Chapter1&2 informatics

  1. Data Mining
    Software that sorts thorough data in order to discover patterns and ascertain orestablish relationships; software that discovers or uncovers previously unidentified relationships among the data in a database; program that conducts exploratory analysis looking for hidden patterns in data.
  2. Foundation of Knowledge Model
    This model believes that humans are organic information systems constantly acquiring, processing and generating information or knowledge both in our professional and personal lives. It is our high degree of knowledge that characterizes us as extremely intelligent organic machines. Individuals have the ability to manage knowledge.
  3. Knowledge Dissemination
    • The Distribution of knowledge
    • Part of the Foundation of Knowledge Model
  4. What are the 5 parts of the Foundation of Knowledge Model
    Knowledge Acquisition, Knowledge Dissemination, Knowledge Generation, Knowledge Processing, and Feedback
  5. Knowledge Worker
    • Work with information and generate information and knowledge as a product
    • Nurses are considered Knowledge Workers
  6. NNRA
    • National Nursing Research Agenda
    • Focuses on technology related priorities such as NI: enhancing patient care and technology ependency across the lifespan
  7. What will technology do for nursing?
    Increase the avenues of acquiring distributing processing and generating knowledge
  8. Nursing Theory
    Concepts, propositions and definitions that represent a methodical viewpoint and provide a framework for organizing and standardizing nursing actions.
  9. What are the four goals of the Office of the national coordinator for health information?
    • Encourage the widespread adoption of electronic health records.
    • Interconnect clinicians so that data and information can be more easily shared
    • Personalize care through the use of personal health records and telehealth.
    • Improve public health through accessible information
  10. Chief Information Officer
    • CIO:
    • is involved with the information technology infrastructure and this role is sometimes expanded to Chief Knowledge Officer.
  11. Chief Technology Officer (CTO)
    • Chief Technology Officer
    • Is focused on organizationally-based scientific and technical issues and responsible for technological research and development as part of the organization’s products and services.
  12. Computer Based Information Systems (CBIS)
    • Computer Based Information Systems
    • Information systems used in the professional arena that are computer based
  13. Consolidated Health Informatics (CHI)
    • Consolidated Health Informatics
    • A collaborative effort to adopt health information interoperability standards, particularly health vocabulary and messaging standards, for implementation in federal government systems
  14. Federal Health Information Exchange (FHIE)
    • Federal Health Information Exchange
    • A Federal Information Technology (IT) health care initiative that enables the secure electronic one-way exchange of patient medical information.
  15. HL7
    • Health Level 7
    • Level Seven in HL7’s name means the “highest level of the International Standards Organization's (ISO) communications model for Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) - the application level.
  16. Library Science
    An interdisciplinary science that integrates law, applied science and the humanities, to study issues and topics related to libraries (collection, organization, preservation, archiving and dissemination of information resources).
  17. Massachusetts Health Data Consortium
    • An interdisciplinary science that integrates law, applied science and the humanities, to study issues and topics related to libraries (collection, organization, preservation, archiving and dissemination of information
    • resources)..
  18. National Health Information Infrastructure
    • An initiative set forth to improve overall quality of health and health care in the United States;
    • a knowledge-based network of interoperable systems of clinical, public, and personal health information that would improve decision-making by making health information available when and where it is needed
  19. National Health Information Network
    Goal is to keep pharmacy prepared to meet healthcare needs and access, safely and conveniently.
  20. Rapid Syndromic Validation Project
    • RSVP
    • System where local healthcare professionals report cases such as the influenza via the RSVP system where data is analyzed centrally and the resulting information is shared with appropriate local authorities.
  21. Give examples of alphanumeric data
    • Pts Name
    • ID
    • Medical Record Numbers
  22. What are some examples of quality, valuable information?
    accessibility, secure, timely, accurate, relevant, complete, flexible, reliable, objective, utility, transparency, verifiable and reproducible.
  23. Give an example of receiving information from output and input.
    • Output: from our computers
    • Input: through vision, hearing, and touch
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Chapter1&2 informatics
Chapter 1 and 2: the beginning of the worst book in the world