
  1. What should be avoided when treating Spastic Paralysis?
    Stimulating muscle spindle stretch reflex
  2. What should be avoided when treating Multiple Sclerosis?
  3. A lesion of the upper motor neurons would produce symptoms of...
    Muscular Hyper-reflexiveness
  4. Lateral rotation is restricted for...
    Frozen Shoulder
  5. In treating rotator cuff tear you should avoid...
  6. The ratio of scapulohumeral movement is...
    • 2:1
    • As the arm is abducted, for every 2 degrees the humerus moves, the scapula moves 1 degree.
  7. Visual assessment for rounded shoulders
    • Protracted scapula
    • medial rotation of the arm
  8. Tissues affected in shoulder impingement...
    • Glenohumeral joint capsule
    • Brachial plexus
    • Sub-acromial bursa
  9. Hawkins-Kennedy impingement test
    The shoulder and elbow are flexed 90 degrees, then medially rotate the arm. Pain is a positive test for impingement

    • Shoulder Impingement Syndrome
  10. Empty Can Test
    • Both arms are abducted them moved 45 degrees anteriorly. Then the arms are medially rotated (emptying the can). Pain at either step is positive.
    • Shoulder Impingement Syndrome
  11. This Pathology may be assessed as tennis elbow
    Radial Tunnel Syndrome
  12. A trigger point in the pronator teres muscle may mimic
    Carpal tunnel syndrome
  13. Medial epicondylitis involves what muscles of the forearm?
  14. Cubital Tunnel Syndrome involves the entrapment of what nerve
    Ulnar nerve
  15. Acute Carpal tunnel syndrome may be caused by
    A Trigger Point
  16. Carpal tunnel is seen with
    Wrist Flexion
  17. Dupuytren involves what fascia
    Palmar Fascia
  18. When treating any sholder problems the general masage should include what areas?
    • The cervical
    • upper thoracic areas
    • the shoulder girdle
    • and the whole arm
  19. MRT for the Supraspinatus
    With client's arm slightly abducted from the torso and our hand superior to the elbow, the client resists your attempt to adduct the arm
  20. MRT for Infraspinatus and Teres Minor
    With client's arm by the torso with the elbow flexed, your hands are placed with one superior to the elbow and the other at the forearm, the client resists your attempt to medially rotate the arm
  21. MRT to Subscapularis
    • With client's arm by the torso with the elbow flexed, your hands are placed with one superior to the elbow and the other at the forearm, the client resists your attempt to externally rotate the arm.
    • Least injured rotator cuff muscle
  22. Painful Arc Test
    The client actively abducts arm and has pain between 45 & 135 degrees, but no pain with MRT (No pain with MRT indicates impingement or bursitis, not a muscle/tendon pathology).
  23. Drop arm test
    • Standing, client abducts arm to 90 degrees. inability to hold arm in abducted position is positive. If client can abduct arsuccessfully, have them lower arm, inability to lower arm smoothly or with significant pain is positive.
    • Rotator Cuff tears or Tendinosis
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Med massage 2 midterm review