EXAM II - muscles of shoulder, pect girdle

    • Coracobrachialis:
    • O: coracoid process
    • I: proximal humerus
    • N: musculocutaneous nerve
    • A: Flexes and medially rotates arm

    • Pectoralis Major:
    • O: clavicle, sternum, costal cartilages 1-6
    • I: greater tubercle
    • N: musculocutaneous nerve
    • A: flexes, adducts, and medially rotates humerus
    • Latissiumus Dorsi:
    • O: vertebral column (T6 - S)
    • I: intertubercular groove
    • A: extends the shoulder

    • Teres Major:
    • O: inferior angle of scapula
    • I: intertubercular groove
    • A: extends and medially rotates humerus (arm swinging)
    • Supraspinatus:
    • O: supraspinous fossa
    • I: greater tubercle of humerus
    • A: aids deltoid in abduction of arm

    • Deltoid:
    • O: scapula acromion, scapula spine, clavile
    • I: deltoid tuberosity of humerus
    • A: abduct arm (aids in swinging such as bowling)
    • Teres Minor:
    • O: axillary, lateral border of scapula
    • I: greater tubercle
    • N: axillary n.
    • A: rotates humerus laterally
    • Infraspinatus:
    • O: infraspinous fossa of scapula
    • I: greater tubercle of humerus
    • A: rotates humerus laterally
    • Subscapularis:
    • O: subscapular fossa of scapula
    • I: lesser tubercle of humerus
    • A: rotates humerus medially
    • Serratus Anterior:
    • O: all or nearly all ribs (lateral 9)
    • I: anterior vertebral border of scapula
    • A: moves scapula forward and down (reaching down to pick up suitcase)

    • Pectoralis Minor:
    • O: ribs 3-5
    • I: coronoid process of scapula
    • A: same, moves scapula forward and down
    • Levator Scapulae:
    • O: vertebral column; C1-C4
    • I: medial border scapula (supraspinous)
    • A: elevates, adducts, rotates scapula

    • Rhomboid Minor:
    • O: vertebral column C7-T1
    • I: medial border of scapula (spine)
    • A: same

    • Rhomboid Major:
    • O: vertebral column T2-T5
    • I: medial border of scapula (infraspinous)
    • A: same
    • Trapezius:
    • O: occiptal bone through T12 of vertebral column
    • I: acromion and spine of scapula, clavicle
    • A: stabilizes and elevates scapula and shoulder
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EXAM II - muscles of shoulder, pect girdle