From the reading “The Key to Classroom Management,” what has research shown us that teachers’ actions in their classrooms do?
Have twice the impact on student achievement as do school policies regarding curriculum, assessment, staff collegiality, and community involvement.
Concerning the quality of teacher-student relationships, Marzano found what?
The quality of teacher-student relationships is the keystone for all other
In the article “A Safe and Orderly Environment” what is the meaning of
a “Viking funeral?”
A bag filled with students’ written put-downs was burned in a burn-barrel
From this same article, describe the significance of the following: “That’s a put-down. We don’t use put-downs in eighth grade. What we do here is tell the other person how we are feeling and what we want to have happen.”
“We don’t use put-downs in eighth grade. What we do here is tell the other person how we are feeling and what we want to have happen.” The statement that the teacher had students say instead of a verbal “put-down.”
What was the event that illuminated the problem of bullying found in the article
“Classroom Management, Bullying, and Teacher Practices?”
The events at Columbine High School in April 1999
From this same article, explain the three places where teachers learn classroom management practices
From their own experience as students, field observations and student teaching, college classes
According to research done in 2001, what is a redefinition of bullying?
“bullying in schools is the repeated exposure of an individual or group to negative interactions by one or more dominant persons.”
What type of school environments promote or permit the existence of antisocial, bullying and violent cultures within classrooms and schools?
Coercive, chaotic, disconnected and uncaring school environments
Name one of the factors that contribute to the existence of bullying as suggested from research on bullying
How teachers manage their classrooms and respond to inappropriate student behavior
In a study by Roland and Galloway in 2002, what three findings resulted concerning the engaging of students in bullying or experiencing bullying?
Bullying in far less likely if (1) Teachers care about students, (2) classrooms are organized so that positive student relationship can develop, (3) teachers manage learning and behavioral issues in positive, educative ways.
According to the article “The Research Literature: Classroom Management,” what is the primary goal of effective classroom management?
Student learning
From the article “Carrot and Stick: Tried, Trusted, but Inappropriate,” what fraction of states in the United States allow spanking?
According to this article, what is the problem with rewarding desirable behavior and punishing undesirable behavior?
It works by stopping the inappropriate behavior for the time being, but it creates more problems in the long run
Name three major roles of the classroom teacher.
1: make choices about instructional strategies, 2: design classroom curriculum. 3: employ classroom management techniques.
Name the four researched-based classroom management strategies of Robert Marzano
1: establish effective rules and procedures, 2: implement appropriate disciplinary interventions 3: foster productive student-teacher relationships 4: develop a positive “mental set.”
Define “rule.”
Expectation or standard
Define “procedure.”
Expectations for specific behaviors
Name four categories of rules and procedures
1: general expectations for behavior. 2: beginning and ending the class day or the period. 3: foster productive student-teacher relationships 4: develop a positive “mental set”
Strategies teachers can use when students do not follow the rules and procedures
Name and descript five categories of interventions.
1: teacher reaction 2: tangible recognition 3: direct cost 4: group contingency 5: home contingency
Name two ways to build good student relationships.
1: cultivate “withitness,” 2: cultivate emotional objectivity
Define “withitness.”
A disposition of the teacher to quickly and accurately identify problem behavior or potential problem behavior and to act upon it immediately
Define “emotional objectivity.”
Address disciplinary issues in an unemotional, business like, matter-of-fact
What is the classroom management program adopted by FWISD?
Cooperative discipline
What is the classroom management program adopted by many surrounding districts?
Love and Logic
What classroom management program will you see in most classrooms through the
North Texas area?
Harry Wong’s “discipline plan of rules, consequences and rewards; procedures; and routines.” The new assertive discipline.
Which classroom management program implements the “Discipline Hierarchy?”
The new assertive discipline “classroom management for academic success”
Which classroom management program advocates teaching a discipline plan, routines and procedures the first day and weeks of school?
Harry Wong’s “how to have an effective discipline plan”
Which classroom management program advocates the “delayed or “anticipatory Consequence?
Love and Logic
What classroom management program advocates to lock in messages of empathy such as “What a bummer.”
Love and Logic
What classroom management program allows children go grow through their mistakes and learn from the consequences of their choices?
Love and Logic
What classroom management program is a practical and positive program that takes a hands-joined approach to dealing with misbehavior?
Cooperative Discipline
What classroom management program employs the “3 C’s” encouragement strategies – capable; connect-contribute?
Cooperative Discipline
What classroom management plan advocates knowing the four goals of student misbehavior….attention; power; revenge; avoidance of failure?
Cooperative Discipline