ABSITE ch 38 hernias, abdomen, surgical technology.txt

  1. Structure that forms external oblique fascia and shelving edge
    External abdominal oblique
  2. Structure that forms cremasteric muscles
    Internal abdominal oblique
  3. Structure that forms inguinal canal floor
    Transversalis muscle
  4. Structure extending from external abdominal oblique, running from ASIS to pubis
    Inguinal ligament
  5. Where the inguinal ligament splays out to insert in the pubis
    Lacunar ligament
  6. Structure that originates from transversalis, running from ASIS to pubis below inguinal ligament
    Ileopubic tract
  7. Pectineal ligament
    Cooper�s ligament
  8. Aponeurosis of internal oblique and transversus abdominus muscles
    Conjoined tendon
  9. Structure that runs parallel and just medial to cord structures
    Vas deferens
  10. Borders of Hesselbach�s triangle
    Rectus muscle, inferior inguinal ligament, inferior epigastrics
  11. Hernia medial to epigastric vessels
  12. Hernia superior/lateral to epigastric vessels
  13. Risk factors for inguinal hernias (9)
    Age, obesity, heavy lifting, COPD, constipation, straining, ascites, pregnancy, peritoneal dialysis
  14. Hernia from persistently patent processus vaginalis
  15. Hernia with higher recurrence rate (between direct and indirect)
  16. Hernia with both direct and indirect components
    Pantaloon hernia
  17. Most common structures in sliding hernias (male and female)
    Female: ovaries, fallopian tubes. Male: cecum, sigmoid
  18. Female with an ovary in hernia canal: what do you do?
    Ligate round ligament, return ovary to abdomen, biopsy if abnormal
  19. Open mesh repair that minimizes tissue tension
    Lichtenstein repair
  20. Approximation of conjoined tendon and transversalis fascia superiorly to free edge of inguinal ligament inferiorly
    Bassini repair
  21. Approximation of conjoined tendon and transversalis fascia to Cooper�s ligament. Uses a relaxing incision in external oblique fascia
    McVay (Cooper�s ligament repair)
  22. Indications for lap hernia repair
    Bilateral or recurrent
  23. Most common early complication after hernia repair
    Urinary retention
  24. Morbidity associated with vessel disruption and thrombosis of spermatic cord veins during hernia repair
    Testicular atrophy
  25. Nerve commonly injured following open hernia repair
    Ilioinguinal nerve
  26. Consequences of ilioinguinal nerve damage
    Loss of cremasteric reflex, numbness of ipsilateral penis, scrotum and thigh
  27. Nerve commonly injured following laparoscopic hernia repair
    Genitofemoral nerve
  28. Treatment of cord lipoma
  29. Femoral hernia: seen more often in men or women?
  30. Location of femoral hernia
    Medial to femoral vein
  31. Hernia with characteristic bulge on anterior-medial thigh below inguinal ligament
  32. Hernia along lateral border of rectus muscle, through linea semilunaris
    Spigelian hernia
  33. Hernia with noncircumferential incarceration of bowel wall (knuckle of bowel)
    Richter�s hernia
  34. Hernia with incarcerated Meckel�s
    Littre�s hernia
  35. Inferior lumbar hernia
    Petit�s hernia
  36. Superior lumbar hernia
    Grynfelt�s hernia
  37. Borders of Petit/inferior lumbar hernia (3)
    External oblique, lat, iliac crest
  38. Borders of Grynfelt/superior lumbar hernia (3)
    Internal oblique, lumbodorsal aponeurosis, 12th rib
  39. Inner thigh pain with internal rotation, secondary to obturator hernia
    Howship-Romberg sign
  40. Hernia most likely to recur (among all types)
  41. Morbidity associated with damage to epigastric vessel
    Rectus sheath hematoma
  42. Painless masses, typically found in women, associated with Gardner�s syndrome
    Desmoid tumors
  43. Malignant tumors of mesentery (2)
    Liposarcoma, leiomyosarcoma
  44. Location of malignant mesenteric tumors
    Near root of mesentery
  45. Location of benign mesenteric tumors
  46. Most common malignant retroperitoneal tumors (2)
    Lymphoma, liposarcoma
  47. 5-year survival after resection of retroperitoneal sarcoma
  48. most common site of metastasis of sarcoma
  49. most common omental solid tumor
    metastatic disease
  50. immediate treatment after CO2 embolus
    position patient head down turned to left
  51. first symptom of CO2 embolus
    rise in ETCO2, hypotension
  52. surgical instrument that disrupts H-bonds, causing coagulation
  53. Surgical instrument with superficial coagulation, and depth of necrosis related to power setting; good for hemostasis of liver and spleen
    Argon beam
  54. Surgical instrument that returns electrons to ground state for energy release as heat; this heat used to coagulate and vaporize
  55. Artificial material that allows fibroblast ingrowth
  56. Incidence of vascular or bowel injury with Veress needle or trocar
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ABSITE ch 38 hernias, abdomen, surgical technology.txt
ABSITE ch 38 hernia, surgical technology