PSY 300

  1. What is an expert teacher?
    • An expert teacher engages in reflective teaching or reflective practice. An expert teacher focuses on the students' needs and judges by successes. An expert teacher listens to his/her students, and is committed to the students. An expert teacher will take care of not only academic but emotional needs, and will carefully plan and teach the basic procedures for living and learning in their classes.
    • An expert teacher is able to multi-task, and is organized and prepared.
  2. Major Goal of Educational Psychology
    To understand what happens when someone teaches something to someone else in something.
  3. Common sense: Does it work in the classroom?
    • Instead of common sense, expert teachers should rely on RESEARCH!
    • There is no substitute for knowledge. A common sense approach is both inadequate and inaccurate when it comes to teaching. Beware that researcher bias can negatively influence the accuracy of research findings and how research is interpreted.
  4. 2 Main Categories of Research
    Experimental Research and Descriptive (includes Correlational Research)
  5. Research
    Descriptive Studies
    • The power of prediction!
    • Their purpose is to simply describe events in a particular class or several classes.
    • - collect detailed info about specific situations using observation, surveys, interviews, recordings or a combination of these methods.
  6. Research
    Correlation Studies
    • A research technique based on the naturally occurring relationship between 2 or more variables.
    • Describe what already is.
    • Statistical descriptions of how closely two variable are related.
    • A number that indicates both the strength and the direction of a relationship between 2 events or measurements. Correlations DO NOT show causation!
  7. Positive Correlation
    one variable gets larger so does the other - /\ and /\ or \/ and \/
  8. Negative Correlation
    one variable increases the other decreases - /\ and \/ or \/ and /\
  9. Strength of a Correlation
    • Stronger = fewer exceptions
    • The closer the correlation coefficient is to 1.0 (+ or -) the stronger it is.
    • The closer the correlation coefficient is to 0 the weaker it is.
  10. Experimental Studies
    • The power of causation.
    • Variables are manipulated and the effects recorded.
    • Single-Subject - systematic interventions to study effects with one person, often by applying and then withdrawing a treatment
    • Microgenetic Studies - detailed observation and analysis of changes in a cognitive process as the process unfolds over a several-day or several-week period of time.
  11. Causation
    when an experiment is completed, based on the findings, we may be able to say that A causes B
  12. 3 Major Influences on Self, Social & Moral Development
    • Families
    • Peers
    • Teachers
  13. Brofenbrenner
    • Bioecological Model of Human Development
    • The social contexts in which we live are ecosystems because they are in constant interaction and influence each other.
  14. Brofenbrenner - Microsystem
    A person's immediate relationships and activities. i.e. family, friends, or teachers and the activities of play and school. Relationships are reciprocal - they flow in both directions.
  15. Brofenbrenner - Mesosystem
    • Within a microsystem.
    • The set of interactions and relationships among all the elements of the microsystem. i.e. the family members interacting with each other or with the teacher. All relationships are reciprocal.
  16. Brofenbrenner - Exosystem
    Includes all the social setting that affect the child, even though the child is not a direct member of these systems. i.e. Teacher's relations with administrators and the school board, the parent's jobs
  17. Brofenbrenner - Macrosystem
    The larger society - its values, laws, conventions, and traditions.
  18. Baumrind Parenting Styles
    Authoritative Parents
    • High warmth - High control
    • more guidance
  19. Baumrind Parenting Styles
    Authoritarian Parents
    • Low warmth - High control
    • "Because I said so!" Parent
  20. Baumrind Parenting Styles
    Permissive Parents
    • High warmth - Low control
    • Few rules or consequences
  21. Baumrind Parenting Styles
    Rejecting/Neglecting/Uninvolved Parents
    • Low warmth - Low control
    • Don't seem to care - Can't be bothered
  22. Peer Aggression
    Instrumental Aggression
    Intended to gain an object or privilege
  23. Peer Aggression
    Hostile Aggression
    Inflicting intentional harm
  24. Aggression by Boys
    Overt aggression - threat or physical attacks
  25. Aggression by Girls
    Relational Aggression - threatening or damaging social relationships
  26. Reduce TV Violence by Stressing to Students:
    • 1. Most people do not behave that way.
    • 2. The violent acts on TV are not real.
    • 3. There are better ways to resolve conflicts.
  27. Does watching violent TV increase aggression?
    Yes, for both males and females.
