Private Detective.txt

  1. What is the term used that means "jury selection"?

    A) Voir Dire
  2. When must an employer obtain Workers' compensation insurance coverage?

    D) If 1 or more employees
  3. When, if ever, can a PI be hired to protect property?

    D) Never
  4. What do the initials "F.D.I.C." stand for?

    B) Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
  5. What restrictions, if any, are there regarding a PI performing work within a labor strike/union situation?

    D) All of these answers
  6. What is "hearsay"?

    D) Indirect knowledge
  7. What restrictions, if any, are there to a PI providing the address to an unlisted telephone number?

    C) Don't obtain information illegally
  8. What does the term "fiduciary" mean?

    C) Trust
  9. When, if ever, can a PI serve process on someone under 18 years of age?

    B) Only if named as a defendant
  10. What is an addition to an existing will known as?

    C) Codicil
  11. Can a PI trespass if that is what is needed to definitely obtain evidence "clearing" the client?

    B) No
  12. Is "UCC" used nation-wide or only within this state?

    A) Nation-wide
  13. What law or rule prevents a priest from revealing what the priest hears during confession?

    D) Canon Law
  14. What is "replevin"?

    A) Return of property
  15. What restrictions are there, if any, regarding when a PI can be hired to protect a person?

    D) Only if incidental to an investigation the PI has been previously hired to perform
  16. What government agency maintains marriage records that include all the counties in this state?

    B) Department of Health
  17. What is the "Jones Act"?

    B) A Workers' Comp. Case
  18. How many hours of full-time paid investigative experience does an applicant usually need to prove to possess before being allowed to take the PI license test?

    A) 6,000
  19. What is a lessee/lessor relationship?

    C) Tenant/landlord
  20. What is the cost of the initial PI license?

    C) 50. + 175.
  21. How often does a PI license need to be renewed?

    A) Every 2 years
  22. What do the initials "F.B.N." stand for?
    "Fictitious Business:

    D) Name
  23. What are the restrictions regarding the use of a badge by a PI?

    B) Never
  24. Do reports to the client have to be written, or can they be verbal?

    C) Per agreement
  25. Who in the PI firm may issue the report to the client?

    D) All of these answers
  26. What is the place where newspapers store their archive copies known as?

    B) Morgue
  27. If a PI has an employee working undercover in a grocery store, and the employee is injured in a "slip & fall" on a wet floor there, whose insurance is responsible?

    A) PI, possibly store too
  28. What says that an accused person has the right to confront any witnesses against him or her?

    A) Amendment to Constitution
  29. Can you legally subcontract or "1099" to your employees?

    D) If a licensed PI
  30. What is the difference between a felony and a misdemeanor?

    D) Felony- one year or more incarceration, Misdemeanor- up to one year
  31. How quickly must a PI notify the bureau of a change of address?

    B) 30 days
  32. What is the fine if the PI fails to notify the bureau of a change of address?

    C) $25.
  33. What three pieces of information must appear on all of a PI's advertisements?

    A) Business name, address or phone, and license number
  34. What are the differences between fire extinguisher types A, B, and C?

    C) A=wood/paper fires, B=liquid fires, C=electrical
  35. What does the Securities & Exchange Commission deal with?

    D) Stocks and bonds
  36. If you are searching the interior grounds of an apartment building for leads to a prior tenant, and the resident manager tells you to immediately leave, must you?

    C) Yes- you were told to
  37. What does the term "malice aforethought" mean?

    C) A predetermination to commit a crime
  38. If a PI is following a car on a surveillance, and then loses sight of the car, what should the PI do?

    C) Go straight, then u-turn and check passed areas
  39. When is a tape recording of a conversation admissible in court?

    C) All of these answers
  40. What do the initials "W.C.A.B." stand for?

    B) Workers' Compensation Appeals Board
  41. What are the elements fo the crime of "burglary"?

    C) Enter structure with intent to steal
  42. Can a PI use an alias (a name other than PI's own)?

    B) No
  43. What is the difference between a "subpoena duces tecum" and a "subpoena"?

    A) S- appear, SDT- appear and produce items
  44. What is the difference between "theft" and "embezzlement"?

    A) Embezzlement is theft by one entrusted and is always a felony
  45. Explain how there are different types of rape, including where no force was used.

    B) Deceit, underage, retarded, intoxicated
  46. What do the initials "A.O.E. - C.O.E." stand for?

    A) Arising Out of Employment - Continuing Out of Employment
    B) Arising Out of Employment - Caused Out of Employment
    C) Advised Of Employment - Closed Of Employment
    D) Air Or Earth - Calm Or Elevated
    • A) Arising Out of Employment - Continuing Out of Employment
    • B) Arising Out of Employment - Caused Out of Employment
  47. What is "entrapment"?

    C) Government agents inducing a person to commit a crime not contemplated by him
  48. Is impersonating a police officer a misdemeanor or a felony?

    B) Misdemeanor
  49. Explain "statue of limitations"?

    A) All of these answers
  50. What is "post mortem lividity"?

    B) Settling of blood in a dead body
  51. What type of license does a PI need to obtain in order to offer bodyguard services to the public?

    D) PPO (Private Patrol Operator)
  52. What does the term "exemplary damages" mean?

    A) Increased award because of violence or fraud
  53. What are some of the current restrictions on DMV record access?

    A) All of these answers
  54. What government agency investigates crimes committed in or against most banks?

    D) F.B.I.
  55. While working undercover, can a PI use narcotics with a suspect so that the PI "fits in" better?

    C) No
  56. What does the term "runner" mean?

    D) Solicit accident victims for attorney's business
  57. Who determines if someone is an "expert witness"?

    D) Judge or if both, defense and plaintiff attorneys stipulate
  58. What is a "hung jury"?

    D) A jury so irreconcilably divided in opinion that they cannot agree upon any verdict
  59. What items of information must be included on any proof-of-service form in order to be accepted by the court?

    C) All items found on a court-issued proof-of-service
  60. What are the restrictions on looking at the mail of a person or business?

    D) Can not touch
  61. What is the statue of limitations on the crime of arson?

    C) All of these answers
  62. What are the elements of the crime of "robbery"?

    C) Taking something using force or fear
  63. What does the term "chain of evidence" means?

    C) All of these answers
  64. What person may "adopt and enforce reasonable rules" involving the regulation of PIs?

    D) Director
  65. If a PI finds and then destroys evidence that will hurt his client's side in a case, what crime was committed?

    D) Both obstruction of justice and destruction of evidence
  66. Are there regulations or restrictions on the dollar amount charged hourly by a PI?

    D) No
  67. In what city are most U.S. military personnel records kept?

    C) St. Louis
  68. Where are FBN's filed?

    B) County
  69. What does the term "ex parte" mean?

    B) One sided
  70. What does the term "punitive damages" mean?

    C) Both as penalty and as punishment
  71. Where may bankruptcy records be examined?

    C) Federal Court
  72. Where may probate records be examined?

    B) Superior Court
  73. Are conversations between a PI and his client considered a "privileged communication" as are conversations between an attorney and his client?

    B) No
  74. What is an "honesty shopper"?

    D) Check integrity of sales personnel
  75. If a police officer refuses to accept a citizen's arrest that was made by a PI, is the police officer committing a misdemeanor or a felony?

    A) Felony
  76. If an interviewee keeps his/her arms folded across his/her chest, what is this a possible sign of?

    D) Unopen
  77. You are canvassing at the scene of a recent auto accident, looking for a reported witness, at a major intersection. A transient offers to bring you to that witness, for a fee. Can you pay the transient?

    D) Yes
  78. What are some techniques and rules involving PI testifying in court?

    D) Both, answer yes or no and don't elaborate unless asked
  79. What does "R.I.C.O." stand for in the "RICO Act"?

    B) Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations
  80. What do the terms "in propria persona" and "in pro per" mean?

