A/P muscles

  1. Either of two muscles of the neck that serve to flex and rotate the head.

    (hint- 19 letter, starts with a S)
  2. A thick triangular muscle covering the shoulder joint, used to raise the arm from the side.

    (hint: D)
  3. A muscle that flexes and supinates the forearm.

    (hint: BB)
    Biceps brachii
  4. A fibrous structure that runs down the midline of the abdomen. It separtes the left and right rectus abdominis muscles. In muscular individuals its presence can be seen on the skin, forming the depression between the left and right halves of a "six pack."

    (hint: means "white line", starts with L A)
    Linea alba
  5. A muscle with its origin in the lateral supracondylar ridge of the humerus, with insertion to the front of the base of the styloid process of the radius, with nerve supply from the radial nerve, and whose action flexes the forearm.

    (hint: radius, B)
  6. A muscle arising from the pubis and inserted on the femur.

    (hint: P)
  7. It originates on the pubic body just below the pubic creast and inserts into the middle of linea aspera.

    (hint: name means adducts the thigh, starts with AL)
    Adductor longus
  8. A long slender muscle on the medial aspect of the thigh.

    (hint: G, my neice)
  9. A long thin muscle that runs down the length of the thigh, It is the longest muscle in the human body. Its upper portion forms the lateral border of the femoral triangle.

    (hint: S)
  10. Is a very powerful superficial muscle that is in the back part of the lower leg and also called the calf. It runs from its 2 heads just above the knee to the heel, and is involved in standing, walking, running, and jumping. Along with the soleus muscle it forms the calf muscle.

    (hint: G)
  11. Its a powerful muscle in the back part of the lower leg(the calf). It runs from just below the knee to the heel, and is involved in standing and walking.

    (hint: derived from the solefish whose shape it resembles, S)
  12. A muscle of the neck that flexes the head; origin is the manubrium of the sternum and clavicle, and insertion is the mastoid process. Turns the head to the side.

    (hint: 19 letters, starts with s)
  13. Attaches from the skull and spine to the scapula and clavicle; it can perform serveral actions, including flexing the neck to the side and drawing the head backward.
    Either of two large flat triangular muscles running from the base of the occiput to the middle of the back that support and make it possible to raise the head and shoulders.

    (hint: T, Mouse____)
  14. It attaches to the clavicle, the sternum, and the ribs; it inserts into the upper part of the humerus. It can pull the ribs up and out during deep breathing.
    Is a thick, fan-shaped muscle, situated at the upper front (anterior) of the chest wall. It makes up the bulk of the chest muscles in the male and lies under the breast in the female.

    (hint: PM)
    Pectoralis Major
  15. The digitations (fingerlike parts) of this muscle attach to the upper eight or nine ribs.
    Originates at the side of the chest and inserts along the entire anterior length of the medial border of the scapula.

    (hint SA)
    Serratus Anterior
  16. This pair of straight muscles, crossed by fibrous bands attaches to the lower margin of the sternum and ribcage.
    Is a paired muscle running vertically on each side of the anterior wall of the human abdomen. There are two parallel muscles, separated bby a band of connective tissue called the linea alba(white line).

    (hint: RA)
    Rectus abdominis
  17. Outermost of the three muscle layers in the side of the abdomen. It attaches to the lower ribs and along with other abdominal muscles, is drafted during forced expiration, compressing the abdomen and, thus, pushing the diaphraphm up, helping force air out of the lungs.

    (hint: EBO)
    External abdominal oblique
  18. It attaches from the iliac creast on top of the pelvis and inserts into the iliotibial tract. It helps steady the thigh while standing upright.

    (hint: TFL)
    Tensor fasciae latae
  19. The largest of the four muscles of the quadriceps femoris group. Situated on the lateral side of the thigh.

    (hint: VL)
    Vastus lateralis
  20. A division of the quadriceps femoris inserting in the patella and ultimately intot he tibercle of the tibia.
    The part of the quadriceps that can flex the hip as well as extend the knee.

    (hint: RF)
    Rectus femoris
  21. A muscle with origin from the shaft of the femur.
    One of the four muscles of the quadriceps femoris group, situated in the medial part of the thigh.

    (hint: VM)
    Vastus medialis
  22. Attaches to the medial cuneiform bone and first metatarsal; dorsiflexes the ankle( raises the foot upward)
    A muscle running from the tibia to the first metarsal and cuneiform bones.

    (hint TA)
    Tibialis anterior
  23. It is attached proximally to the head of the fibula and its belly runs down most of this bone. It becomes a tendon and goes posteriorly around the lateral malleolus of the ankle, then continues under the foot to attach to the 1st metatarsal. It acts to evert and plantar flex the ankle.

    (hint: FL)
    Fibularis longus
  24. Attaches from the fibula to the base of the fifth metacarpal; it everts or twists the foot outward.

    (hint: FB)
    Fibularis brevis
  25. It extends the proximal phalanges of the four small toes and dorsiflexes the foot.
    Long extensor of the digits.

    (hint: EDL)
    Extensor digitorum longus
  26. One of the rotator cuff, or short scapular muscles.

    (hint: I, rotator--spins)
  27. Is a narrow, elongated muscles of the rotator cuff. It assist in carrying the arm backwards.

    (hint:TM, Teresa)
    Teres Minor
  28. Internal rotation of the humerus. It assits the Latissimus dorsi in drawing the previously raised humerus downward and backward, and in rotating it inward; when the arm is fixed it may assist the Pectorales and the Latissimus dorsi in drawing the trunk forward.

    (hint: TM, Teresa)
    Teres major
  29. Is a muscle of the posterior compartment of the upper limb. It is the muscle principally responsible for extension of the elbow joint.

    (hint: TB)
    Triceps brachii
  30. One of the hamstring muscles, arising from the ischium and inserted into the tibia.
    This muscle has a long tendon, making up almost half of its length.

    (hing: S)
  31. One of the posterior femoral muscles. it has two heads at it orgin. It flexes the leg and rotates it laterally and extends the thigh, rotating it laterally. It is one of the hamstring muscle group and lies on the posterior, lateral side of the thigh.

    (hint: BF)
    Biceps femoris
  32. The upper, flattened part of this muscle gives it its name; this is one of the hamstrings, and a flexor of the knee.

    (hint: S, big truck)
  33. Named after the Latin for bandage of the head, this muscle draws the head backwards.

    (hint: SC)
    Splenius capitis
  34. It means the broadest muscle of the back in Latin

    (hint: LD)
    Latissimus dorsi
  35. First part means rump or buttock. Second part of the word means greatest in Latin.

    (hint: GM)
    Gluteus maximus
  36. Underlies the gluteus maximus, and attaches from the pelvis to the greater trochanter of the femur.

    (hint: GM)
    Gluteus medius
  37. This muscle attaches, via a wide apponeurosis (band of fibrous tissue), to the entire length of the linea aspera, the ridge on the back of the femur.

    (hint: AM)
    Adductor magnus
Card Set
A/P muscles
muscle locations