B737 Limitations

  1. -300
    Zero Fuel Wt
    • 135,500
    • 135,000
    • 114,000
    • 106,500
  2. -400
    Zero Fuel Wt
    • 143,000
    • 142,500
    • 121,000
    • 113,000
  3. Maximum 90° crosswind componentfor takeoff and landing
    29/G35 Knots
  4. Maximum 90° crosswind component (includinggusts) for CAT II/III and autoland approaches
    15 Knots
  5. Maximum takeoff and landing tailwindcomponent
    10 Knots
  6. Maximum flap extension altitude
    20,000 feet
  7. Minimum runway length for LAHSO·
    • B737-300 6,000 feet·
    • B737-400 7,000 feet
  8. Turbulent air penetration speed
    280 KIAS/.73M
  9. Maximum speed with Mach Trim INOP
  10. Maximum gear extension speed
    Maximum gear extended speed
    Maximum gear retraction speed
    • Extension 270 KIAS/.82M
    • Extended 320 KIAS/.82M
    • Retraction235 KIAS
  11. Definition of Icing Conditions.•
    • OAT (on the ground and for takeoff) or TAT (inflight) is 10°C or
    • below,and• visible moisture in any form is present such as clouds, fog
    • with visibility ofone mile or less, rain, snow, sleet, and ice crystals,
    • or• when operating on ramps, taxiways or runways where surface snow,
    • ice,standing water, or slush may be ingested by engines; or freeze on
    • engines,nacelles or engine sensor probes
  12. ENG ANTI-ICE must be ON during all ground and flight operations whenicing conditions exist or are anticipated, except during climb and cruise whenthe temperature is below ??
    – 40° C SAT
  13. WING ANTI-ICE:• must be___ for takeoff• should not be selected ON until _______________________.
    • OFF
    • after making the first thrust reduction (U)
  14. Windshield Heat. WINDOW HEAT must be ON to the No.1 (Fwd)and No.2 (Side) windows for all normal flight operations, and must be turned ON ___ minutes prior to takeoff.
  15. Fuel Imbalance.Maximum allowable fuel imbalance between main tanks 1 & 2: ______ lbs.
  16. Center tank FUEL PUMPS switches must not be positioned to ON unless ____________________________?
    personnel are continuously available on the flight deck to monitor theLOW PRESSURE lights.
  17. For ground operations, center tank FUEL PUMPS switches must not bepositioned ON, or remain ON unless _______________________________________________?
    ... the center tank fuel quantity exceeds1000 pounds, except when defueling or transferring fuel.
  18. The center tank FUEL PUMPS switches must remain OFF for takeoff,unless _______________________?
    the center tank fuel quantity exceeds 1000 pounds.
  19. APU
    Maximum External Air Pressure:
    60 PSI (M)
  20. Maximum cabin differential for takeoff and landing:
    .125 PSI
  21. As part of the Departure Briefing before engine start for the ____________ or ______________________, the captain will ensure the Cabin Altitude Warning indications and procedures are briefed inaccordance with paragraph 2b.5.2.
    first flight of the day

    following any change of either flight crew member
  22. Alt Flap Duty Cycle
    Flaps 0 - 15:
    Flaps greater than 15:
    • 5 MINUTES OFF (M)
    • 25 MINUTES OFF (M)
  23. Autopilot. Do not engage autopilot below _________ during takeoff. (M)
    1000 feet AGL
  24. Minimum Altitude for Autopilot Operation
    Enroute (climb, cruise, descent): ______________
    Non-precision approach:____________________
    Approach Single Channel: __________________
    • 1000 feet AGL (M)
    • 50 feet below DA/MDAILS
    • 50 feet AGL (M)
  25. Max Autoland winds

    Headwind component (including gust) __________
    Crosswind component (including gust)__________
    • 25 knots
    • 15 knots
  26. Do not attempt an autoland unless _______ is annunciated on the FMA
    • FLARE
    • Flare armed by 1000' and Flare Green by 40'
  27. EGT Limits
    Takeoff Red Radial __________
    Takeoff Red Radial + 10° C _____________
    Maximum Continuous ______________
    Starting (Ground & Flight) ____________
    • 5 Minutes
    • Transient, 20 seconds
    • Green Arc Continuous
    • 725° C —
  28. Engine Starter Limits
    First attempt __ min. ON, ___ sec. OFF (M)
    Second and subsequent attempts __ min. ON, __ min Off (M)
    • 2, 20
    • 2,3
  29. Minimum Engine start pressure
    ____ PSIG1 at sea level, decreasing ______________ above sea level. (M)
    • 30
    • 1/2 PSIG per 1,000feet
  30. APU
    APU Bleed with electrical load (maximum altitude) ___________ feet
    APU Bleed (maximum altitude) _______________ feet
    APU electrical load (maximum altitude)_______ feet
    Maximum Operating Altitude _________ feet
    • 10,000
    • 17,000
    • 35,000
    • 35,000
  31. APU BLEED valve must be closed when:
    1. ______________________________
    2. ______________________________
    3. ______________________________
    • • ground air connected and ISOLATION valve OPEN (M)
    • • No.1 engine BLEED valve is OPEN (M)
    • • ISOLATION and No. 2 engine BLEED valves are OPEN (M)
  32. The APU BLEED valve may be OPEN _______________________?
    • during engine start, but avoid enginepower settings
    • above IDLE. (M)
  33. Maximum engine driven generator load
    • B-737-300 _______________
    • B-737-400 _______________
    • 125 amps (M)
    • 140 amps (M)
  34. Maximum APU driven generator loads (Ground)
    • B-737-300
    • B-737-400
    • 150 amps (M)
    • 160 amps (M)
  35. T/R voltage range ___________ volts (M)Maximum
    T/R load (with cooling) ______amap (M)Maximum
    T/R load (without cooling) ________amps (M)
    • 24 to 30
    • 65
    • 50 amps
  36. Altimeter Tolerances
    @ Sea Level _____ Capt to F/O
    @5000' ______ Capt to F/O
    @10,000 _______ Capt to F/O
    • 40
    • 45
    • 50
  37. Atlimeter Tolerance

    Max difference between Capt or F/O and field elevation ___________
Card Set
B737 Limitations
Limitations chapter 1 PH