    D) Self-represented
  81. How are accident reports obtained from the State Highway Patrol / State Police?

    B) All of these answers
  82. What determines "invasion of privacy"?

    D) Violated reasonable expectation of privacy
  83. If a PI can see a Worker's Compensation claimant performing physical activity through the windows of the claimant's home, and the PI is on public property, can the PI photograph/videotape the activity?

    C) Yes
  84. How is a "deposition" different than an affidavit?

    B) Affirmation is written, deposition is oral
  85. A PI is working undercover in a factory, in a position where the assignment is to see if an employee there is selling narcotics to fellow employees. If the assignment might require the PI to purchase narcotics from the suspect, must the local law enforcement be notified in advance?

    A) Yes
  86. "Direct evidence" is evidence that was:

    B) All of these answers
  87. When may a PI make an arrest for a misdemeanor?

    A) Crime committed directly in PI's presence
  88. Name three credit reporting agencies:

    D) TRW, Equifax, Transunion
  89. If a PI is taking photographs of a "slip & fall" accident location inside a grocery store, and the store manager tells the PI to leave, must the PI leave?

    A) Yes, were told to
  90. What are some possible ways to determine if a person has had any serious injuries in the past?

    A) All of these answers
  91. What are some of the things a PI might be sued for during the PI's career?

    C) All of these answers
  92. A PI must "1099" any non-employee that the PI pays more than $600. to in a calendar year, except to:

    A) Corporations
  93. If an employee-theft suspect asks the PI for an attorney and union representative to be present during an interview, how should the PI proceed?

    D) Give both
  94. What restrictions does the State put on the name choice for a PI business?

    D) Must not be very similar to another licensee
  95. If a PI dies, for how long after that may a family member continue operating the PI's business?

    B) 120 days
  96. May a licensed PI make up and use an identification card for himself telling that the PI is licensed as a PI?

    D) No, prohibited by statute
  97. Within how many days must a PI respond in writing to an applicant's request for experience certification?

    A) 30
  98. Working retail undercover for theft, you make an arrest, and give the evidence to the store manager for safekeeping. What should be obtained from the manager?

    D) A receipt listing all evidence involved
  99. What is a "transcript"?

    A) Commonly, a record of a proceeding by court reporter
  100. If a PI operates from more than one location, the PI must obtain a "branch office license" for each additional location. What is the cost of a 2nd branch office license?

    D) 50.
  101. What is the difference between crimes termed "mala in se" and those termed "mala prohibita"?

    A) M-I-S : "bad in succession" (escalating seriousness of crime) M-P: "bad because of prohibiting"
    B) M-I-S : "bad in itself" (murder) M-P: "bad because of prohibiting" (curfew, speeding)
    B) M-I-S : "bad in itself" (murder) M-P: "bad because of prohibiting" (curfew, speeding)
  102. What is a "badger game"?

    B) Woman lures man, extortion follows
  103. How could a person's occupation be determined?

    B) All of these answers
  104. What are some possible indicators, from prior to the fire, that a fire might have been arson?

    D) All of these answers
  105. If a PI's license is revoked, what person can determine when to reinstate it?

    B) Director
  106. What is the best way to serve legal documents on a person living inside a guard-gated community?

    A) Advise guard, if refused entry then sub-serve guard
  107. Is a county's " criminal filing index", which is a list of persons and any criminal cases that have been filed involving them, available to the public?

    A) Yes
  108. What are the two most important items that should be included on diagrams of locations or incident scenes?

    B) A director and scale or scale disclaimer
  109. What is an example of "compounding a crime"?

    A) Taking money to not reveal a crime
  110. If after a PI takes a witness statement, the witness refuses to sign it, is it admissible in court?

    D) Yes, it is an interview regardless
  111. If a person who has knowledge of a crime receives something of value in exchange for concealing that crime, what new crime has been committed?

    C) Compounding
  112. Where would a PI obtain a copy of a death certificate?

    D) Both coroner and recorder
  113. What is a "declaratory"?

    C) Both Explanatory and to fix an uncertainty
  114. What is the purpose of "discovery" in a court matter?

    C) Both to save time and money
  115. When, if ever, are adult probation records accessible?

    C) For a 30 day period following any hearing
  116. When, if ever, are juvenile probation records accessible?

    A) Never, this is not a public record
  117. Where would a PI obtain an accurate and detailed weather report from a date in the past?

    C) All of these have some records
  118. What is the primary purpose of a written report?

    C) To maintain a permanent record of the facts
  119. Worker's Compensation fraud is a misdemeanor or a felony?

    A) Misdemeanor
    B) Felony
    B) Felony
  120. Explain the rule regarding "third party notification" when attempting to locate a debtor or to collect a debt.

    B) Can not notify an uninvolved third party of the existence of another's debt
  121. What are some of the first steps in locating a missing person?

    A) All of these answers
  122. What is "reversal film"?

    A) Slide film
  123. What is the difference between "kidnapping" and "child stealing"?

    B) Child stealing must involve a family member
  124. Manufacturing evidence: what type of crime is it, and what is the possible penalty for it?

    A) Misdemeanor; a year or less incarceration
    B) Felony; a year or more incarceration
    Felony; a year or more incarceration
  125. What is a "writ"?

    A) A judge's order to do or allow something to occur
  126. When may a licensed security company owner / Private Patrol Operator perform an investigation?

    A) If in regards to something the PPO was previously hired to protect
  127. What agencies regulate "armored car" companies?

    A) D.O.C.A. / C.H.P. / P.U.C.
    B) F.B.I. / C.H.P. / P.U.C.
    A) D.O.C.A. / C.H.P. / P.U.C.
  128. What agency regulates collection agencies?

    A) None of these answers
  129. What are some of the offenses that a PI migh commit that could cause the loss of the PI's license?

    A) Theft, Abuse, Slander
    B) Theft, Fraud, Abuse
    B) Theft, Fraud, Abuse
  130. What does the real property term "alpha" mean?

    B) By owner name
  131. What do the initials "F.A.A." stand for?

    C) Federal Aviation Administration
  132. What does the term "mens rea" mean?

    D) Guilty mind and Criminal intent
  133. What government agencies investigates aircraft crashes?

    C) N.T.S.B. & F.A.A.
  134. What is the difference between "libel" and "slander"?

    A) "Libel" is spoken, "slander" is written
    B) "Slander" is spoken, "libel" is written
    B) "Slander" is spoken, "libel" is written
  135. What government agencies regulate alcoholic beverages?

    C) Both B.A.T.F. and A.B.C.
  136. What can be learned from a U.C.C. filing?

    A) Names, addresses, partners, date of birth
    B) Names, addresses, partners, persons owed
    B) Names, addresses, partners, persons owed
  137. Under what two circumstances can a Post Office clerk provide a PI the information from a P.O. box holder's application file?

    A) Box being used for business purposes and by someone to be served papers
  138. What government agency regulates building contractors?

    A) C.S.L.B.
  139. Can a PI serve a restraining order?

    C) Yes
  140. Within how many days after an occurrence must a government agency be sued for negligence?

    A) 60
    B) 90
    C) 100
    D) 120
  141. What are the advantages and disadvantages of notifying local law enforcement that you are performing a surveillance in their area?

    A) No ticket if parked illegally, Could be surveilling friend of person notified
    B) "Softer" or no visit if neighbors complain, Some towns, drive-bys to see what PI looks like
    B) "Softer" or no visit if neighbors complain, Some towns, drive-bys to see what PI looks like
  142. What does the term "Crimen falsi" mean?

    B) All of these answers
  143. What circumstances must exist for a person to be arrested for a felony crime?

    D) Reasonable belief that the person committed the crime
  144. If a transient walking down an alley goes in to the open garage of a house, and then runs out with an armload of power tools from the garage, what crime has been committed?

