Info Ch.20

  1. American Library Association (ALA)
    US based organization that promotes libraries and library education internationally.
  2. Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health Literature (CINAHL)
    A comprehensive nursing and allied health literature database.
  3. Educational Resources Information center (ERIC)
    • A comprehensive educational resources database
    • An international database of educational literature
  4. Foundation of Knowledge Model
    • As the organizing framework of this text, the model proposes that humans are organic information
    • systems constantly acquiring, processing, and generating information or knowledge in both their professional and personal lives.
  5. Information literacy
    an intellectual framework for finding, understanding, evaluating, and using information
  6. Multiple Aspects of Nursing Informatics
    Because nursing informatics combines all aspects of clinical practice, research, administration, and education, the ability to recognize the need for a specific kind of information and locate, evaluate, and use effectively use it within the nursing informatics paradigm will catapult nurses ahead of other healthcare professionals in applying and engaging various facets of technology.
  7. New Information Venues
    • Professional Online Databases
    • Search Engines
    • Electronic Library Catalogs
  8. Professional Online Databases
    A source of online information generally invisible to all Internet users except those with professional or academic affiliations, such as faculty, staff and students.
  9. Search Engines
    allow users to surf the Web and find information on nearly anything.
  10. Electronic Library Catalogs
    Nearly all higher education institutions have their library catalogs online.
  11. Informatics Tools for Collecting Data and Storage of Information
    • Nurses and Data Collection
    • Nurses’ Observations and Available Tools
    • The Help of Software
    • Quantitative Data Collection Tools
    • Innovative Electronic Data Collection
  12. Nurses and Data Collection
    Nurses are already intimately familiar with data collection as daily agents of patient care documentation, patient monitoring, and interview data
  13. The Help of Software
    • Software designed to collect, sort, organize, store, retrieve, select and aggregate data
    • are Database Management Systems (DBMS).
  14. Quantitative Data Collection Tools
    Quantitative data collection tools or “instruments” include questionnaires, interviews, surveys, quizzes, assessments, e-mail interviews and Web-based surveys.
  15. Innovative Electronic Data Collection
    the system used by the participants in the Nightingale Tracker System pilot study in which nursing students traveling to rural clinical sites submitted information into handheld devices while miles away from their preceptor-supervisors.
  16. Tools for processing data and data analysis
    • Data Analysis
    • Descriptive Statistics
    • The Focus of Quantitative Data
    • Quantitative Studies
    • Qualitative Data
    • Types of Qualitative Data
    • How Computers Help
    • Data Analysis
    • The Use of Statistical Analysis
  17. Data Analysis
    the process by which data collected during the course of a study isprocessed to identify trends and patterns of relationships.
  18. Descriptive Statistics
    allows the researcher to organize information meaningfully
  19. The Focus of Quantitative Data
    focuses on numbers and frequencies rather than experience and meaning
  20. Quantitative Studies
    variables represented by data are collected in numerical form
  21. Qualitative Data
    concerned with describing meaning that in drawing statistical inferences
  22. Types of Qualitative Data
    Some major types of qualitative data include in-depth interviews, direct observation, and written documents.
  23. How Computers Help
    Computers can aid greatly in the storage, tabulation and retrieval of qualitative data by acting as the equivalent of an electronic filing cabinet.
  24. Data Analysis
    Qualitative data analysis can also be aided by simple data management programs, such as Excel, in which a user can categorize data and link categories with key words.
  25. The Use of Statistical Analysis
    Quantitative data analysis includes statistical analysis in which samples and populations are compared, in order to discern whether the sample is biased or reflective of a true situation.
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Info Ch.20
Nursing Research: Data Collection, Processing, & Analysis .. fuck our lives