Environmental Psychology studies the effects of:
- Environments affect on behaviour and mental processes
- Designs and layouts affect on human interactions and emotions
Customers use ___(1)___ ____(1)___ and ____(2)___ ___(2)___ to make sense of tourism/event settings
- 1. Spatial Clues
- 2. Previous Experiences
What can cause customers to become disorientated?
No spatial clues
How can anxiety amoung tourists be reduced?
- Orientation aids
- Signage
- "you are here" maps
What is the main idea of "Mehrabian & Russell's Stimulus-Response Model"?
Feelings are a key driver of customer responses to service environments
Mehrabian & Russel's Stimulus-Response Model
Section One?
Environemtnal Stimuli & Cognitive Responses
Mehrabian & Russel's Stimulus-Response Model
Section Two?
Affective Response: pleasure & arousal
Mehrabian & Russel's Stimulus-Response Model
Section Three?
- Response Behaviour: approach/avoidance (inc. time & money spent)
- Cognitive Processes: inc. perceptions of quality & satisfaction
Bitner's Servicescape Model
- Environmental dimensions
- Moderators - Hollistic Environment
- Internal Responses
- Behaviour
Bittner's Servicescape Model
Main Environment Dimensions
- Ambient Conditions: background characteristics (noise level, music, lighting, temp, scent)
- Spatial Layout and Functionality: Spatial (floor plan, visual landscape, furnishings, counters, equipment) Functionality (circulation paths of employees and customers, focal points and ability to support delivery)
- Signs, Symbols & Artifacts: Objects (selection, orientaion, location and size) Explicit or implicit signals to (communicate image, help customers find way, convey rules of behaviour)
Bittner's Servicescape Model
Roles of the servicescape
- Package
- Facilitator
- Socialiser
- Differentiator
Roles of the serviscape
Conveys expectations and influences perception
Roles of the servicescape
facilitates the flow of the service delivery process
- - provides information (how to act?)
- - facilitates the ordering process (how does this work?)
- - facilitates service delivery
Roles of the servicescape
faccilitates interaction between customers and employees; and customers and fellow customers
Roles of the servicescape
Sets provider apart from competition in the mind of the customer
Tourism Service Environments can help....
Tourism businesses and events to create a distinctive image and unique positiong
Physical surroundings help shape...
...appropriate feelings and reactions in customers and employees
Tourism service environments affect buyer behaviour in three ways:
- Message-creating medium: symbolic cues to communicate the distinctive nature and quality of the service experience
- Attention-creating medium: make servicescape stand out from competitionand attract target segments
- Effect-creating medium: Use colours, textures, sounds, scents & spatial design to enhance desired experience
Tourism Service Environments
(Murphy, Benckendorff, Moscardo & Pearce, 2001)
- Environmental Setting
- Actors
- Responses
Tourism Service Environments
Environmental Setting
- Landscape: destination image, environment amenity, scenery & attractions, way of life, urbanisation
- Streetscape: vegetation, layout, townscape, variety, street furniture, parking & transport
- Servicescape: social factors (crowding, congestion, host attributes) physical and design factors (window & street displays, product variety & authenticity) Ambient factors (visual & tactile, offactory, auditory, thermal comfort)
Tourism Service Environments
- Visitor Characteristics: demographics, ethinicity, trip pattern, attitudes, motives
- Host Characteristics: resident attitudes, employee skills, quality of life
Tourism Service Environments
- Visitor Responses: emotion, satisfaction, length of stay, WOM, expenditure
- Host Responses: mood, commitment, effort, support, friendliness, service quality
What are the two main physical & design factors?
Servicescapes and Other tangibles
Physical Design Factors
What falls under "Servicescapes"
- Facility exterior - exterior design, signage parking landscape, surrounding environment
- Facility interior - interior design, equipment, signage, layout, air quality/temp, sound/music/lighting/scent
Physical Design Factors
What falls under "Other Tangibles"
- business cards
- stationery
- billing statements
- reports
- employee dress
- uniforms
- brochures
- web pages
- virtual servicescape
Ambient Factors
Ambient envioronment is composed of...
