Cognitive Coaching

  1. What are the three support functions?
    • Cognitive coach
    • collaborator
    • consultant

  2. What is the purpose of a Cognitive Coach?
    To ___ and _____ (4)
    • enhance and habituate:
    • self-directed learning;
    • self-managing,
    • self-monitoring,
    • self-modifying
  3. What is the purpose of a Collaborative coach? (3)
    • solve instructional problems;
    • apply and test shared ideas;
    • learn together
  4. What is the purpose of a consultant?
    • increase pedagogical and content knowledge and skills;
    • institutionalize accepted practices and policies
  5. 4 Propositions of CC includes:

    All behavior is produced by_____and _____.
    thought and perception.
  6. Four Propositions of CC includes:

    Teaching is________
    constant decision-making.
  7. Four Propositions of CC includes:

    To learn something new requires _____and ____ in thought.
    engagement and alteration in thought.
  8. Four Propositions of CC includes:

    Humans continue to grow_____
  9. The mission of CC is to produce_____persons with the ___ ____ for high performance both ____ and as ____ of a ______.
    • self-directed
    • cognitive capacity
    • independently
    • members of a community.
  10. What are the five States of Mind?
    • Consciousness
    • Craftsmanship
    • Efficacy
    • Flexibility
    • Interdependence
  11. Which SOM:
    knowing what and how I'm thinking about my work in this moment and being willing to be aware of my actions and their effects
  12. Which SOM:
    knowing that I can continually perfect my craft, and being willing to work toward excellence and pursue ongoing learning.
  13. Which SOM:
    knowing that I have the capacity to make a difference through my work, and being willing to take the responsibility to do so
  14. Which SOM:
    knowing that I have and can develop options to consider about my work, and being willing to acknowledge and demonstrate respect and empathy for diverse perspectives
  15. Which SOM:
    knowing that we will benefit from our participation in, contribution to and receipt of professional relationships, and being willing to create and change relationships to benefit our work
  16. As a coach you are not a ____(4).
    • parent
    • expert
    • friend
    • boss
  17. What are the four A's of repairing broken trust?
    • Admit it
    • Apologize
    • Ask forgiveness
    • Amend your ways
  18. ____are brain cells that fire when we perform an action and when we watch someone else perform that action.
    Mirror neurons
  19. What are five elements of rapport?
    • posture
    • gesture
    • tonality
    • language
    • breathing
  20. What percent of our message is communicated non-verbally?
  21. What are three situations in which rapport becomes THE MOST important element of coaching?
    • anticipate tension or anxiety in another
    • when tension or anxiety emerges in the conversation
    • when I can't understand another person or when I'm having difficulty paying attention
  22. Describe a coaching cycle.
    planning > event (observation) > reflecting > planning...
  23. What are the five phases in a Planning conversation?
    • clarify GOALS (connect to curricular goals)
    • specifiy SUCCESS INDICATORS & a plan for collecting EVIDENCE
    • anticipate APPROACHES, strategies, decisions and how to monitor them
    • establish PERSONAL LEARNING FOCUS and processes for SELF-ASSESSMENT
    • REFLECT on the coaching process and explore REFINEMENT
  24. Identify 3 or more research-based outcomes that are directly about the teacher
    • grew in efficacy
    • more reflective
    • more satisfaction
    • more collaboration
    • benefited teachers personally
  25. Identify two research-based outcomes of Cognitive Coaching that directly impact the community.
    • more professionalism
    • more collaboration
  26. Identify one or more research-based outcomes of Cognitive Coaching that directly impacts students.
    • increased student test scores
    • other benefits: (using coaching to promote student thinking)
  27. The four capabilities of a coach:

    1. know one's ______and choose_____ ______
    • intentions
    • congruent actions
  28. The four capabilities a coach:

    2. set aside unproductive patterns of ____, _____ and ____
    • listening,
    • responding
    • inquiring
  29. The four capabilities a coach:

