• First to realize that microorganisms areinvolved in causing diseases.
Girolamo Fracastoro (1546)
• Dutch eyeglass maker made the firstcrude microscope.
• Zacharias Janssen (1580-1638)
• A Dutch linen draper who obtained magnifications of (50-3000) and first observed bacteria and divided them into:Cocci (round) Bacilli (rods) Spirilla (spiral)
Anton Van Leeuwenhoek (1632-1723)
a physician, chemist,and physicist wrote recipes on how to generatemice from soiled undergarments.
Van Helmont (1577-1644)
boiled a variety ofliquids previously sealed showing no growth occurred.
• Lazzaro Spalanzani (1729-1799)
poured boiled broth into containers and when
microorganisms grew, heconcluded that microbes can be originated fromboiled broth as well.
• John Neeedhan,
• English physicist and mathematician made the first detailed-observations of plant tissues and discovered cells, thus the introduction of the cell theory.
Robert Hook (1635-1703)
Many people believed mice, toads, flies andmaggots could be generated from manure. Somebelieved mice were also generated from hay. this was called
spontanous generation
was the first to challenge anddisprove spontaneous generation.
Francesco Redi (1626-1698)• Red
________ also performed experimentssimilar to those performed by FrancescoRedi.
Disproved spontaneous generation by boiling nutrient solution in swannecked flasks and showing no growth of microbes.
Louis Pasteur (1822-1895)
Demonstrated that microorganisms are killed by heat.
Louis Pasteur
• Introduced pasteurization process.
Louis Pasteur
• Discovered role of yeast infermentation.•
Louis Pasteur
Developed immunization process andthe vaccines for anthrax and rabies.
Louis Pasteur
Developed immunization process andthe vaccines for anthrax and rabies.
Louis Pasteur
• Explained that vaccines work by loss of virulence (1880).
Louis Pasteur
__________ and ___________and others obtained similar results to those of Pasteur.
Schultze & Schwann
Introduced aseptic techniques in surgery.
• Joseph Lister
• Applied germ theory to medical procedures.
• Joseph Lister
• Used disinfectants to treat surgical wounds.
• Joseph Lister
________ and ____________• Discovered the female anopheles mosquitoe stransmit Plasmodium, the parasite that causes ________.
discovered penicillin.
Alexander Fleming
Chain, Florey (1940)• Ernest Chain & Howard Florey purified __________
• Discovered Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and Vibrio cholerae.
Isolated Bacillus anthracis, and in 187 6reported anthrax could be transmitted from animal to animal.
Developed the idea of pure cultures .
_______ ____________ (rules used to determine etiologic agent of a disease).
Koch’s postulates
4 kochs postulates
- 1. Etiologic agent must be present in all infected patients with same symptoms.
- 2 Etiologic agent must be isolated in a pure culture.
- 3 Reproduce the disease in an experimental animal.
- 4 Re-isolate etiologic agent from the experimental animal.
• The organisms may not be present when symptoms show up is a limitation to _______ ________. and is an example that organisms may not be........
- koch post.
- present when symptoms appear
The organisms may not be present when symptoms show up for example _________ _________
• Staphylococcus aureus → food poisoning.• Clostridium botulinum → food poisoning.
leprosy and gonorrhea is an example that Some diseases can’t be reproduced in experimental __________.•
Neisseria gonorrhoeal → gonorrhea•
Mycobocterium leprae → leprosy
this is a limit to kochs post.
Some organisms cannot be grown in _____• Treponema pallidum → syphilis
• Mycobocterium leprae → leprosy
this is an example of-------
Some microorganisms are obligate intracellular parasites and cannot be cultured on _______ _________
example :• Rickettia rickettsie→ Rocky mountain, Chlamydia trachomatis → Trachoma
artificial media.
thanks to biology today we can : identify ______ diseases in a few minutes and have _________ to treatt them.
Specific _______ are used to target antigens and cancer cells.
The possible use of immunotherapy in the treatment of diseases such as cystic fibrosis through ________ therapy
___________ resistant plants have been developed, and elimination of some agricultural ______ is possible.
In 1910 __________ was the first to use salvarsan (arsenic derivative) to treat syphilis.
Paul Ehrlich
In 1928 ____________ Scottish bacteriologist, discovered penicillin, (the first antibiotic discovered).
Alexander Fleming
•_________ _________ is used to produce therapeutic materials such as insulin,human growth hormone and interferon.
Genetic engineering
• Microbes play key roles in:
• Nitrogen fixation.
• Recycling of materials.
• Sewage treatment.
Bio-degradation of chemical pesticides, and petroleum products.
In Ecology
• In Agriculture importance
Fixation of Nitrogen (Rhizobium) in soybeans, alfalfa,clover, peas.
- Pest resistant plants, desert plants.
- Engineered beans, tomatoes,…plants.
• To make products such as acetone,organic acids, enzymes, alcohol, drugs. is an example of how biology is used in the _________
• Cheeses, yogurt, buttermilk, sauerkraut,pickles, alcoholic beverages and soy sauce are made using microorganisms.
this is an example of how microbiology is used in the
industrial settings
•________ inoculated an 8 year old boy with cowpox to test a milkmaid’s observation that if you getc owpox you don’t get small pox.
this was the first ________
The 8 year old became immune to small pox, thus the first live vaccine was introduced. The process was called ___________ (latin vacca = ____)
Vaccines can be prepared using:
• ___________
• Live organisms
• Killed organisms
• _______ vaccines.