Chapter 4

  1. Abduction
    The movement of a limb away from the midline of the body
  2. Ab-
    Away from
  3. Duct
    To lead
  4. -ion
  5. Adduction
    The movement of a limb toward the midline ofthe body
  6. Ad-
  7. Adhesion
    A band of fibrous tissue that holds structures together abnormally
  8. Ataxia
    The inability to coordinate muscle activity during voluntary movement
  9. A-
  10. Tax
  11. -ia
  12. Atonic
    Lacking normal muscle tone or strength
  13. Ton
  14. -Ic
    Pretaining to
  15. Atrophy
    Weakness or wearing away of body tissues and structures. Can be caused by pathology or by disuse of the muscle over a long period of time
  16. Bradykinesia
    Extreme slowness in movement. Symptom of Parkinson's disease
  17. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
    Occurs when the tendons that pass through the carpal tunnel are cronically overused and become inflamed and swollen
  18. Chronic fatigue syndrome
    (CFS) a disorder of unknown cause that affects many body systems. Debilitating and complex disorder characterized by profound fatigue that is not improved by bed rest and may be made worse by physical or mental activity
  19. Circumduction
    The circular movement of a limb at the for end. Ex: Swinging motion of the far end of the arm
  20. Contracture
    The permanent tightening of fiscia, muscles, tendons, ligaments, or skin that occurs when normally elastic connective tissues are replaced with nonelastic fibrous tissues
  21. Dorsiflexion
    The movement that bends the foot upward at the ankle
  22. Dyskinesia
    The distortion or impairment of voluntary movement such as in a tic or spasm.
  23. Dys-
  24. Kines
  25. -Ia
  26. Dystaxia
    A mild form of ataxia
  27. Dystonia
    A condtion of abnormal muscle tone that causes the impairment of voluntary muscle movement
  28. Electromyography
    A diagnostic test that measures the electrical activity within muscle fbers in response to nerve stimulation
  29. Electroneuromyography
    A diagnostic procedure for testing and recording neuromuscular activity by the electric stimulation of the nerve trunk that carries fibes to and form the muscle
  30. Electr/o
  31. Epicondylitis
    Inflammation of the tissues surrounding the elbow
  32. Epi-
  33. Ergonomics
    The study of the human factors that affect the design and operation of tools and the work enviroment
  34. Excercise Physiologist
    A specialist who works under the supervision of a physician to develop, implement, and coordinate excerise progarms, and administer medical tests to promote physical fittness
  35. Fasciitis
    Inflammation of a fasica
  36. Fibromyalgia Syndrome
    Debilitating chronic condition characterized by fatigue, diffuse and or specific muscle, joint or bone pain and a wide range of other symptoms
  37. Ganglion Cyst
    Harmless fluid-filled swelling taht occurs most commonly on the outter surface of the wrist
  38. Heel Spur
    A calicum deposit in the plantar fascia near its attachment to the calcaneus (heel) bone that can be one of the causes of planter fasciitis
  39. Hemiparesis
    A slight paralysis or weakness affection on side of the body
  40. Hemi-
  41. -Paresis
    Partial or imcomplete paralysis
  42. Hemiplegia
    Total paralysis or weakness affecting one side of the body. Usually associated with a stroke or brain damage
  43. Hyperkinesia
    Abnormally increased muscle function or activity
  44. Hypokinesia
    Abnormally decreased muscle function or activity
  45. Hypertonia
    Condition of excessive tone of the skeletal muscles
  46. Hypotonia
    Condition which there is diminished tone of the skeletal muscles
  47. Impingement Syndrome
    Occurs when inflamed and swollen tendons are caught in the narrow space between the bones within the shoulder joint
  48. Intermitten Claudication
    Pain in the leg muscles that occurs during exercise and is relieved by rest
  49. Muscular Dystrophy
    Describes a group of more than 30 genetic diseases that are characterized by progressive weakness and degeneration of the skeletal muscles that control movement, without affecting the nervous system.
  50. Myasthenia Gravis
    Chronic autoimmune disease that affects the neuromuscular junctio and produces serious weakness of voluntary muscles
  51. Myocele
    The heriation (protrusion) of muscle substance through a tear in the fascia surrounding it
  52. Myoclonus
    The sudden involuntary jerking of a muscle or group of muscles
  53. Clon
    Violent action
  54. Myolysis
    The degeneration of muscle tissue
  55. Myoparesis
    A weakness or slight muscular paralysis
  56. Myorrhaphy
    The surgical suturing a muscle wound
  57. -rrhaphy
    Surgical suturing
Card Set
Chapter 4
The Muscular system