    C) Burglary
  145. When interviewing a witness, suspect, or subject, what items of information are the most critical to obtain from him/her besides the incident information, and why are they critical?

    A) Detailed identification, for later locate help
  146. A person tells his friend, "I'm starving. That supermarket has some packages of meat that I can easily steal. Let's go there." If they go there, and the person does take meat away from the store without paying for it, what crime(s) have been committed?

    C) Burglary
  147. If a person is arrested due to a PI's work product, can the PI offer this person a "plea bargain" for court?

    C) No
  148. Where would a PI obtain the final "cause of death"?

    C) Coroner
  149. Where would a PI obtain a copy of a "deed of trust"?

    C) Registrar ?
  150. What is the minimum amount of times per month that an employer must pay all employees?

    D) Twice
  151. What is a "pigeon drop"?

    D) Requiring "good faith" money before sharing "find"
  152. What is a "demand bank account"?

    B) Signature checking account
  153. If a large person orders a small frail person, "Give me your money or I'll beat you to death", and the money is transferred, what crime has been committed?

    A) Robbery
  154. If a person tells another, "Give me your money or I'll shoot you" while simulating under his shirt that he has a gun (even though there is no gun), and the money is transferred, what crime has been committed?

    C) Robbery
  155. When can a PI legally obtain information from a friend who is a peace officer?

    B) O.k. if friend would give it to anyone else
  156. What dollar amount determines if a theft is "theft" or "grand theft"?

    D) $400
  157. If once every day for one week, a cashier steals ten dollars out of his/her cash register, what crime has been committed, and is this a misdemeanor or felony?

    B) Embezzlement-felony
  158. What information is found in a "reverse directory"?

    D) Both Addresses to telephone numbers and telephone numbers to addresses
  159. A "riot" must involve at least how many persons?

    A) Two
  160. What does the term "Modus Operandi" mean?

    B) Method of operation
  161. If a person is seriously injured in an area where a business owner has ignored many warnings involving other injuries there, what type of case is this?

    D) Negligence
  162. What are the elements of the crime of "extortion"?

    B) All of these answers
  163. How many counties are in this state?

    B) 58
  164. What do the initials "B & P" stand for?

    A) Business and Professions Code
  165. What is "pandering"?

    D) To procure for prostitution
  166. Explain "iodine fuming"

    B) Fingerprinting
  167. Explain "check kiting"

    D) Writing bad checks from a person's account(s) to his other account(s) in a continuing "circle", with funds never really being in any account.
  168. What do the initials "A.K.A." stand for?

    B) Also Known As
  169. If a PI has a subpoena to serve on someone who has left the United States, how should the PI proceed?

    C) All of these answers
  170. Who makes changes to the Penal Code?

    D) Legislature
  171. What does the term "perjury" means?

    D) Lying under oath
  172. If during a witness interview, the PI realizes that the witness is intoxicated, what should the PI do?

    C) Immediately discontinue
  173. How could a PI legally obtain NCIC and CII records?

    C) By court order only
  174. What does the term "adulterate" mean?

    A) Change
  175. What document contains most of the rules that a collector or collection agency must follow?

    D) F.C.R.A.
  176. What prevents a PI from allowing the PI's employees to advertise themselves to the public as investigators?

    A) The B&P Code Private Investigator Act
  177. What factors are involved in determining the distance at which to follow a person / vehicle?

    B) Weather, traffic, and Subject alertness
  178. What restrictions, if any, are there regarding a PI providing the residence address of a peace officer to a client?

    A) Can not do maliciously
  179. If a PI's report says bad things about a Subject, and the bad things can not be proven later, what type of lawsuit could the Subject bring against the PI?

    D) All of these answers
  180. What is "coining"?

    C) Asian culture technique of rubbing heated coin on sick person's spine, marks mistaken for abuse
  181. What legal documents can be sub-served?

    C) Most documents, after due diligence
  182. Where would a PI obtain information regarding a piece of industrial equipment?

    D) All of these answers
  183. What restrictions, if any, are involved in investigating a person's medical history / background?

    C) Doctor / patient confidentiality
  184. What are typical methods of determining a person's financial status?

    A) All of these answers
  185. What is the difference between cases dismissed "with prejudice" and those dismissed "without prejudice"?

    A) With = action can not ever be refiled
    Without = action can be refiled later
    B) With = action can be refiled later
    Without = action can not
    A) With = action can not ever be refiledWithout = action can be refiled later
  186. Where are U.C.C. records kept?

    A) Secretary of State
    B) Secretary of Corporations
    A) Secretary of State
  187. Who can not be convicted of a crime?

    C) All of these answers
  188. What is a "decedent"?

    C) Dead person
  189. If a PI license is revoked due to "mental illness", how and when, if ever, may it be reinstated?

    A) Per director
    B) Per statutes
    A) Per director
  190. If a peace officer orders a PI to immediately assist in a situation, must the PI assist, by any law?

    A) Yes
    B) No
    A) Yes
  191. If a person points an unloaded firearm at a PI, what crime has been committed, and is this a felony or misdemeanor?

    C) Assault with a deadly weapon - Felony
  192. Name reasons that an interview should be performed away from the interviewee's business or residence

    A) So interviewee is less confortable and has less distractions
  193. What lawsuits could be brought against a PI?

    A) Libel, Slander, Defamation and all others
  194. What is the best method to use during the taking of a written statement to prevent later denial of statement?

    A) Required ID at start
    B) Each paragraph initialed
    B) Each paragraph initialed
  195. What do the initials "F.B.I." stand for?

    A) Federal Bureau of Investigation
  196. In this state, what is the waiting period for delivery of a purchased handgun?

    D) 10 days
  197. What does the term "abscond" mean?

    C) To hide
  198. Where would a PI obtain copies of reports and pamplets printed by the U.S. Government?

    A) U.S. Government Printing Office
  199. What government agency deals with counterfeit money?

    C) Secret Service
  200. What does the term "in camera" mean?

    B) Hearing in Judge's chambers
  201. Working undercover, the PI sees an employee concealing company property under his shirt. When should the employee be confronted and/or arrested?

    C) After leaving premises with property concealed
  202. What is a "mandamus"?

    A) Writ from a higher court
  203. What two permits is a PI required to obtain in order to carry a concealed firearm while working as a PI?

    A) CCW & BSIS FQ card
    B) CCW & BSIS PI license
    A) CCW & BSIS FQ card
  204. Which is "purer" gold- 10k or 14k?

    A) 10k
    B) 14k
    B) 14k
  205. What does the term "corpus delecti" mean?

    A) Dead body or a burned-down house
  206. What term might a PI expect to encounter during a death investigation?

    C) All of these answers
  207. Are there any exceptions allowing an employer to pay less than "minimum wage"?

    A) Yes
    B) No
    A) Yes
  208. What is "kleptomania"?

    A) Irresistible urge to steal
  209. What do the initials "I.B.M." stand for?

    B) International Business Machines
  210. What does the term "malfeasance" mean?

    C) Both, Evil doing and Ill conduct
  211. What is the primary goal of an investigation?

    A) Obtain evidence to disprove a claim
    B) To obtain the truth
    B) To obtain the truth
  212. What would be a good type of vehicle to use for a long-term stationary surveillance?

    A) Van with small windows
  213. What would a PI find in the "Poor's Registry"?

    B) Stocks
  214. What is an "acquittal"?

    C) Found innocent
  215. What is the diameter of a bullet known as?

    B) Caliber
  216. What do the initials "D.B.A." stand for?

    B) Doing Business As
  217. What is a "fraudulent transfer"?

    A) Hide or transfer property to defraud creditor
    B) Wire transfer of funds involving embezzlement
    A) Hide or transfer property to defraud creditor
  218. What state or federal agency licenses collection agencies?

