feeding relationship
the relationship established when teachers and families are responsive to infants' feeding cues
first milk produced by nursing mother; it is rich in antibodies and other protective factors to help keep infants healthy
fore milk
watery, nutrient-rich breast milk that is first released when the baby begins nursing
hind milk
milk from back of the breast that is rich in fat and calories and is secreted at end of nursing or expressing breast milk
formula intolerance
results when infants have difficulties and symptoms that appear to be related to the formula they are consuming
infantile botulism
a serious illness that results from ingesting Colstridium botulinum spores that germinate and release a deadly toxin in the gastrointestinal tract
complementary foods
any food or beverage introduced to babies' diets that is in addition to breast milk or formula
pincer grasp
developmental ability of infants to pick up items using thumb and forefinger
high nutrient density
describes foods that have a high percentage of nutrients per serving size, but are not excessively high in calories
feeding problems
developmental disorders related to the mouth
oral hyposensitivity
an oral motor condition in which infants have less feeling in the mouth and are not entirely aware of where food is when it is placed within the mouth
oral hypersensitivity
an oral motor condition in which infants are overly aware of foods placed in or near the mouth
oral motor delay
a developmental delay that can result in weak oral muscles and tongue movement such that difficulties occur in chewing
corrected age
number of weeks a baby is born early subtracted from baby's current age in weeks
cleft lip
birth defect in which lip does not grow together
cleft palate
birth defect that consists of an opening in the roof of the mouth
extended breast-feeding
practice of mothers who continue to nurse their toddlers after they have reached 1 year of age
selective eaters
children who make very limited food choices
food neophobia
term used to describe fear of new foods
food jag
persistent eating by young children of a limited number of favorite foods for a period of time
anorexia nervosa
eating disorder that is caused by a distortion of body image, characterized by the severe restriction of food intake resulting in significant, and sometimes life threatening, weight loss
bulimia nervosa
eating disorder that entails periods of binge eating followed by purging activities such as vomiting, using laxatives, or excessive exercising