...hundreds of design elements and details that must work together to create the experience
Ambient Factors include:
- lighting and colour schemes
- size and shape perceptions
- sounds such as noise and music
- temperature
- scents
Ambient Factors
Scents can be used to...
solicit emotional, physiological & behavioural responses
Ambient Factors: Scent
Psychological effect of Eucalyptus
Stimulating and energising
Ambient Factors: Scent
Psychological effect of Lavender
Relaxing and calming
Ambient Factors: Scent
Psychological effect of Lemon
Soothing energy levels
Ambient Factors: Scent
Psychological effect of Black Pepper
Balancing peoples emotions
Signs Symbols Artifacts
What do these communicate?
- the business/events' image
- help customers find way
Visitor Orientation
Techniques in assisting visitor orientation
- Handheld maps
- Fixed location maps
- Directional Signs
- Information Desks
- Roving Guides
Visitor Orientation
What is cognitive mapping? What are the two ways in which the term is used?
"The mental processing of spatial information"
- - maps that people have in their heads (mental pictures)
- - A sketched map that people reproduce when asked to illustrate their mental picture of a place
Visitor Orientation
Key components of cognitive maps:
- Landmarks
- Paths
- Nodes
- Districts
- Edges
Visitor Orientation
Characteristics of successful cognitive maps:
- maps should highlight distinctive/key landmarks/key paths or routes
- align maps to match the users perspective
- maps should highlight important or comonly used features and facilities
- place text on map (opposed to legends)
- use colour
Special Interactions
What are some positive views of other tourists?
- Potential close friend - friendly contact, learn about/from, learn other culture
- Travel Companion - partner for activities, socialise
- Helper - source of info, share costs, lend hand
- Security Guard - look after possessions, prevent unwanted contacts
- Stimulation - improve atmosphere, excitement
Special Interactions
What is a neutral view of other tourists?
Background scenery - just there, no impact
Special Interactions
What are some negative views of other tourists?
- Stranger - minor discomfort, something unfamiliar
- Disturber - noise source, invades privacy, causes conflict, culture shock contributor
- Competitor - for accommodation, tickets, space, access to ppl and setting
Social interactions: Crowding
Factors effecting perceptions of overcrowding:
- Goal related dimensions
- Beahvioural dimensions
- Physical dimensions
- Expectations brought to the setting
- Extent of crowding that prevails at place of origin
Social interactions: Crowding
Japanese and western preferrences in natural settings, why?
- Japanese: prefer presence of moderate to large number of others however are conscious of presence of other japanese as desire to escape cultural expectations
- Westerners: prefer fewer people in natural settings but no preference with respect to nationality of others
Social Interactions Crowding
2 Aims of crowd management
- Enhance the on-site experience
- Protect resources
Social interactions: Crowding
Techniques of crowd management
- Quotas, limit numbers
- Limit duration of visit
- Limit opening occasions
- Pulsing visitors through a facility
- Create zones with clear expectations about behaviour
Social interactions Queues
Management issues related to queues
- Psychological information needs
- Time perceptions
- Physical needs
- Sociability of queues
Social Interactions Queues
Management solutions to potential problems in queues:
- Keep people active & amused (incorporate into the action)
- Look after people's physical needs (shade/seating/water/toilets)
- Keep people informed (wait time)
- Queue width (facilitate conversation/childrens needs)
Visitor Conflicts
- Intensity of activity and focus of participants
- Contrasting user groups and expectation
- Status
- Relationship with site - sense of ownership/respect
Visitor Conflicts
Manifestations of conflicts:
- Negative attitude toward others
- Vandalism
- Overcharging
Visitor Conflicts
Can be managed through:
- Careful management of cueues
- Effective use of quota systems
- Availability of substitute experiences