    A) None
  219. If, while using a "zoom" lens on a 35mm camera, you "zoom" it to it's "lowest" number, how will the photo be different than at it's "highest" zoom number?

    A) Lower number- wider scene in photo, but Subject smaller; higher number- thinner scene in photo, but Subject larger
    B) Lower number- thinner scene in photo, but Subject larger; higher number- wider scene in photo, but Subject smaller
    A) Lower number- wider scene in photo, but Subject smaller; higher number- thinner scene in photo, but Subject larger
  220. What does the term "misfeasance" mean?

    A) Improper performance of an act which a person may lawfully do
    B) Release of liability
    A) Improper performance of an act which a person may lawfully do
  221. What does the term "ex post facto" mean?

    B) After the fact
  222. If an applicant for a PI license fails the written test, what is the next step in the licensing process?

    A) Re-apply for license
    B) Apply and pay for re-test
    B) Apply and pay for re-test
  223. Is U.S. citizenship a requirement for a PI license?

    A) Yes
    B) No
    B) No
  224. If a PI's undercover agent is being paid a salary by the PI's client plus a weekly fee by the PI, is the PI required to withhold taxes on the weekly fee?

    A) Yes
    B) No
    A) Yes
  225. What determines if investigative experience qualifies towards taking the PI license test?

    A) If past employer certifies that your position was titled "Investigator"
    B) If experience meets list supplied by licensing agency
    B) If experience meets list supplied by licensing agency
  226. For a PI to obtain the license required to offer bodyguard services, what experience must the PI prove to possess?

    A) One year investigative experience
    B) One year security experience
    B) One year security experience
  227. If a PI obtains information from a priest regarding a murder, must the PI keep the information confidential?

    A) Yes
    B) No
    B) No
  228. What is the difference in renewing an expired PI license that is one year expired to one that is three years expired?

    B) After three years expired, can not be renewed
  229. When does a PI license typically expire?

    A) Every two years, on assigned date
  230. If a person identifies herself as being the wife of a person to be served lawsuit papers, when can she be served instead?

    C) After 3 attempts to serve
  231. Are PIs allowed to complete Bureau-supplied fingerprint cards for applicants seeking State-issued permits and licenses?

    A) Yes
    B) No
    A) Yes
  232. If an attorney instructs a PI to obtain a photograph of a large crack in the sidewalk where his client has shown the PI he tripped on, and then the attorney says "Photograph this (larger) crack instead", what should the PI do?

    A) Take the photograph as requested
    B) Refuse to take the photograph
    A) Take the photograph as requested
  233. Where does an applicant apply for Workers' Compensation?

    A) California Employment Development
  234. Can a PI videotape or photograph physical activity occurring in a fenced private backyard by holding the photography equipment above the top of the fence from an alley behind the property?

    A) Yes
    B) No
    B) No
  235. What does the term "triangulation" mean?

    A) Crime scene evidence location measurement
  236. How does a bank verify a signature on a check?

    A) Compare to their copy of writer's drivers license
    B) Compare to writer's signature card
    B) Compare to writer's signature card
  237. If a PI takes a photograph of an accident scene, then steps closer to the scene and switches to a wider-angle lens on the camera, what will change?

    A) Perspective
  238. What would be the primary reason, if any, a PI would obtain a County-issued process server registration, when a PI license typically exempts the PI from needing it?

    B) There are a couple of documents that if served by a private person, that person must be a bonded & registered process server unless the court prearranges the server
  239. Under what circumstance (s) is it permissible to record a telephone conversation?

    B) All of these answers
  240. What determines if a location is a "public place"?

    C) If anyone is free to come and go
  241. What is an "interrogatory"?

    C) Written series of questions for discovery
  242. How much time is allowed to complete the written PI licensing test?

    A) 120 minutes
  243. What does the term "et al" mean?

    A) And others
  244. Name some different shapes and "cuts" of gemstones

    C) All of these answers
  245. If all the document evidence needed for a case is obtained by a PI solely by use of subpoena powers, has the PI performed the PI's duties correctly?

    A) Yes
    B) No
    A) Yes
  246. Where is a car's vehicle identification number located?

    A) Most are on the driver side of dashboard
  247. Explain the term "reverse discrimination"

    A) Bias against one class to correct discrimination against another class
    B) Bias against one class to correct discrimination against that class
    A) Bias against one class to correct discrimination against another class
  248. What does the adjective "latent" mean?

    A) Hidden
  249. What are the typical steps involved in a routine traffic accident investigation?

    A) All of these answers
  250. What investigative-related duties can be done for the public by a person not possessing a PI license?

    A) Collections and Surveillance
    B) Process serving, and locates using public records
    C) Collections and backgrounds using public records
    • Process serving, and locates using public records
    • Collections and backgrounds using public records
  251. How can the actual "point-of-impact" be determined at a car accident scene?

    A) Debris
  252. Why should information obtained by a PI for a client's side of a court case, that could actually hurt the client's case, not be included in the written report?

    A) The opposing side will see it during discovery
    B) The PI can not provide data that damages a client
    A) The opposing side will see it during discovery
  253. Why should information obtained by a PI for a client's side of a court case, that could actually hurt the client's case, be thoroughly and accurately delivered verbally to the client or his attorney?

    A) All of these answers
  254. The car belonging to the PI's client was "rear-ended" by another car when briefly stopped in the middle of a city block. The PI's examination of the client's car revealed that both of the brake-light bulbs were no good. What should, and should not, the PI do?

    A) Should report to client verbally, should not fix brake light bulbs or report about it in writing.
    B) Should report to client both verbally and in writing, should not fix brake light bulbs.
    A) Should report to client verbally, should not fix brake light bulbs or report about it in writing.
  255. What agency regulates chiropractors?

    A) Board of Chiropractors
    B) Medical Practices Board
    A) Board of Chiropractors
  256. If a municipal court case is "appealed", what court will be hearing the appeal?

    A) Superior
  257. If the PI's client is a friend or relative, and the PI is asked by the client to lie in court, what should the PI do?

    B) Do not do it
  258. Should a PI notify a client if a witness changes his story on a murder case?

    A) Yes
    B) No
    A) Yes
  259. What is the formula used to determine speed from skid marks?

    A) ???????
    A) ???????
  260. While working in an undercover situation, is it better to go to jail or "blow" your cover?

    A) Go to jail
    B) Blow your cover
  261. What is a "vantage point"?

    A) Surveillance position
  262. If a PI obtains cocaine as part of a case from an employee who is suspected, why must the cocaine be immediately delivered to local law enforcement?

    A) PI could be accused of using some
    B) PI can not store contraband
    B) PI can not store contraband
  263. What is the dollar amount of a process server bond?

    C) $2000
  264. Where could a PI find the laws regarding the use of tape recorders?

    D) All of these answers
  265. Explain the jewelry terms "carats" and "points".

    A) Gemstone measurement - There are 100 carats in one point
    B) Gemstone measurement - There are 100 points in one carat
    B) Gemstone measurement - There are 100 points in one carat
  266. When taking photographs of an intersection where an accident had previously occurred, at what height should the camera be held for the majority of shots?

    C) Average eye level of drivers
  267. When a PI is hired to do a "bar check", what is the PI usually asked to do?

    B) Check for bartenders and waitresses stealing
  268. Where would a PI go to find record of all lawsuits against a person or company?

    D) All of these answers
  269. What is a "derivative reference"?

    A) A chemical derived from a breakdown analysis
    B) When someone listed as a reference on a credit card or employment application tells of another person who also knows the applicant
    B) When someone listed as a reference on a credit card or employment application tells of another person who also knows the applicant
  270. What do the initials "O.S.C." stand for?

    A) Order to Show Cause
  271. What state agency regulates rea estate brokers?

    C) D.O.C.A.
  272. Explain "Progressive visibility photos".

