses objected; violence in Boston; Sons of Liberty in NY --> Parliament repealed it --> damage done: Americans begin to recognize a gov’t violating their rights
  6. Quartering Act
    Who: English Parliament and ministry of George III

    When: 1765 (mid)

    Where: NY

    What: required public funds for support of British troops garrisoned in the colony since the end of the Seven Years’ War

    So What: NY’s assembly suspended until they stop defying it --> up discontent and separation form GB gov’t
  7. Lord North
    Who: king George III’s chief minister

    When: late 1700s

    Where: England/ effected colonies

    What: said dispute was not about taxes but whether England had control; “intolerable acts” after Boston Tea Party

    So What: colonies’ response: want to ban trade w/ GB; Continental Congress formed--> revolution coming b/c up discontent
  8. Continental Congress
    Who: 55 delegates from all the colonies except Georgia

    When: 1774 (1st)

    Where: Carpenters’ Hall in Philadelphia, PA

    What: discussed how to resolve sectional differences; agreed to a restrained Declaration of Rights and Resolves (define American grievances and justify the colonists’ defiance of England); if gov’t doesn’t rescind Intolerable Acts --> ban trade with GB and their territories

    So what: unified American cause
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Unit 3