
  1. hypoplasia

    hypo = under, below,beneath,lessthan normal
    -plasia = formation, growth
    Incomplete or underdeveloped organ or tissue, usually the result of a decrease in the number of cells.
  2. hyperplasia
    hyper = excessive
    -plasia - formation, growth
    An increase in the number of cells of a body part ("excessive formation").
  3. dysplasia
    dys- = bad, difficult, painful, disordered
    -plasia = formation, growth
    Any abnormal development of tissues or organs ("disordered fromation").
  4. aplasia
    a- = without, not
    -plasia = formation, growth
    A developmental failure resulting in the absence of any organ or tissue.
  5. anaplasia
    ana = not, without
    -plasia = formation, growth
    A change in the structure and orientation of cells, characterized by a loss of differentiation and reversion to a more primitive form.
  6. thoracic vertebrae

    thorac/o = chest
    -ic = pertaining to
    The thoracic vertebrae, consisting of the next 12 segments (or vertebrae of the spinal column) make up the vertebral bones of the chest (thorac/o - chest or thorax). The abbreviations are also used to pinpoint the exact area of or involvement with the thoracic vertebrae.
  7. cervical vertebrae
    cervic/o = neck
    -al = pertaining to
    The cervical vertebrae, consisting of the first seven segments of the spinal column, make up the bones of the neck (cervic/o = neck). The abbreviations for the cervical vertebrae range from C1 to C7. These abbreviations are used to pinpoint the exact area of involvement with the cervical vertebrae.
  8. Dorsal Cavity Subdivisions

    cranial cavity

    crani/o = skull
    -ai = pertaining to
    The cranial cavity contains the brain.
  9. Ventral Cavity Subdivisions

    Pelvic cavity

    pelv/i = pelvis
    -ic = pertaining to
    The pelvic cavity contains the urinary bladder and reproductive organs. The pelvic cavity and the abdominal cavity are often addressed collectively as the abdonimopelvic cavity, which refers to the space between the diaphragm and the groin.
  10. Ventral Cavity Subdivision

    abdominal cavity

    -abdomin/o - abdomen
    -ai = pertaining to
    The abdominal cavity is separated from the thoracic cavity by the diaphragm (the muscle that aids in the process of breathing). The abdominal cavity contains the liver, gallbladder, spleen, stomach, pancreas, intestines, and kidneys.
  11. Ventral cavity sudivisions:

    thoracic cavity

    thorac/o = chest
    -ic = pertaining to
    The thoracic cavity contains the lungs, heart, aorta, esphagus, and trachea.
  12. How many major body cavities & what are the two subdivisions
    Body has two major cavities which contain orderly arrangement of internal body organs - these cavities are known as - ventral & dorsal cavities.
  13. coccyx

    The fifth segment of the vertebral column is the coccyx. t is located at the very end of the vertebral column and is also called the tailbone. The adult coccyx is a single bone that is the result of the fusion of the four individual coccygeal bones in the child.
  14. sacrum

    sacr/o = sacrum
    -um = noun ending
    The sacrum, located below the lumbar vertebrae, is the fourth segment of the spinal column. This single triangular-shaped bone is a result of the fusion of the five individual sacral bones in the child.
  15. lumbar vertebrae

    lumbo/o = loins, lower back
    -ar = pertaining to
    The lumbar vertebrae consist of five large segments of the movable part of the spial column. Identified as L1 through L5, the lumbar vertebrae are the largest and strongest of the vertebrae of the spinal column.
  16. sacrum

    sacr/o = sacrum
    -um = noun ending
    The sacrum, located below the lumbar vertebrae, is the fourth segment of the spinal column. This single triangular-shaped bone is a result of the fusion of the five individual sacral bones in the child.
  17. lumber vertebrae

    lumb/o = loins, lower back
    -ar = pertaining to
    The lumber vertebrae consist of five large segments of the movable part of the spinal column. Identified as L1 through L5, the lumbar vertebrae are the largest and strongest of the vertebrae of the spinal column.
  18. thoracic vertebrae

    thorac/o = chect
    -ic = pertaining to
    THe thoracic vertebrae, consisting of the next 12 segments (or vertebrae of the spinal column) make up the vertebral bones of the chest (thorac/o = chest or thorax). The abbreviations for the thoracic vertebrae range from T1 to T12. These abbreviations are also used to pinpoint the exact area of or involvement with the thoracic vertebrae.
  19. cervical vertebrae

    cervic/o = neck
    -al = pertaining to
    The cervical vertebrae, cosisting of the first seven segments of the spinal column, make up the bones of the neck (cervic/o = neck). The abbreviations for the cervical vertebrae range from C1 to C7. These abbreviation are used to pinpoint the exact area of involvement with the cervical vertebrae.
  20. How many subdivisions are in the back
    The back is divided into five sections that relate to the proximity (nearness) of each section to the vertebrae of the spinal column. The sections are named for the vertebrae located in that particular area of the back.
  21. supine
    The following terms do not use the midline of the body as a reference point. Lying horizontally on the back, faceup
  22. proximal

    proxim/o = near
    -al = pertaining to
    Toward or nearest to the trunk of the body, or nearest to the point of origin of a body part.
  23. distal
    Away from or farthest from the trunk of the body, or farthest from the point of origin of a body part.
  24. caudal
    Pertaining to the tail.
  25. cranial

    crani/o = skull
    al = pertaining to
    Pertaining to the head.
  26. inferior
    Below or downward toward the tail or feet.
  27. superior
    Above or upward toward the head.
  28. lateral

    later/o = side
    al = pertaining to
    Toward the side of the body, away from the midline of the body.
  29. medical
    medi/o = middle
    -al = pertaining to
    Toward the midline of the body.
  30. dorsal

    dors/o = back
    -al = pertaining to
    Pertaining to the back or posterior.
  31. ventral

    ventr/o = belly, front side
    -al = pertaining to
    Of or pertaining to a position toward the belly of the body; frontward; anterior.
  32. posterior
    Pertaining to the back of the body
  33. deep
    Away from the surface and toward the inside of the body.
  34. anterior
    Pertaing to the front of the body, or toward the belly of the body.
  35. superficial
    Pertaining to the surface of the body, or near the surface.
  36. Dorsal Cavity Subdivisions

    spinal cavity

    spin/o = spine
    -al = pertaining to
    The spinal cavity contains the nerves of the spinal cord.
  37. dorsum

    The back or posterior surface of a part; in the foot, the top of the foot.
  38. plantar
    Pertaining to the sole or bottom of the foot.
  39. pronation

    A movement that allows the palms of the hands to turn downward and backward.
  40. supination

    A movement that allows the palms of the hands to turn upward or forward.
  41. prone
    Lying facedown on the abdomen.
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Comprhensive Medical Terminology (3rd Edition) - Betty Davis Jones