    3. Adjust one's ________ _______.
    style preferences
  30. The four capabilities a coach:

    4. ______ between and within ____ ____ and ____ _____ to guide mediational interactions
    • Navigate
    • coaching maps
    • support functions
  31. What are the three set-asides for a Cognitive Coach?
    • autobiographical
    • inquisitive
    • solutions
  32. What are the five principles of paraphrasing?
    listen to ____
    capture the ____
    reflect ___ and _____
    ____ than original statement
    ______before question
    use "____" instead of "___"
    • attend fully
    • listen to understand
    • capture the essence
    • reflect tone and gestures
    • shorter than original
    • paraphrase before question
    • use "you" instead of "I"
  33. What are the three levels of paraphrasing (in order from reflecting to mediating)?
    and a metaphor for each
    • acknowledge and clarify (mirror)
    • summarize and organize (containers)
    • shifting conceptual focus (escalator)
  34. Provide 3 or more "acknowledge and clarify" stems.
    • You're thinking that...
    • So, your wondering if...
    • You're frustrated because...
    • You're hoping that...
    • You're concerned about...
  35. Provide two or more stems for "summarizing and organizing."
    • So, there are three issues...
    • So, you're done with that part and you're ready to move on to...
    • First you're going to..., then you will...
    • On the one hand...and on the other hand....
  36. When "shifting conceptual focus" the paraphrase stated will include words such as?
    • goals
    • values
    • beliefs
    • assumptions
    • concepts
  37. Why is it important to pause frequently during a coaching conversation? (3)
    • check for BMIRS
    • provide opportunity for coachee to add more
    • provide time to think
  38. Identify the 6 cues that eyes provide (for right handed people) and which region the eyes are going toward.
    • visual construct......visual recall
    • auditory construct..auditory recall
    • kinesthetic/emotive..internal dialogue
  39. What is a polite way to interrupt?
    "hang on a second, let me make sure I got it" (touch knee or use your hands to signal)
  40. Why do mediational questions use plural forms of words?
    And provide 3 example of plural words:
    to invite multiple reasons and open thinking:

    • reasons
    • strategies
    • hunches
    • decisions
  41. Why do mediational questions use exploratory or tentative language (2 reasons)?
    Provide 3 Examples of tentative language?
    • prompts thinking
    • true inquiry

    • might
    • possibilities
    • some
    • hunches
  42. What is a positive presupposition?
    And provide an example.
    positive assumption of action or thinking taken beforehand,

