Neuroplasticity Part 2

  1. What is neuroplasticity in an intact brain mediated by?
    *hint topography*
    Cortical Map Topography
  2. Brain topography modification is a result of ________ which leads to ______________.
    Physical injury which leads to inability to move or perform a task
  3. How would you reacquire a skill and its corresponding map representation?
    specific skill training and practice
  4. In a damaged adult brain, can cortical reorganization occur?
  5. What is constraint induced therapy?
    Restrain good appendage and make impaired do all the work for 90% of time.
  6. What is the name for a map of tones laid out on the auditory cortex?
    Tonotopic map
  7. A recording from a single neuron. Example: a neuron from the primary auditory cortex will fire for one tone and no others
    Single Cell Recording
  8. What percentage of learning disabilities does dyslexia account for?
  9. Characterized by impaired reading acquisition and poor phonological awareness skills that cannot be explained by low intelligence or low educational opportunities
  10. True or False: Normal children can discriminate between acoustic events 10s of milliseconds apart while dyslexic children need 100s of milliseconds
  11. Inability of children to discriminate the critical brief acoustic cues within syllables and words that distinguish phonemes
    Basic Sensory Integration Deficit (part of Dyslexia)
  12. T/F: Inability to differentiate between explosive phenomes such as d and b does not lead to difficulty learning phonological decoding skills for reading.
    False, it does lead to greater difficulty
  13. Merzenich and monkeys: give a brief overview
    Showed that through intensive training, monkeys could improve identification of faster and faster sounds. When they studied the brains of the monkeys they found specific auditory regions reorganized and expanded.
  14. Dyslexia neuroimaging finding included decreased activity in 3 areas of the brain. What are they?
    left perisylvianregions, left temporoparietal and occipitotemporal cortices
  15. Treatment for Dyslexia that increases activity in affected areas of brain.
    structured multisensory phonological intervention
  16. After dyslexia treatment which affected area of the brain shows right side compensation? (hint think Broca's and Wernicke's)
    right perisylvian cortex
  17. 3 parts of the premise of promoting plasticity (AKA what you would do to treat someone with a loss of neural function)
    Figure out the deleterious input that caused the brain to change, determine what the changes are, and find the corrective input that will rewire the brain in a way that treats the condition.
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Neuroplasticity Part 2
Second Part of Lecture 13