  28. Bulimia
    Eating disorder - overeating the purge the food by self-induced vomiting or laxitives
  29. Anorexia Nervosa
    Eating disorder - very limited food intake
  30. Divorce
    Adjustment Problem Gender differences
    • Short term - Both girls and boys have problems
    • Long term - Boys have more adjustment problems, but girl's adjustment problems are harder to detect. Boys act out aggressively.
  31. Teachers
    Academic Caring
    setting high but reasonable expectations and helping students reach those goals
  32. Teachers -
    Personal Caring
    being patient, respectful, humorous, willing to listen, interested in students issues and personal problems
  33. Physical and Motor Development
    • Young Children - Gross-motor skills improve greatly (large muscle movements) and fine-motor skills improve (small muscle movements)
    • Elementary School Years - physical development is fairly steady with a tremendous variation
    • Adolescent Years - puberty marks the beginning of sexual maturity: girls between ages 10 & 11, and boys between the ages of 12 & 13
  34. Self-Concept v. Self-Esteem
    • Self-Concept - Children's understandings of themselves. The attempt to explain ourselves to ourselves. Early view of self are based on immediate behaviors and appearances as they get older they incorporate more abstract qualities.
    • Self-Esteem - The value each of us places on our own characteristics, abilities and behaviors
  35. Erik Erikson
    8 Stages of Psychosocial Development
    • Preschool Years
    • 1. Basic trust v. Mistrust birth-18 mths
    • 2. Autonomy v. Shame/doubt 18 mths-3 yrs
    • 3. Initiative v. Guilt 3 yrs-6 yrs
    • Elementary and Middle School Years
    • 4. Industry v. Inferiority 6-12 yrs
    • Adolescence Years
    • 5. Identity v. Role Confusion Adolescence
    • Beyond School Years
    • 6. Intimacy v. Isolation Young Adult
    • 7. Generativity v. Stagnation Middle Adult
    • 8. Ego Integrity v. Despair - Late Adult
  36. Erikson's Crisis & Moratorium
    • Crisis = Resolve crisis move on the the next stage
    • Moratorium = Adolescents struggling with healthy choices
  37. Marcia's 4 Identity Alternatives for Adolescents
    • 1. Identity Diffusion - Explore or Commit
    • 2. Identity Foreclosure - Explore but Commit
    • 3. Identity Achievement - Explore and Commit
    • 4. Moratorium - Explore but Commit
  38. Phinney
    4 Outcomes for Ethnic Minority Youth's Search for Identity
    • 1. Assimilation - Full Adopting
    • 2. Marginality - Alienated and uncomfortable
    • 3. Separated
    • 4. Biculturalism
  39. Cross
    Nigrescence 5 Stages
    • Pre-Encounter - Ignoring Race
    • Encounter - Encounters with racism
    • Immersion/Emersion - Transition
    • Internalization - secure and connected to
    • Internalization-Commitment - continued interest
  40. Theory of Mind
    understanding that other people are people too
  41. Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Reasoning
    3 Levels of Moral Development
    • 1. Preconventional - Judgement based on own needs
    • Stage 1 - Punishment-Obedience Orientation: rules are obeyed to avoid punishment
    • Stage 2 - Personal Reward Orientation: You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours
    • 2. Conventional - Expectations of society and law are taken into account
    • Stage 3 - Good Boy - Nice Girl Orientation: what pleases, aids and is approved by others
    • Stage 4 - Law and Order Orientation: laws are absolute
    • 3. Post Conventional - Abstract and personal principles of justice
    • Stage 5 - Social Contract Orientation: good determined by socially agreed on standards
    • Stage 6 - Universal Ethical Principle Orientation: good and right matters of individual conscience, involve abstract principles such as justice, human dignity, and equality
  42. Gilligan - Ethic of Care Moral Development
    • A criticism of Kholberg's Stages
    • The stages are biased in favor of Western male values that emphasize individualism
  43. Types of Human Development
    • Physical
    • Personal (Personality)
    • Social
    • Moral
    • Cognitive
  44. Jean Piaget
    Grew up in Switzerland and studied biology
  45. Epistemology
    The study of knowing
  46. Psychology to Piaget
    The perfect blend of biology and philosophy
  47. Piaget - Schemes
    Organization of information (like post office boxes)
  48. Piaget - Adaptation
    Assimilation and Accomodation
    • Assimilation - no new scheme because one already exists
    • Accommodation - new "mailbox" for new information
  49. Piaget - Equilibration
    moving from a state of disequilibrium to a state of equilibrium to a higher state of disequilibrium to a higher state of equilibrium, and so forth
  50. Piaget - Disequilibrium
    • what we know does not equal what we need to know
    • The majority of the time we are in a constant state of disequilibrium, and that's a good thing!