    • ex. as you examine the data...
    • how will you know...
    • as you consider alternative...
  43. List of power words that invite cognitive process:
    • predict
    • recall
    • select
    • describe
    • sequence
    • compare
    • analyze
    • prioritize
    • summarize
    • conclude
    • connect
    • evaluate
  44. When are probing questions used?
    to elicit precision in language and thoughts
  45. What are 5 types of non-specific language that need probing?
    • generalizations (all, never, everyone)
    • rule words (should, must)
    • vague verbs (feel)
    • vague pronounds
    • incomplete comparisions
  46. What is the purpose of reflecting conversations?
    to enlarge our frame of reference beyond the episodic
  47. What are the steps in a reflecting conversation?
    • SUMMARIZE impressions and RECALL supporting data
    • ANALYZE casual factors (past)
    • CONSTRUCT new learning (present)
    • COMMIT to application (future)
    • REFLECT on coaching and EXPLORE refinements
  48. Avoid using the word ____ in reflecting conversations.
  49. A coach uses _____ and _____ ____to enable the coachee to make his/her own _____, ___ ___ and ______.
    • data
    • mediative questions
    • judgments
    • personal observations
    • inferences
  50. Who determines what data to collect and how?
  51. SOM?
    awareness, data, self-monitoring, mental rehearsal
  52. SOM?
  53. Which SOM?
    capacity building
    balance of self and the group
  54. Which SOM?
    seeking alternatives
  55. Which SOM?
    internal resources
  56. Seven principles of Instructional Coaching?
    • reciprocity
    • equality
    • praxis
    • voice
    • dialogue
    • choice
    • reflection
  57. The capacity for high performance in both autonomous and interdependent settings?
  58. As a coach, know and believe that when the ____stops, the ____ continues ____ and even____.
    • conversation
    • thinking
    • consciously
    • unconsciously
  59. A coach maintains faith in____ _____ for their own _____, _____, and _____growth.
    • human capacity
    • intellectual
    • social
    • emotional
  60. A coach possesses a belief in her own capacity to serve as an______ ____for another's growth.
    empowering catalyst
  61. Five facets of trust.
    • benevolence
    • honesty
    • openness
    • reliability
    • competence
  62. What does it mean to be benevolent (6)?
    • extend good will
    • positive intentions
    • support and caring
    • appreciation
    • fairness
    • confidentiality
  63. Four things coaches must do?
    • follow-through
    • be reliable
    • be confidential
    • be vulnerable
  64. Five elements of rapport.
    • posture
    • gesture
    • tonality
    • language
    • breathing
  65. Four tools for a planning conversation?
    • pause
    • paraphrase
    • probing/clarifying questions
    • paying close attention
  66. Which SOM?
    From external locus of control
    internal locus.
  67. Which SOM?
    from narrow, egocentric view
    broader and alternative perspectives
  68. Which SOM?
    from lack of awareness of self and others
  69. Which SOM?
    from isolation and separateness
    connection to and concern for community
  70. A problem-resolving map moves the coachee from ___ ____ to their ____ _____ by ____ _____ then accessing the states of mind to make it happen.
    • existing state
    • desired state
    • amplifying resources
  71. Use _____ only during the existing state of a problem-resolving conversation.
  72. Purpose of PACING (2)
    • honor what is
    • make visible what is possible
  73. Steps in a problem-resolving conversation (verbs)
    • HONOR existing state
    • FRAME desired state
    • LOCATE and AMPLIFY resources
    • CHECK for congruence
    • REFLECT on process
  74. Pacing should take approx. ___ minutes.
  75. Pacing template including BMIR checks:
    • You're _____because_____(BMIRS).
    • What you want iS _________(BMIRS)
    • And you're looking for a way to make that happen.(pathway)
  76. Characteristics of effective problem-resolving goals:
    • stated positively
    • stated broadly
    • brief
    • positive presuppositions
    • having, feeling
    • about coachee
    • in their control
  77. Three universal goals:
    • identity
    • connectedness
    • potency
  78. What is the stem for the Desired state?
    Three key words to frame the desired state.
    what you want is to:

