Forearm, hand, leg, foot.txt

  1. Brachialis
    • A- Flex the elbow
    • O- Distal half of anterior surface of humerus
    • I- Tuberosity and coronoid process of ulna
  2. Brachioradialis
    • A- Flex the elbow, assist to pronate and supinate the forearm when these movements are resisted
    • O- lateral supracondylar ridge of humerus
    • I- Styloid process of radius
  3. Extesnor Carpi Radialis Longus and Brevis
    • A- Extend the wrist, abduct the wrist, assist to flex the elbow
    • O- Lateral supracondylar ridge of humerus
    • I- Longus: Base of second metacarpal
    • Brevis- Base of third metacarpal
  4. Extensor Carpi Ulnaris
    • A- Extend the wrist, adduct the wrist
    • O- Common extensor tendon from the lateral epicondyle of humerus
    • I- Base of fifth metacarpal
  5. Extensor Digitorum
    • A- Extend the second through fifth fingers, assist to extend the wrist
    • O- common extensor tendon from the lateral epicondyle of humerus
    • i- middle and distal phalanges of second through fifth finger
  6. aconeus
    • a- extend the elbow
    • o- lateral epicondyle of the humerus
    • i- olecranon process and lateral edge of ulnar shaft
  7. extensor indicis
    • a- extend the second finger, assist to adduct the second finger
    • o- posterior surface of distal shaft of ulna and interosseous membrane
    • i- tendon of the extensor digitorum at the level of the second metacarpal
  8. flexor carpi radialis
    • a- flex the wrist, abduct the wrist, flex the elbow
    • o- common flexor tendon from medial epicondlye
    • i- bases of second and third metacarpals
  9. palmaris longus
    • a- tense the palmar fascia, flex the wrist, flex the elbow
    • o- common flexor tendon from medial epicondyle
    • i- flexor retinaculum and palmar aponeurosis
  10. flexor carpi radialis
    • a- flex the wrist, abduct the wrist, flex the elbow
    • o- common flexor tendon from medial epicondyle
    • i- bases of second and third metacarpals
  11. palmaris longus
    • a- tense the palmar fascia, flex the wrist, flex the elbow
    • o- common flexor tendon from medial epicondyle
    • i- flexor retinaculum and palmar aponeurosis
  12. flexor carpi ulnaris
    • a- flex the wrist, adduct the wrist, assist to flex the elbow
    • o- humeral head- common flexor tendon from medial epicondyle of humerus, ulnar head- posterior surface of proximal half of ulnar shaft
    • i- pisiform
  13. flexor digitorum superficialis
    • a- flex the second through fifth fingers, flex the wrist
    • o- common flexor tendon from medial epicondyle of humerus, ulnar collateral ligament, coronoid process of ulna and shaft of radius
    • i- by four tendons into sides of middle phalanges of second through fifth fingers
Card Set
Forearm, hand, leg, foot.txt
cards for a massage anatomy test on forearm hand leg and foot