- Interactive, online “weblogs”; sometimes it is a combination of what is happening on the Web as well as what is happening in the blogger or the creator's life; unique as the blogger or person creating them; thought of as a diary and guide
Digital Divide
- Is the term used to describe the gap between those who have and those who do not have access to online information. Fox (2007b)
- reports that the current estimate of connectivity among Americans is 71%
Domain Name
Series of alphanumeric characters that forms part of the Internet address or URL such as psu.edu that denotes Penn State’s address.
Dynamic Media
- - Health care organizations (HCOs) use a wide variety of approaches and
- tools to promote patient education and health literacy. While the old standby for disseminating information was and sometimes still is the paper-based flyer some HCOs are recognizing that today’s consumers are more attracted to a dynamic rather than static medium. In addition, the cost of designing and of printing pamphlets and flyers becomes prohibitive when one considers the rapidity of change of information. That is, the brochure may be outdated
- almost as soon as it is printed.
- Electronic brochure Patient education material that is typically tied to an agency web site, and may include such information as descriptions of diseases and their
- management, medication information, or where to get assistance with a health
- care issue.
- - The development of nutrition education programs as interactive computer games, video games, and cartoons referred to as ‘edutainment’ (Flores 2006). These eHealth programs are developed specifically to appeal to the generational (highly connected and computer literate) and cultural
- needs of this group.
eHealth Initiative
Was developed to address the growing need for managing health information and to promote technology as a means of improving health information exchange, health literacy and health care delivery.
- Promoting self-actualization; achieve power or control one’s own life.
Grey Gap
- A term used to reflect the age disparities in computer connectivity; there are fewer persons over age 65 who use computer technology than those in younger age groups. only 32% of persons over the age of 65 have ever gone online or lived in a connected household. Similarly, in another report from the
- Pew Internet group, Fox (2007a) describes connectivity disparities among various races and ethnicities, including Latinos, non-Hispanic whites, and non-Hispanic blacks, and analyzes the influences of English speaking ability and level of education on connectivity.
Health Literacy
- The acquisition of knowledge that promotes the ability to understand and to manage one’s health. Some current technologies will be used increasingly to support health literacy. For example, audio and video podcasts may become more commonplace in health education, and be provided as free downloads from the web sites of HCOs. Voice recognition software used to
- navigate the web may reduce the frustration and confusion associated with
- attempting to spell complex medical terms. On the other hand, the confusion and frustration may increase if the patient/client is unable to pronounce the terms. Voice interactivity should help to reduce the disparity associated with those who have limited keyboard or mousing skills.
HON Code
- - The Health on the Net (HON) Foundation Survey (2005) describes the certifications and accreditation symbols that identify trusted health sites. The
- HONcode and Trust-e were identified as the two most common symbols that power users look for. The survey also indicates that Internet users look at the domain name and will frequently gravitate toward university sites (.edu),
- government sites (.gov) and HCO sites (.org). Fifty percent of the survey respondents were in favor of the use of a .health domain name to
- identify quality health information web sites
Interactive Media
- Communication media that permits the recipient to be an active participant.
Know-do Gap
- reflects the fact that solutions to global health problems exist but are not implemented in a timely fashion because of the lack of access to important health information. The Internet connections in developing countries are widely scattered and may not be efficient/sufficient for viewing health care information. They describe the use of a free-standing hard drive that has been loaded with hundreds of CDs of health related information in a web page format that responds to a search command. This is a great example of providing technologies that work with the constraints of the situation. Another example of addressing the digital divide is the growing number of health related web sites that support a Spanish language format.
Static Media
- Cannot be updated; the print-based brochure may be outdated almost as soon as it is printed
- The Health on the Net (HON) Foundation Survey (2005) describes the certifications and accreditation symbols that identify trusted health sites. The HONcode and Trust-e were identified as the two most common symbols that power users look for. The survey also indicates that Internet users look at the domain name and will frequently gravitate toward university sites (.edu),
- government sites (.gov) and HCO sites (.org). Fifty percent of the survey respondents were in favor of the use of a .health domain name to
- identify quality health information web sites.
Web Quest
Search the www for information
- “A blog (a portmanteau of web log) is a website where entries are
- commonly displayed in reverse chronological order. "Blog"
- can also be used as a verb, meaning to maintain or add content to a blog.Many
- blogs provide commentary or news on a particular subject; others
- function as more personal online diaries. A typical blog
- combines text, images, and links to other blogs, web pages, and other media related to its topic”
Healthy people 2010 defines health literacy as
- "The degree to which individuals have the capacity to obtain, process, and
- understand basic health information and services needed to make appropriate
- health decisions"