    • be
    • have
    • feel
  79. The typical pattern of questioning for SOM in a problem resolving conversation?
    which will be high, low or varied.
    • Consiousness (High)
    • craftsmanship (low)
    • efficacy (med to low)
    • flexibility (low)
    • interdependence (varies)
  80. Three phases of leading (start, go, done)
    • initiate a question to illuminate SOM
    • probe to create goal specificity and paraphrase for shift conceptual focus
    • observe for cognitive shift from uncertainty to insight
  81. When is an Outcome Structure used?
    when coachee is focusing on a third party
  82. Phases in an Outcome Structure:
    • Desired behavior of 3rd party
    • Knowledge,Skills,Attitude needed by 3rd party
    • Strategies coachee might use to help 3rd party
    • KSA needed by coachee to do this
  83. what are the three set-asides in problem resolving conversations?
    • closure
    • comfort
    • comprehension
  84. SOM?
    having internal resourceful
  85. SOM?
    initiating responsibility
  86. SOM?
    knowing one has choices and making choices
  87. SOM?
    being a problem-solver
  88. SOM?
    taking action
  89. SOM?
    being aware of self, others, and setting
  90. SOM?
    knowing about one's thinking
  91. SOM?
    seeking data about self, others and setting
  92. SOM?
    being aware of one's own and others' styles and preferences
  93. SOM?
    monitoring one's own decisions and the resulting effects
  94. SOM?
    being intentional
  95. SOM?
    striving for improvement and refinement
  96. SOM?
    assessing for excellence
  97. SOM?
    seeking clarity and precision
  98. SOM?
    pursuing ongoing learning
  99. SOM?
    seeking/generating alternatives
  100. SOM?
    seeing multiple perspectives
  101. SOM?
    being willing to consider change
  102. SOM?
    adjusting to others' styles and preferences
  103. SOM?
    tolerating ambiguity
  104. SOM?
    contributing to the common good
  105. SOM?
    participating with and learning from others
  106. SOM?
    developing capacity in interacting with others
  107. SOM?
    seeking collegiality and collaboration
  108. SOM?
    balancing self needs and group needs
  109. Which switching between support functions, shift _____ to signal.
  110. What is the mission of Cognitive Coaching?
    self-directed people with cogntive capacity for high performance both independently and inter-dependently
  111. During a planning conversation, when is it time to plan for data collection?
    • discussion of success indicators "How will you know?"
    • personal learning "How will you ensure you maintain your focus?"
  112. Data must be ____ (3).
    • a third point of discussion
    • owned by teacher
    • designed by teacher
  113. Three filters of perception
    • modality
    • cognitive style
    • educational beliefs
  114. Five educational beliefs:
    • cognitive process (thinking)
    • self-actualization (potential, whole)
    • technologism (data, task analysis)
    • academic rationalism (classics, values)
    • social reconstructionism (society)
  115. What is the goal of a problem-resolving conversation?
    • to help the coachee access SOMs and the resources to seek clarity of their desired state and how to get there
    • (not a solution)
  116. A cognitive caoch helps another person to take action toward her ____ while simultaneously helping that person develop expertise in ____, _____, ______, and _______.
    • goals
    • reflecting
    • planning
    • problem-solving
    • decision making
  117. A cognitive coach is concerned with the ____ ____ .
    mental processes
  118. A self-directed person has the capacity for ________-___________
    (approaches tasks w/clarity of outcomes, plan, data, then draws from
    experiences and anticipates success indicators and creates alternatives)
  119. a self-directed individual as the capacity for being ____-_____
    (establishes metacognitive strategies to assist in decision making)
  120. a self-directed individual is ____-______
    (reflects on, evaluates, analyzes, and constructs meaning and applies to future challenges)
  121. We provide both _____ and ______ for each other--- the grist for each other's pearl making.
    --Stephen Nachmonovitch
    • irritation
    • inspiration
  122. Cognitive Coaches regard all ____as ________ _________focused on self-directedness.
    • all interactions
    • learning opportunties
  123. The pattern of _____ _______in a school strongly influences the ____ _ _____ and the _____ ______for students.
    • pattern of adult interactions
    • clilmate of learning
    • instructional outcomes
  124. "The finest gift you can give someone is _____."
    --Sidney Madwed
  125. During a planning conversation, a coach engages the colleague's ___ ____ that will maximize the _____, ______ and ______ of the event.
    • cogntive processes
    • significance
    • success
    • meaning
  126. The two most essential territories during a planning conversation.
    • Clarify goals
    • specify success indicators and plan for collecting evidence
  127. Success indicators are _________ and ____________.
    • observable
    • measurable
  128. The two territories most essential to self-directed learning during a reflecting conversation are:
    • analyzing causal factors
    • contructing new leaning
