Causes of the Civil War

  1. Results of the Mexican-American War
    • 1. Brought California and southwest into the Union.
    • 2. Balance of free and slave states.
  2. 1848 Presidential Election
    • 1. General Zachary Taylor wins the election
    • 2. Slavery is a key issue
  3. Compromise of 1850 prevents Civil War
    *1. Fugitive Slave Law is strengthened. It forces everyone to assist the capture of slaves.
  4. Uncle Tom's Cabin
    • *1. Novel for Anti-Slavery persuation.
    • 2. South gets defensive of the instituion.
    • 3. Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote this.
  5. 1852 Presidential Election
    • 1. General Franklin Pierce, northern Democrat, wins the election espousing southern interests.
    • 2. Slavery has split the Whig party leading to its demise.
  6. Pierce Administration
    • 1. Gadsden Purchase secures route for a transcontinental railway.
    • 2. US opens trade with Japan
    • 3. President Pierce and southern Democrats favor annexation(attachment) of Cuba
  7. *Kansas-Nebraska Act, 1854
    • *1. Popular sovereignty to determine if free or slave state - Created anti-slavery majority
    • 2. Destroys Whig party
    • 3. Proposed by Senator Stephen Douglas
    • 4. Repeal(Recall) Missouri Compromise
    • 5. Leads to "Bleeding Kansas" and split the Democratic Party.
  8. Republican Party is formed in 1854
    *1. Anti-Slavery, but only stops from spreading.
  9. Sumner-Brooks Encounter, May 22, 1856
    1. Preston Brooks attacks Senator Charles Sumner
  10. 1865 Presidential Election
    1. James Buchanan, a northern democrat, defeats Republican John C. Fremont of California.
  11. Lecompton Constitution
    *1. Pro-slavery by not being stated in constitution.
  12. Dred Scott Decision, 1857
    *1. Pro slavery ANYWHERE
  13. Panic of 1857
    • 1. California Gold leads to inflation
    • 2. Led to false sense of economic security
  14. 1860 Presidential Election
    In response, SEVEN states leave from the Union.
  15. New Constitution still ____________ ______________
    permitted slavery
  16. Compromise of 1820
    • 1. Balanced slave states with free states
    • 2. Below the 36'30 line were slave states
  17. Zachary Taylor is a _________ _________
    Southern Whig
  18. Fugative Slave Law favors ___________
  19. Northern Whigs are _______ _________ Whigs, but believe in ___________ ___________ ___________
    Anti slavery; Strong Central Government
  20. Douglad is pro _____________ _____________
    Popular Sovereignty
  21. * Republican Party
    Expanded federal power
  22. Robert E. Lee
    Doesn't choose to command US Forces
  23. What are the border states?
    Maryland, West Virginia, Kentucky, Missouri
Card Set
Causes of the Civil War
US History 10/14/2010