    A) Series of photos using incrementally
    B) Series of photos, each using the same lens setting but incrementally getting closer to target
    B) Series of photos, each using the same lens setting but incrementally getting closer to target
  273. What do the initials "F.O.I.A." stand for?

    C) Freedom of Information Act
  274. If a witness to an accident is unfavorable to the PI's client, and the PI encourages or bribes the witness to not testify, what crime did the PI commit?

    D) Both, Obstruction of Justice and Witness Intimidation
  275. What is a "rap sheet"?

    B) Criminal history
  276. Give examples of "unsecured property".

    D) Motorhomes and Business inventory
  277. What government agency regulates "Notary Publics"?

    C) Secretary of State
  278. What is the statue of limitations for filing a civil case?

    A) One year
  279. What do the initials "N.T.S.B." stand for?

    B) National Transportation Safety Board
  280. What are "impending marks"?

    B) The broken start of a full skidmark
  281. Explain "piercing the corporate veil".

    B) Removing the protection normally afforded to officers of a corporation
  282. What do the initials "C. & R." stand for?

    A) Counsel and rectify
    B) Compromise and release
    B) Compromise and release
  283. What item(s) of clothing or accessories should a PI wear while performing a "blue-collar bar check"?

    A) Baseball hat
  284. What is a "guardian ad litem"?

    C) Court appointed to represent an infant or unborn
  285. What does the term "malice" mean?

    C) Intentional wrongdoing
  286. What is the most important evidence in a burglary?

    B) Fingerprints
  287. How should a PI interview a minor?

    B) Both answers
  288. If a photograph of evidence is to be used in lieu of the actual evidence, what might also be required?

    A) Testimony from photographer
  289. What do the initials "F.I.C.A." stand for?

    B) Federal Insurance Contribution Act
  290. What lens should be used on a 35mm still camera to photograph a completely accessible accident scene?

    A) 50mm
  291. What is the most important piece of information to obtain regarding a car accident?

    A) License plate
  292. Is it acceptable to obtain evidence of a Workers' Compensation claimant's physical activity from an airplane if the activity is occurring in the Claimant's fenced backyard?

    A) Yes
    B) No
    B) No
  293. What occurs at an "arraignment"?

    D) Charges are read AND accused is asked to make a plead
  294. What is a "docket"?

    C) Court record
  295. What do the initials "N.C.I.C." stand for?

    A) National Crime Information Center
  296. If a person is not a licensed PI, how many services of process per year can that person do without being a registered process server?

    D) 12
  297. What do the intials "W.C.A.B." stand for?

    C) Workers' Compensation Appeals Board
  298. What does a PI complete & sign after serving a subpoena?

    A) Proof-of-service ?
  299. What is the often-used law enforcement term that means "stake-out"?

    A) Code-5
  300. What is the name of this state's current Governor?

    B) Jerry Brown
  301. What is the time limit after an occurrence in which to sue a State agency for the occurrence?

    C) 1 year ?
  302. Does this state allow a PI license be issued to a residence address?

    A) Yes
    B) No
    A) Yes
  303. What is "buggery"?

    B) Sodomy
  304. What restrictions are there on obtaining items from a subject's personal trash cans?

    D) Both, do not trespass and do not take container
  305. Are the terms "Private Investigator" and "Private Detective" both usable by licensees?

    A) Yes
    B) No
    A) Yes
  306. What is the "Jencks Act"?

    A) Federal criminal defendant can access government documents to impeach other's prior statements
    B) Federal civil defendant can access government documents to impeach other's prior statements
    A) Federal criminal defendant can access government documents to impeach other's prior statements
  307. In most instances, can a motor vehicle stop faster on concrete or asphalt?

    A) Concrete
    B) Asphalt
  308. What state agency would a PI contact to obtain information regarding compensation of employees?

    C) Labor Board
  309. What does the term "subrosa" mean?

    B) Surveillance
  310. What guarantees all criminal defendants to have the right to representation (legal assistance)?

    A) Penal Code
    B) Constitution or an Amendment
    B) Constitution or an Amendment
  311. What is the difference between the terms "intrastate" and "interstate"?

    A) Intrastate: within one state
    Interstate: between two or more states
    B) Intrastate: between two or more states
    Interstate: within one state
    A) Intrastate: within one stateInterstate: between two or more states
  312. Is a PI required to be bonded?

    A) Yes
    B) No
    B) No
  313. If a PI finds a piece of evidence in connection to a product liability case, what is the most important thing to immediately do with that piece of evidence?

    A) Mark it with an identifying mark other than an "x"
  314. If a PI asks a person to lie under oath in court, what crime has that PI committed?

    A) Witness intimidation
    B) Subornation of perjury
    B) Subornation of perjury
  315. Must a PI "withhold" from the check of a person who works infrequently/occasionally for the PI?

    A) Yes
    B) No
    A) Yes
  316. When are grown children legally responsible for the care of their elderly parents?

    A) When parent(s) can not physically or mentally care for themselves
    B) When grown child(ren) is the primary caregiver
    B) When grown child(ren) is the primary caregiver
  317. What are the elements of the crime of "assault"?

    A) an intentional act by one person that creates an apprehension in another of an imminent harmful or offensive contact
    B) Threats of violence
    A) an intentional act by one person that creates an apprehension in another of an imminent harmful or offensive
  318. If a PI is subpoenaed to court to give testimony regarding a case that the PI long ago worked on, must the original client pay the PI for "court time"?

    A) Yes
    B) No
    B) No
  319. Under what exceptions may someone qualify to take the PI license test while possessing less than the typically required hours of investigative experience?

    A) Certain education degrees
  320. What is the current legal minimum wage that can be paid to employees?

    C) $8.00
  321. What is an "invisible laundry mark", and how is it discovered?

    A) Striations left by commercial washing machines
    B) Cleaners that put unseen markings inside some better garment pieces; seen only with a "black" light
    B) Cleaners that put unseen markings inside some better garment pieces; seen only with a "black" light
  322. What do the initials "T.R.O." stand for?

    C) Temporary Restraining Order
  323. What is the formula for obtaining the time of death by using the temperature of a decedent's liver?

    A) 1 to 1/12 per hour
    B) 2 to 21/2 per hour
    A) 1 to 1/12 per hour
  324. Why should a PI's library contain rule books and law books such as the Vehicle Code and the Penal Code?

    D) All of these answers
  325. What is a "tort"?

    C) Civil wrong
  326. What, if any, restrictions are there regarding the time of day or night that a PI can serve legal (civil) process?

    A) None
    B) Not after 10 p.m. or before 6 a.m.
    A) None
  327. What type of insurance must all employers have?

    A) Worker's Compensation
  328. Why is information obtained from a young child often less accurate than that from an adult?

    A) Children are easily misled and/or confused
  329. Where can a PI obtain the appraised value of a piece of property and/or any structure on it?

    B) Tax Assesor
  330. How long does derogatory information remain on a person's credit profile?

    C) 7 years, except 10 years for bankruptcy
  331. What are the steps in obtaining a county-issued Process Server Registration?

    A) Get a bond, pass a test, pay fee, receive card
    B) Get a bond, pay fee, received card
    B) Get a bond, pay fee, received card
  332. What licensing, registration, or regulating of "bounty hunters" exists?

    B) None
  333. What is "surveillance"?

    A) To watch and monitor
    B) To record
    A) To watch and monitor
  334. Explain "bait & switch"

    A) Offer special price on item, then it not be available but a slightly more expensive item is
    B) Offer to repair item at a special price, then extras are found to be "needed"
    A) Offer special price on item, then it not be available but a slightly more expensive item is
  335. What is the "Mann Act"?

    A) Worker's compensation anti-discrimination
    B) Anti-slavery, anti-prostitution
    B) Anti-slavery, anti-prostitution
  336. What is the formula used to compute feet-per-second from miles-per-hour?

    B) MPH x 0.6818
  337. What is the formula used to compute miles-per-hour from feet-per-second?