  129. Two other areas of a planning conference that are frequently useful to a coach and/or teacher are:
    • relationship of this lesson to broader curricular goals
    • information about teacher concerns
  130. During a reflecting conversation, a coach invites the teacher to make comparisions between what ______ and what was______.
    • occurred (remembers from the lesson)
    • desired
  131. A planning convesation should take about ___ minutes.
    8-12 minutes
  132. Universal Goal: Identity
    What you want is:
    • have integrity
    • be creative
    • be balanced
    • be in charge
    • be yourself
    • feel unique
  133. Universal Goal: Connectedness
    What you want is to:
    • be in a community
    • feel bonded
    • feel trusted
    • be a part of the family
    • be unified
    • feel integrated
    • feel valued
  134. Universal Goal: Potency
    What you want is to:
    • be/feel effective
    • be influential
    • be/feel successful
    • be/feel resourceful
    • be compelling
    • be grounded
    • have strength
  135. Efficacy
    From an external locus of control to____.
    an internal locus of control.
  136. Flexibility
    From a narrow, egocentric views to ____.
    broader and alternative perspectives.
  137. Craftsmanship
    From vagueness and imprecision to____.
    specificity and elegance
  138. Consciousness
    From lack of awareness of self and other to____.
    awareness of self and others
  139. Interdependence
    From isolation and separateness to ____.
    connection to and concern for the community.
  140. Two questions for leading (efficacy):
    • When you've faced situations like this before, what strategies were effective?
    • What are you hunches about the choices you have?
  141. Two questions for leading (flexibility):
    • When you are _____, what do you need?
    • What might be the positive intentions of ____?
  142. Two questions for leading (craftsmanship):
    • What do you mean when you say____?
    • What criteria might you use to determine you have_____?
  143. Two questions for leading (consciousness):
    • what might be the internal dialogue you're having about ______ ?
    • what might you see and hear if things were working well_______ ?
  144. Two questioons for leading (interdependence):
    • What might be some of the common values that you and ____ share?
    • What might it take to build group commitment to ______?
  145. In a problem-resolving conversation, checking for congruence means what?
    consistency between speech, content, BMIRS
  146. "The more I tell people how well they are doing, the less they ______."
    --Carol Sanford
  147. A coach holds a spotlight on_____ to examine it ______and without ____________.
    • thinking
    • courageously
    • judgment
  148. Craftsmanship without flexibility is_____
  149. Efficacy without consciousness is ______.
  150. three characteristics of mediational questions:
    • invitational
    • engage specfic cogntive operations
    • address content that is internal or external to the person
  151. characteristics of invitational mediational questions:
    • approachable voice
    • plural forms
    • tentative/exploratory language
    • positive presuppositions
    • open ended
  152. cognitive operations include:
    • input
    • process
    • output
  153. six domains of knowledge
    • content
    • students and how they learn
    • collegial interactions
    • pedagogy
    • self-knowledge
    • cognitive processes of instruction
  154. Cogntive processes related to INPUT
    As you...
    • recall
    • define
    • describe
    • identify
    • name
    • list
  155. Cognitive processes related to PROCESS
    As you....
    • compare
    • infer
    • analyze
    • sequence
    • synthesize
    • summarize
  156. Cogntive processes related to OUTPUT (future)
    As you...
    • predict
    • evaluate
    • speculate
    • imagine
    • envision
    • hypothesize
  157. Verbal components affecting rapport: (5)
    • pitch
    • volume
    • inflection
    • pace
    • words
  158. characteristics of field dependent individuals:
    • enjoy working with others
    • collaborative; mentor relationships
    • take in overall scheme
    • have difficulty with individual parts
    • work from intuition and gut
    • like concrete experiences
    • like metaphor, analogy relationships
    • see things holistically
  159. What Field dependent individuals want from a coach:
    • to be warm and show personal interest and support
    • provide guidance and modeling
    • seek the teacher's opinion in decisions
    • have an open door
    • "practice what they preach"
    • congruent words and body language
  160. characterisitcs of field independent individuals:
    • work alone, get the job done
    • task oriented, formal
    • analytically, see parts to whole
    • logical, rationak, impersonal orientation
    • to figure things out for themselves
    • like theoretical and abstract ideas
    • learn through books
    • good at sequence and details
  161. What field independent teachers want from a coach:
    • focus on tasks
    • allow independence and flexibility
    • make decisions based on data and analysis
    • be knowledgeable about C and I
    • maintain professional distance
    • give messages directly and articulately
Card Set
Cognitive Coaching
knowledge and understandings of Cognitive Coaching