1. what is the difference between disinfectant and antiseptic
    • disinfectant: eliminate organisms or inanimate objects
    • antiseptic: prevent the growth of some microorganisms on living tissue
  2. where are nonpathogenic microorganisms usually found
    skin, gastrointestinal tract, Respiratory tract, and the giniturinary tract
  3. several symptoms of an infection
    • redness
    • heat
    • swelling/edema
    • pain
    • stiffness
    • fever
  4. disease caused by DIPLOCOCCI
    • pneumonia
    • gonorrhea
    • meningitis
  5. disease caused by STREPTOCOCCI
    rheumatoid heart disease, scarlet fever, strep throat
  6. disease caused by STAPHYLOCOCCI
    Bails, pimples, acne,
  7. disease caused by BACILLI
    tuberculosis, tenanus, Diptheria, gas gangrene, pertusis
  8. disease caused by SPIRILLA
    • 1 curve: cholera
    • spirochetes: syphilis
  9. what is the difference between communicable period and incubation time
    • communicable: time that a disease can be transferred from 1 person to another
    • incubation: time between exposure and symptoms
  10. 7 ways your body protects itself against infection
    • 1. coughing
    • 2. cilia
    • 3. tears/sweat
    • 4. acid environments [Urinary tract, Vagina]
    • 5. Hydrochloric acid in the stomach
    • 7. any/all immune response/ antibiotics
  11. 8 ways to prevent potential contact with any infectious materials
    • change gloves after every pt
    • wash hands
    • sheilds [face, eyes, gloves]
    • use sharps container right
    • vaccinations
    • know you office exposure control pain
  12. what does OSHA stand for
    Occupational safety and Health Administration
  13. who established OSHA, and what is it's purpose?
    • Who: federal Government
    • Purpose: set & enforce standard universal precautions
  14. Hinged items or instruments should be in the ______ position of the autoclave
  15. Items are wrapped before placing them in the autoclave to avoid what?
    contamination after sterilization
  16. 3 roles that an MA might have or play in infection control
    • 1. follow guidelines for maintaining a safe & clean environment
    • 2. cleaniliness
    • 3. routine office inspections for cleanliness & maintenance
  17. what is the usual temp. to sterilize in the autoclave
    250 degrees
  18. what are sterilization indicators
    strips that verify sterility
  19. list the steps of infection cycle
    • 1. reservoir host
    • 2. means of exit
    • 3. means of transmission
    • 4. means of entry
    • 5. susceptible host
  20. what do you use the Allis Tissue forceps for
    • tissue= teeth
    • to grow tissue for secure control
  21. what do you use the Kelly Hemostat for?
    to grasp tissue to hold, clamp, or pull away
  22. what is the smalles suture material size
  23. how far above the knot would you cut a suture once the wound has been closed
    1/8 - 1/4 " above the knot
  24. which kind of nedle is one in which the needle and the suture materials are combined in one length
  25. define asepsis
    state of being free from all pathogenice microorganisms
  26. is the air above the sterile field also considered sterile?
  27. when performing a surgical scrub, it is important that the water temp. be ____, because if the temp. is too ___ it may cause te skin to ___ and provide and area in which ___ can grow.
    • warm
    • hot
    • chafe/shap
    • bacteria
  28. an outpatient surgery generally lasts less than how long?
    60 minutes
  29. what is a mayo stand
    small portable tray used to hold surgical instruments during a procedure
  30. what kind of surgery is done using freezing temps.?
  31. what destroys microorganisms with the use of flames
  32. ____ wold be used to create surgical asepsis
  33. what is the smallest living organism
  34. what would droplets of microorganisms be an example of
    indirect transmission
  35. what does CDC do
    tracks communicable Dx. and sets guidelines to prevent the spread of Dx.
  36. whay is the guidlenine for the ration for bleach solution that you would use to clean up blood or bodily fluids?
  37. what is the 1st and best way to prevent the spread of Dx.?
  38. when removing sutures, you should ___ the suture with ____ toward the _____ ______
    • pull
    • forceps
    • healing
    • incision
  39. when using sterile gloves, you should always grasp with which hand first
  40. when preparing skin for minor surgery, describe what is the best way to go about hair removal
    clip hair then shave
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