    A) FPS x 1.47
  338. Where are Worker's Compensation claims heard?

    B) Worker's Compensation Appeals Board
  339. When attempting to obtain a P.I. license, are there any options to taking the written test?

    A) No
    B) Verbal alternative available
    B) Verbal alternative available
  340. When sub-serving legal process, what determines if the person sub-served is "competent"?

    A) If resident or employee of the address
    B) If at least 18 and has some connection to there
    B) If at least 18 and has some connection to there
  341. Explain how to perform a "due diligence" assignment

    C) Exhaust all typical methods of locating a person
  342. What is a "liber"?

    B) Book of real estate deeds
  343. What is "barratry"?

    A) Filing of nuisance suits
  344. Can a subpoena be sub-served?

    A) Yes?
    B) No?
    A) Yes?
  345. What does the term "impeach" mean?

    B) Discredit
  346. DMV driver histories are available for what lengths of time into the past?

    D) All of these answers
  347. Do all criminal defendants have the right to a jury trial?

    C) Yes, except infractions
  348. When is "stalking" an arrestable offense?

    A) All of these answers
  349. Are "estate" cases heard in municipal or superior court?

    A) Municipal
    B) Superior
    B) Superior
  350. What restrictions, if any, are there on a PI taking an out-of-state case?

    A) None
    B) Must have reciprocal agreement
    A) None
  351. Is a contested Worker's Compensation claim heard in state court or federal court?

    A) state
    B) federal
    A) state
  352. Do hours of process serving count as experience towards being permitted to take the PI license test?

    A) Yes
    B) No
    B) No
  353. What do the initials "D.C.A." stand for?

    C) Department of Consumer Affairs
  354. What restrictions, if any, are there on the dollar amount charged by a PI?

    D) None
  355. What type of vehicle would be best to use for a moving surveillance?

    C) Small sedan
  356. What does the term "quid pro quo" mean?

    A) You first, then me
    B) Something for Something
    B) Something for Something
  357. What is the difference between an "affidavit" and a "declaration"?

    A) Affidavit-sworn statement / Declaration-unsworn statement
    B) Affidavit-unsworn statement/ Declaration-sworn statement
    A) Affidavit-sworn statement / Declaration-unsworn statement
  358. What is "rigor mortis"?

    C) Stiffening of dead body
  359. What is the possible fine & punishment a person could receive for operating as a PI without a license?

    A) Up to $1,000 and/or up to one year in jail
    B) Up to $2,000 and/or up to one year in jail
    A) Up to $1,000 and/or up to one year in jail
  360. What is the youngest age at which someone could apply to take the PI license test?

    A) 18
  361. What book of rules is known as the "C.C.C."?

    A) California Civil Code
  362. If an attorney who is the client of a PI asks the PI to commit an illegal act, what should the PI do?

    C) Refuse
  363. What are some possible indicators of "schizophrenia"?

    A) Paranoia
  364. What does the term "Subrogation" mean?
    A) Substitution, in a legal matter
    B) In a legal matter, sue any related party
    A) Substitution, in a legal matter
  365. What does the term "Prima Facie" mean?

    A) All of these answers
  366. If a firearm is found in connection to a shooting case, how should it be picked up?

    C) Pencil in trigger guard
  367. Why is it preferable to not use a "telephoto" or a "wide angle" lens on a camera being used to document an incident scene?

    C) All of these answers
  368. What is a "debtor"?

    C) Owes payment
  369. Explain the relationship between persons listed in a "grantee-grantor" index.

    C) Buyer/Seller
  370. If an employee is "fired", when must the employer pay the employee all monies owed to the employee?

    B) Before employee exits premises
  371. Can a PI use a convicted felon as an employee?
    A) Yes
    B) No
    A) Yes
  372. What does the term "battery" mean?
    A) Intentional and wrongful contact of a person
    B) Wrongful contact or damage to a person or object
    A) Intentional and wrongful contact of a person
  373. What agency regulates insurance companies?

    C) Department of Insurance
  374. Can photographs obtained by trespassing be used as evidence in a court matter?
    A) Yes
    B) No
    B) No
  375. What do the initials "F.C.R.A." stand for?

    B) Fair Credit Reporting Act
  376. What state and local agencies maintain death records?

    B) All of these answers
  377. What is a "demurrer"?

    B) Objection to legal filing
  378. What records can be obtained at the Court Clerk's office?

    B) Most civil and criminal records
  379. What is a "lis pendens"?
    A) Involves a pending lawsuit
    B) Involves a previous lawsuit
    A) Involves a pending lawsuit
  380. What does the term "exonerate" mean?

    D) All of these answers
  381. What do the initials "F.O.I.A." stand for?

    C) Freedom Of Information Act
  382. When is a PI permitted to perform bodyguard work, when only possessing a PI license?

    A) Only if incidental to an investigation that the PI has been previously hired to perform
  383. What do the initials "B.S.I.S." stand for?

    B) Bureau of Security and Investigative Services
  384. What are the restrictions on accessing a person's credit report / profile?

    D) Both for credit granting and employment granting services
  385. What does the "sub" in "sub-service" mean?

    C) Substitute
  386. What is a "deponent"?

    C) Gives deposition
  387. On a report about a person that is being investigated, what are the words typically used in place of that person's name?

    C) Suspect, Claimant and Subject
  388. What information does the post office have on file regarding their box holders?

    B) All of these answers
  389. What government agency regulates repossession agencies?

    D) B.S.I.S.
  390. What does "lynching" mean?

    A) Seizing someone away from the lawful custody of a law enforcement agency
  391. What is the "Bertillion System"?
    A) Measuring body parts and their relationship to each other for identification of persons
    B) Classification of fingerprints
    A) Measuring body parts and their relationship to each other for identification of persons
  392. Explain the term "depth of field"
    A) Area involved in an evidence scene
    B) Front-to-rear focus in a photograph
    B) Front-to-rear focus in a photograph
  393. What document is required by a bank before the bank will open an account under a person's business name?

    A) Fictitious Business Name Filing
  394. What should a PI do if he/she observes confirmed stolen property inside a residence or business?

    B) Follow client's instructions
  395. If a client offers a PI narcotics, what should the PI do?

    A) Refuse
  396. What is "bigamy"?

    B) Married to more than one person at the same time
  397. What government agency regulates polygraphs operators?

    A) None
  398. What is the purpose of "pre-trial proceedings"?

    C) All of these answers
  399. If you "abet" a person, what have you done?

    C) Encourage
  400. What does the term "intestate" mean?

    C) To die without a will
  401. What are some restrictions on the use of polygraphs?

    A) All of these answers
  402. What is the difference between "probation" and "parole"?
    A) Probation- after county jail time served. Parole- after state prison time served
    B) Probation- in lieu of or after county time served. Parole- after state prison time served
    B) Probation- in lieu of or after county time served. Parole- after state prison time served
  403. How might a PI locate the bank account of a person or a business?

    A) All of these answers
  404. How often is this state's driver license renewed?

    C) 4 years
  405. What is a "provisional" PI license?
    A) Applicant currently licensed in another state that has similar licensing requirements
    B) License for an investigation agency employee
    A) Applicant currently licensed in another state that has similar licensing requirements
  406. Can credit reporting agencies list criminal convictions on a person's credit profile?
    A) Yes
    B) No
    B) No
  407. What do the initials "S.D.T." stand for?

    A) Subpoena Duces Tecum
  408. Why should an informant be evaluated before being used?

    C) All of these answers
  409. What does the photography term "f-stop" mean?

    A) Aperture
  410. When can a client be charged with a misdemeanor for using an unlicensed private investigator?
    A) Never
    B) After being notified in writing by B.S.I.S. that the PI is not licensed
    B) After being notified in writing by B.S.I.S. that the PI is not licensed
  411. When is someone considered an "employee"?