  51. Piaget - Equilibrium
    what we know equals what we need to know
  52. Cerebellum
    • Balance and skilled movements
    • maybe a role in higher cognitive functions like learning
  53. Hippocampus
    critical in recalling new info and recent experiences
  54. Amygdala
  55. Thalamus
    involved in our ability to learn new information, especially verbal
  56. Recticular
    role in attention and arousal, blocking some messages and sending others on for processing
  57. Cerebral Cortex
    complex problem solving and language
  58. Overproduction and Pruning #1
    • Experience-Expectant - synapses are over-produced in certain parts of the brain during certain developmental periods, expecting stimulation
    • Responsible for general development
  59. Overproduction and Pruning #2
    Experience-Dependent - synaptic connections are formed based on the individual's experiences
  60. Mylenation
    • the coating of axon neuron fibers with an insulating fatty covering
    • speeds up message transmission and makes it more efficient
  61. Laterization
    the specialization of the two hemispheres of the brain
  62. Plasticity
    the brain's adaptability
  63. 4 Factors that Interact to Influence Changes in Thinking
    • Biological Maturation - the unfolding of the biological changes that are genetically programmed
    • Activity - the ability to act on the environment and learn from it
    • Social Experiences - learning from others
    • Equilibration - the act of searching for balance
  64. Piaget - 2 Basic Tendencies Inherited By All Species
    • Organization - the combining, arranging, recombining and rearranging of behaviors and thoughts into coherent systems
    • Adaptation - adjusting to the environment
  65. 4 Stages of Cognitive Development - Piaget
    • Sensorimotor Stage - Infancy
    • Preoperational Stage - Early Childhood to Early Elementary
    • Concrete Operational Stage - Later Elementary to Middle School
    • Formal Operational Stage - High School to College
  66. Sensorimotor Stage Characteristics
    • Child's thinking involves seeing, hearing, moving, touching, tasting, etc.
    • Object Permanence - objects still exist even when you cannot see them
    • Goal-Directed Actions
  67. Preoperational Stage Characteristics
    • Actions carried out and reversed mentally rather than physically
    • The child is moving toward mastery but has not yet mastered these mental operations
    • Semiotic Function - the ability to use symbols to represent actions or objects mentally
    • Pretending is the first use of symbolism
    • Reversible Thinking - Thinking backward from the end to the beginning is difficult at this stage
    • Conservation - Some characteristics of an object remain the same, difficult at this stage
    • Decentering - focusing on more than one aspect at a time, difficult at this stage
    • Egocentric - children see the world and the experiences of others from their own view point
  68. Concrete Operational Stage Characteristics
    • Hands-on thinking
    • Changes in one dimension can be offset by changes in another
    • Ability to solve conservation problems relies on 3 basic aspects of reasoning:
    • Identity - student knows that if nothing is added or taken away the material remains the same
    • Compensation - student know that an apparent change in one direction can be compensated for by a change in another direction
    • Reversibility - student can cancel out the change that has been made
    • Classification - grouping objects into categories
    • Seriation - the process of making an orderly arrangement from large to small and vice versa
    • This system of thinking still tied to physical reality
    • Logic is based on concrete situations that can be organized, classified or manipulated
  69. Formal Operational Stage Characteristics
    • The focus of thinking can shift from what is to what might be.
    • The hallmark of formal operations -- hypothetico-deductive reasoning. A problem solving strategy in which an individual begins by identifying all the factors that might affect a problem then deduces and systematically evaluates specific solutions.
    • Adolescent Egocentrism - adolescents recognize that others have different opinions but they just become very focused on their own ideas.
  70. Vygotsky's Sociocultural Perspective
    Social interactions are more than simple influences on cognitive development. They actually create our cognitive structures and thinking processes.
  71. 3 Themes in Vygotsky's Writings
    • Social Sources of Individual Thinking - social interaction is the origin of higher mental processes such as problem solving
    • Role of Cultural Tools in learning and development, especially the tool of language - the real tools and symbol systems that allow people in a society to communicate, thing and solve problems
    • Zone of Proximal Development - the area between the child's current development level (determined by independent problem solving) and the level of development that the child could achieve (with adult guidance or with the help of more capable peers). The space between the boring and the impossible.
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PSY 300
Quiz 1