- S-submental sulcus
- L- labiomental sulcus
- A- angulus oris sulcus
- P-philtrum
- D-dimples
- O- oblique palpebral sulcus
- N-nasolabial fold
- N- nasal sulcus
- A- angulus oris eminences
- N- nasolabial sulcus
- T-transverse frontal sulci
- N-chords of the neck
- B-bucco-facial sulci
- I-inferior palpebral sulcus
- O-optical facial sulci
- M-mandibular sulci
- P-platysmal sulci
- L-labial sulci
- S-superior palpebral sulci
- I-inferior palpebral sulcus
natural facial markings
those present at birth
acquired facial markings
those which may develop with age
a linear crevice in the skin accompanied by bordering elevations; a wrinkle; they may appear as fine tracings in the skin which are barely visible
an elongated depression on a surface plane of the face
an elongated prominence of flesh; it abuts convexly against an adjacent surface; it is also used to describe sagging tissue between two furrows
used to describe a furrow, wrinkle or grove it is a depression or indention a sulcus may be considered the opposite of an eminence
opposite of an eminence
a prominence, projection, protusion, bump or bulge, an eminence may be described as the opposite of a sulcus
the opposite of a sulcus
is the vertical grove on the central plane of the upper lip, it is very shallow, it resembles a parenthesis, the philtrum may be obscured in old age
naso labial fold/ natural
a prominence of the anterior part of the cheek; it runs from the superior margin of the nasal wing, to the side of the mouth, it usually disappears at the line of lip closure
nasal sulcus/natural
the small angular area formed by the posterior margin of the nasal wing and the superior end of the naso labial fold; often, it is best seen in profile
oblique palpebral sulcus/natural
a shallow curving grove originating below the inner canthus of the eye; a darkened groove it moves oblique downward and lateral in direction
angulus oris sulcus/natural
a small triangular shaped depression immediately adjacent to the line of the lip closure; it recedes into the depth of the line of lip closure
angulus oris eminence/natural
a sm. convex prominence which begins on the upper integumentary lip; it begins medially (and superiorly) to the line of the lip closure; it moves obliquely downward and disappears; it has no definte borders; its presence is essential to proper mouth expression
labiomental sulcus/natural
it is formed by the junction of the lower lip and chin; its linear form is and arc; an acquired furrow may develop at the same location
submental sulcus/ natural
lies at the junction of the base of the chin and the submandibular area; may develop into an acquired furrow
shallow deprssions found in the soft tissues of the cheeks or chin; may have two forms round or vertical; dimples on the cheeks are only visible when smiling
nasolabial suclus/acquried
a furrow which may develop along the medial margin of the nasolabial fold; it orginates from the superior margin of the nasal wing
transverse frontal sulci/acquired
the furrows across the forehead which may appear as fine tracings; they may mimic the form of the eye brows; they often vary in direction and spacing; the medial curvature may dip or arc
intercillary sulci/acquired
vertical or horizontal markings between the eyebrows; transverse intercillary culci often indicate concentration; verticle intercillary sulci often are used to indicate frowning
optical facial sulci/acquried
crow's feet, they radiate form the lateral end of the eye; they may appear straight or curved
superior palpebral sulcus/acquired
the furrow of the upper attached margin of the (closed) upper eye lid; it may be continuous or only partially present
inferior palpebral sulcus/acquired
the furrow of the lower attached border of the (open or closed) lower eye lid; it will be shorter than the superior palpebral sulcus
chords of the neck/acquired
may be single and convex (turkey wattle); or in pairs with a concavity in the middle (associated with the digastricus muscle) the folds of the skin are always vertical in direction; they may appear as vertical convex ridges; found only on older persons
bucco-facial sulci/acquired
this is a vertical and slightly curved furrow in the soft tissues of the cheeks; it usually originates above the line of lip closure and may extend slightly below the line of lip closure
mandibular sulci/acquired
this acquired feature originates below the jaw line and extends upward on each cheek; they are lateral to the nasolabial fold
platysmal sulci/acquired
a double chin; the greatly dipping furrows of the neck; they appear across the neck and often extend upward; they may vary in length
labial sulci/acquired
fine vertical furrows which cross the mucous membrane and are part of the integumentary lip; furrows of age