    A) All of these answers
  412. What establishes "independent contractor" status?

    D) All of these answers
  413. When a check is endorsed with the payee's signature on it's reverse side, who can negotiate it?

    C) Anyone
  414. Where are Worker's Compensation records kept?

    B) Worker's Compensation Appeals Board
  415. If narcotics are found in the clothing of a person badly injured in an accident, what should be done?

    B) Advise law enforcement and medical personnel
  416. What information is available to PIs from DMV?

    D) All of these answers
  417. When are surveillances typically ended?

    C) When PI is spotted by subject
  418. What are some steps in investigating a homocide case?

    B) All of these answers
  419. Is it acceptable for two PIs to agree to quote rates to the public only at or above a certain minimum?
    A) Yes
    B) No
    B) No
  420. If a PI accidentally faxes his / her work product to the attorney representing "the other side", and that report contains critical information that could hurt the side that the PI is working for, what should the PI do?

    A) Advise "PIs side" and try to retrieve work product
  421. What are some of the techniques that should be utilized when conducting a surveillance near a schoolyard?

    B) All of these answers
  422. How might the relationship between a PI and client be described?

    A) Fiduciary
  423. If a co-worker antagonizes another at work, and gets his nose punched and broken, is the employer and / or his / her insurer responsible?
    A) Yes
    B) No
    A) Yes
  424. If while on a lunch break from jury duty, a juror is injured in a courthouse stairway fall, can the juror sue?
    A) Yes
    B) No
    A) Yes
  425. If a PI on surveillance is approached by police, must the PI identify the subject if asked to?
    A) Yes
    B) No
    B) No
  426. Besides the case-specific information, what should be discussed with a new client?

    C) All of these answers
  427. If a felony criminal defendant representing himself (in pro per / acting as his own attorney) in court hires a PI, does the PI and that defendant client enjoy the "attorney-client privilege" (can not be compelled to reveal what the client said)?
    A) Yes
    B) No
    B) No
  428. Is it legal for a conversation in a restaurant to be tape recorded without consent given?
    A) Yes
    B) No
    A) Yes
  429. If an employee is performing a quick errand for his / her employer while en route to work, and has a serious car accident, is this a Worker's Compensation case?
    A) Yes
    B) No
    A) Yes
  430. Can an injured person sue both for Worker's Compensation and a related lawsuit on the same situation?
    A) Yes
    B) No
    A) Yes
  431. If a PI's auto accident case requires the PI to interview witnesses, and to get a weather report for the day of the accident, and to photograph the accident scene, which should be done first?

    A) Photograph accident scene
  432. What are some sources to use in attempting to locate a person's residence?

    E) All of these answers
  433. What government agency maintains detailed maps of sections of highways?

    C) Department of Transportation?
  434. What is the "Medical Information Bureau"?

    B) Private agency
  435. What is a "pretext"?

    A) A story tailored to use to assist on an assignment and another word for "ruse" or "gag"
  436. Which, if any, traffic regulations can a PI violate if on a bonafide surveillance?

    C) None
  437. Which, if any, legal papers are PIs typically not authorized to serve?

    A) Bank levy and Order to Appear for Examination
  438. What is "Admiralty Law"?
    A) Law relating to marine commerce and navigation
    B) Rule relating to superior military rank authority
    A) Law relating to marine commerce and navigation
  439. Is a PI covered by the "attorney-client privilege" if while in a conference, the PI hears the defendant tell the attorney (which is the PI's client) that he has committed an uninvolved murder?
    A) Yes
    B) No
    B) Yes
  440. Which is the most common undercover assignment for private investigators?

    C) To determine the use or sale of drugs, drinking on the job and employee theft
  441. At all times, unless the Case Director states otherwise, who should you take instructions from?

    D) Your Case Director
  442. If it is imperative that you contact your Case Director while at work, what should you do?

    A) Avoid calling if possible, but if the call is urgent, use an excuse to make the call away from the business
  443. What best describes the typical motives for employee theft?

    A) All of these answers
  444. As an undercover agent you will usually be expected to complete the job site duties and divide your time working and "spying".

    C) True
  445. An undercover agent should...

    E) Dress to fill the role and have knowledge of the jod duties required
  446. Usually, how often should you file a report with your Case Director?

    B) Daily
  447. Your undercover role is basically to...

    C) Observe and report
  448. Which of the following should be used as an investigative tool on the job?

    E) None of these answers
  449. You observe a co-worker committing a crime or violating the company's policy and you don't know the person's name, how will you report it?

    C) Suspect is a male__approximately__years old, __feet, __inches, weighing about__lbs., working in the__department, drives a__license#__
  450. You observe what smells like alcohol in a co-worker's thermos. You should...

    B) Report your suspicion. (Need to back up with facts)
  451. If an arrest is to be made on an industrial, undercover site, it should usually be done by...

    D) Law Enforcement
  452. An undercover agent acts as the eyes and ears of the company.
    A) True
    B) False
    A) True
  453. In the state of California private investigators are regulated by the Department of:

    A) Department of Consumer Affairs and B.S.I.S.
  454. An employer-employee relationship, as defined in the B&P code, is one in which the employee must be listed on the payroll and be under the direction of the employer.

    A) True
    B) False
    A) True
  455. In the code the term "director" refers to:

    B) The head of Consumer Affairs
  456. The term "chief" in the B&P Code refers to:

    C) The head of the "bureau" BSIS
  457. A licensed investigator may provide legal advise only to his clients that can not afford an attorney.

    A) True
    B) False
    B) False
  458. According to section 7520 and 7521 in the B&P Code, any person representing himself or herself as a licensed investigator, or an employee of a licensee, when in fact they are not, are guilty of:

    B) An infraction or misdemeanor
  459. Crimes or wrongs done or threatened against the United States of America or any state or territory of the United States of America may be investigated by:
    A) The Federal Government
    B) The FBI
    C) A licensed private investigator
    E) All of these answers
    E) All of these answers
  460. The Business & Professions Code states that investigators must never be involved in protection of persons.
    A) True
    B) False
    B) False
  461. The B & P Code provides exemptions to the license requirements for certain professionals and organizations. Examples of this would be lawyers, banks, public record searchers and non-profit organizations.
    A) True
    B) False
    A) True
  462. Before an application for a license is granted, the applicant must be at least:

    A) 18 years of age
  463. Only the licensee, officer, director, partner or manager of a licensee may divulge to law enforcement, or to a district attorney, any information they may have acquired about a criminal offense.
    A) True
    B) False
    A) True
  464. An agent may submit a written report to client if given authorization by:

    A) All of these answers
  465. As an investigator in California you may use a badge:

    C) Investigators may not use badges in California
  466. Any licensee who directly and knowingly solicits employment from any person who has directly sustained bodily injury would be considered an ambulance chaser, This business practice is not allowed under the B & P Code.
    A) True
    B) False
    A) True
  467. To qualify for the state test, you must have:

    A) 6000 hours and 3 years of actual compensated work
  468. If you refuse to provide a report to a client who has paid for your service, the director may suspend or revoke your license.
    A) True
    B) False
    A) True
  469. Acting as a runner / capper for an attorney is:

    A) Will get your investigators license suspended
  470. To manufacture evidence is legal if done to protect an innocent client.
    A) True
    B) False
    B) False
  471. A client emplying an investigator in a criminal matter is afforded protection of all information provided to the investigator under priviledge communication statues.
    A) True
    B) False
    B) False
  472. Any hours acquired as an "independent contractor", meaning no state, federal, social security or payroll taxes are deducted, will still count towards qualifying for the state test.
    A) True
    B) False
    B) False
  473. Wearing a uniform with the intent of giving the impression of being connected with the federal government, or state government is forbidden by the B & P Code.
    A) True
    B) False
    A) True
  474. An agent may trespass only when on special assignment.
    A) True
    B) False
    B) False
  475. In the State of California the licensee automatically receives a concealed weapons permit.
    A) True
    B) False
    B) False
  476. The two report formats used are:

    C) 1st person declarative and 3rd person narrative
  477. What is the reason for disclaimers in reports?

