AP1 test 1 review

  1. Systemic Physiology
    The study of the body that focuses on groups of organs that have a common function
  2. Anatomy
    The study of the structure of an organism and its parts
  3. Physiology
    The study of the functions of an organism and its parts
  4. Metabolism
    The sum of all the physical and chemical reactions
  5. Mesomorph somatotype
    Having a muscular physique
  6. Endomorph somatotype
    Having a heavy, rounded physique by large accumulations of fat
  7. Ectomorph somatotype
    Having a thin, fragile physique characterized by little body fat
  8. What are the levels of organization of the body (smallest to largest)
    • Chemical,
    • Organelle,
    • Cellular,
    • Tissue,
    • Organ,
    • System,
    • Organism
  9. What is the smallest living unit of structure and function in the body?
  10. What does the axial portion of the body consist of?
    Head, neck, and torso
  11. What are the three planes of the body?
    • Sagital,
    • Transverse,
    • Cornal
  12. Deals with the chemical makeup of living organisms and the underlying process of life
  13. Atomic Weight
    The number of protons +neutrons in the atom’s nucleus
  14. Ionic Bond
    A strong electrostatic force that binds the + and – charged ions together
  15. Acid solution
    Releases a hydrogen ion (H+)
  16. Base solution
    Accepts hydrogen ions (OH-)
  17. pH scale
    • below 7 is more acidic
    • above 7 is more alkaline (base)
  18. An important function of the cell membrane
    Maintain cell integrity
  19. Peroxisomes contain enzymes that…
    Detoxify harmful substances
  20. Cytosol
    Watery fluid in the cell
  21. Main cell structures
    • Organelles,
    • Plasma membrane,
    • Cytoplasm
  22. Functions of plasma membrane
    Self-identification, receptor site for messages, selective barrier
  23. Cilia
    Projections from the cell that move material and mucus
  24. DNA pairing to ATCG
    • TAGC,
    • A-T, C-G
  25. Matrix of a tissue
    The non-living intracellular material surrounding the cell of a tissue.
  26. Basic characteristics of nervous system
    Excitation and conduction
  27. What is the most wide-spread and abundant tissue in the body?
  28. Collect their secretory products at the apex/tip of the cell and release products by “pinching
    off”. Causes some cytoplasm loss and damage but quickly repairs.
    Apocrine glands
  29. Collect their secretory products inside the cell and then rupture completely to release product. Cells self-destruct
    Holocaine glands
  30. Secrete their secretory products directly through the cell or plasma membrane. This is done without cell injury/loss of cytoplasm.
    Merocrine glands
  31. Lanugo
    Hair usually found on fetus or newborn
  32. Three major types of bone cells
    Osteoblasts, osteoclasts, and osteocytes.
  33. What are the 5 funtions of bone?
    Support,protection, movement, mineral storage, and hematopoiesis
  34. What are the two types of bone formation?
    Intramembranous and endochondral ossification
  35. The 6 structural components of a typical long bone visable to the naked eye.
    Diaphysis, epiphysis, articular cartilage, periosteum, medullary cavity, and endosteum
  36. What are the main structures that form osteon?
    Lamellae, lacunae, canaliculi, and haversian canals
  37. What are the canals that connect blood vessels between adjacent, paralle osteons?
    Volkmann canals
  38. What are the tiny branches of hard bone present in calcellous bone?
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AP1 test 1 review
test review for AP1 test 1