Digestive System-3

  1. uvula
  2. name the folds inside the stomach (ridges)?
  3. cecum
  4. anal cavity
  5. caudate lobe of liver
  6. regions of pancreas?
    • head
    • body
    • tail
  7. duodenal ampulla
  8. epithelium of small intestine

  9. what is the structure? what are the ridges or folds inside?
    • esophagus
    • folds are rugae
  10. falciform ligament
  11. gallbladder
  12. internal anal sphincter
  13. lacteal of small intestine
  14. lacteal of small intestine
  15. left colic flexure
  16. left hepatic duct
  17. mesocolon
  18. oblique muscle fibers
  19. oral cavity
  20. oral cavity
  21. parotid salavary glands
  22. payer's patch
  23. plica circularis of duodenum
  24. quadrate lobe
  25. rectum
  26. right colic flexure
  27. right lobe of liver
  28. right lobe of liver
  29. teniae coli of transverse colon
  30. the hole where stomach goes through diaphragm?
  31. appendix
  32. anal column
  33. anus
  34. accessory duct
  35. accessory duct
  36. appendix
Card Set
Digestive System-3
Anatomy and function