    B) Limits the legal liability of the report writer
  478. What is the purpose of a qualifier in a report?

    D) Modifies words to give them a new meaning & alerts the reader that information may be less than certain
  479. Which of these general physical description formats is in the proper order?

    D) Gender, race, age, height, weight, color, length and style of hair, facial hair, unusual characteristics, eye color.
  480. Which of these vehicle description formats is in the proper order?

    A) Black, 1997, Toyota Camry, 4-door sedan, broken tail light on passenger side, Nevada plate, 1NGF342.
  481. After writing your report you want to proof read it twice:

    A) First time for grammar and spelling. Second time to confirm that it accurately says what you want it to say
  482. What is wrong with the following sentence? "The subject indicated he was guilty".

    A) The word "indicated" is too vague and unclear
  483. How should you refer to a person that provided you with information, when you want to keep his identity secret?

    A) Informant
  484. What code book contains rules about unlicensed agents writing reports to clients?

    A) Business and Professions Code
  485. When may an unlicensed agent write a report for a client?

    B) At the direction of the licensee or their manager and with due diligence
  486. During a surveillance report, the actions of the subject are always reported. The actions of the agent are mentioned:

    C) Only as necessary
  487. Under normal circumstances reports are written in:

    D) Past tense
  488. In a statement you want the eyewitness to provide information based on:

    C) Personal knowledge
  489. The best way to ask a question is to make it short simple and to the point?
    A) True
    B) False
    A) True
  490. A private investigator arrests a suspect. The suspect makes a voluntary self incriminating admission. Will you be allowed to repeat his remarks in court?

    C) No, because of the hearsay rule
  491. What are the two types of admissions?

    D) Voluntary and Involuntary
  492. A detective begins an interview by asking the witness, "Why did Joe start the fight?" What is wrong with this question?

    D) The interviewer should wait until the end of the interview to ask this question
  493. If a private investigator is not getting the answers he hoped for should he ask leading questions?

    A) Yes
    B) No
    B) No
  494. California Law requires that all traffic accidents:

    A) In excess of $500 damages be reported to the DMV
  495. An investigator should include an evaluation of a witness:

    C) As a regular procedure
  496. Your assignment is to skip trace and serve a defendant in a Superior Court case. He moved from his last known address about two months ago. Your first step would be to:

    A) Check for a postal forwarding from the Post Office
  497. The acronym "aoe/coe" refers to:

    B) An investigation to determine whether an illness or injury is job related
  498. Which of the following might an attorney prepare in response to a complaint:

    C) Demurrer
  499. To obtain a copy of a trust deed, you would go to the:

    D) Recorder's office
  500. As a private investigator you mistakenly, illegally and forcibly arrest a person:

    C) They can legally resist and can't be charged with resisting arrest AND You can be sued for false arrest and battery
  501. An individual who threatens then attempts harm has most likely committed:

    A) Assault and battery
  502. If the attorney you're working for suggests that you alter photographs to present a better case for his client:

    C) You have no legal obligation to comply
  503. An investigator's field notes are not made expressly for:

    B) Presentation at trial
  504. A UC operative should report on:

    D) All of these answers
  505. When serving a "summons and complaint" you can not "sub-serve".

    A) On the first attempt
  506. A tape recorded statement is admissible evidence:

    C) By stipulation
  507. Crimes are classified according to :

    D) Punishment prescribed
  508. The right of an investigator to arrest an individual:

    C) Is the same as other private persons
  509. Which of the following circumstances would tend to indicate that arson did not occur:

    D) New inventory was received
  510. Which of the following services might be utilized by an investigator conducting a criminal defense case:

    A) All of these answers
  511. Ballistics is the science that deals with:

    C) Bullets and projectiles
  512. You can use the FOIA (Freedom Of Information Act) to access:

    A) Federal documents
  513. A pending law suit may be associated with a:

    C) Lis pendens
  514. Which of the following agencies could provide the names of the limited partners?

    D) None of these answers
  515. A vehicle traveling at 40 miles per hour is moving about:

    A) 58 feet per second
  516. What vehicle is considered "best" for a rolling surveillance?

    B) A neutral colored sedan that won't be noticed
  517. Which of the following terms refers to signs of death:

    B) All of these answers
  518. If you have information that could be potentially harmful to your attorney client's upcoming court case you should:

    D) Make a verbal report with the adverse information
  519. A man is walking through an industrial complex when through an open door he sees several small inexpensive items that he could easily steal. If he goes in and takes the items he has committed:

    D) A felony, burglary
  520. Once an expert witness had undergone voir dire:

    C) Judicial notice will be taken of his testimony
  521. An expository report is noted for:

    C) It's detail and explanation
  522. The Superior Court clerk maintains public records on:

    B) All of these answers
  523. When gathering videotaped evidence on a Worker's comp. case the experienced investigator knows that the following applies except for:

    A) Climbing on or over a fence is acceptable
  524. It is permissible to walk on to private property and into an unlocked structure to photograph evidence:

    B) At no time
  525. A private investigator conducting an interrogation knows that:

    D) He has no authority to coerce anyone
  526. NCIC, CII or CLETS (rap sheets):

    A) Available to law enforcement only
  527. When being arrested by a private person, the suspect:

    C) May legally resist if the arrest is not legal
  528. The grantee-grantor index could provide information on:

    B) A partnership agreement
  529. An undercover operative may be referred to by a code name in the client report:

    C) In order to protect the operative from discovery by others
  530. Informants are seldom used and:

    D) Are best carefully developed from all elements of society
  531. Contributory negligence concerns:

    B) The injured party's own actions
  532. A suspect enters an unlocked storage shed at night for shelter and is arrested at the scene. He should likely be charged with:

    A) Trespass (Only if No Trespassing posted or has refused to leave when told to)
  533. Circumstancial evidence is that which:

    B) Tends to support the alleged fact
  534. If an individual abstains from prosecuting or reporting a crime because of paid to do so, that person:

    A) Has compounded a crime
  535. The fact that a victim may have given consent to the commission of a crime:

    D) Is very important
  536. While conducting subrosa investigations, it is acceptable to:

    B) Use a telephoto lens
  537. To serve legal papers part time for a private investigator an employee must:

    A) Know he or she is exempt from registration under B & P 22350
  538. In regards to a non-collision accident, which of the following represents a rain soaked highway:

    C) Substantive cause
  539. UCC-1 filings with the Secretary of States office have to do with:

    D) Business debts/liens
  540. When a case is dismissed with prejudice that means that the case:

    B) Is over, but can't be re-filed
  541. Which of the following records allows certain address information to be released for process service only:

    A) Postal forwards
  542. The settling of the blood in a corpse is called:

    A) Post morten lividity
  543. A legal document served on an individual that requests a response to a complaint is a:

    D) Summons
  544. The B & P code requires that the licensee must provide the client:

    A) Either a written or oral report
  545. Someone looking for a subject's occupation or employment might find it in:

    B) Voter's registration ( but now confidential statewide)
  546. Which of the following is the most important factor in determining the cause of a traffic accident:

    B) All are equally important
  547. Unknown to anyone else, you discover evidence that would have a serious impact on the case you are working. If this should happen:

    A) Report it to the defendant's attorney who hired you
  548. In view of possibly needing to locate a female witness at a latter date, you might want to get what additional information from her?

    B) Her maiden name
  549. Which of the following factors will affect the reliability of an individual's statement?

    A) All of these answers
  550. The license to conduct routine bodyguard assignments is:

    A) Under PPO
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Private Detective.txt
Private Detective Study Aid