B-767 Mysteries Revealed

  1. When you walk into a cold, dead airplane, what are your first steps towards applying electrical power?
    BATTery switch ON, STBY PWR SELector to AUTO.
  2. What buses are now powered?
    Hot battery, battery, standby AC and standby DC
  3. What do you have now for instruments, communication, and navigation?
    • Standby ADI, airspeed, altimeter, and engine instruments. Left VHF (HF also if
    • equipped) along with both comm heads. Left VOR, center ILS, and whiskey compass.
    • (Capt's RDMI has no heading information yet because the right IRU isn't up yet)
  4. If there were an AVAIL light on EXTernal power, what would that tell you?
    AVAIL means external power has the proper phase and voltage
  5. What does the AVAIL light allow you to do.
    • Since the ground handling bus is powered (EXT AVAIL or APU), the cargo doors and
    • handling system, as well as the auto refueling system, are powered and usable. The
    • ground service bus could also be selected over to the ground handling bus (door 1L).
    • Oh yeah, of course the AVAIL also allows you to select external power ON
  6. Today, instead of an AVAIL light, you have to use the APD. After you verify the electric hyd pumps and APU bleed OFF, you take the APU selector to ON. What do you see?
    A momentary FAULT light as the APU fuel valve opens
  7. What else has occurred with the APU selector in ON and what's the power source for all this?
    The left forward fuel pump (DC if AC is not available) starts up and the APU inlet door opens. All powered by the Ship's batterry.
  8. When you take the APU selector to START, what occurs and what's the power source?
    The APU battery provides the cranking power and the control circuits.
  9. What could FAULT the APU during the start sequence?
    All the standard stuff, Underpressure (oil), Overtemp (EGT), or Overspeed (N2).
  10. Once power is established, and you've turned on the exterior lights for the walkaround, you reach up and turn all 3 IRUs to NAV. What do you expect to see and what does it mean?
    ON DC lights will illuminate for a few moments, then they will extinguish and the ALIGN lights will illuminate. When ON DC is illuminated, the associated IRU is being powered off the Hot Batt Bus (DC) through its own internal static inverter (AC).
  11. Fast forward everything now. There you are flying along FD&H, you get an EICAS message of R IRS DC FAIL. Sure enough, the R DC FAIL light is illuminated. What happened? Is it a problem?
    DC FAIL simply notifies you that the associated DC backup (static inverter) has failed. Anytime the IRU selectors are out of the OFF position, the inverters are hot. As long as AC power is still available, the IRUs will operate normally.
  12. DC FAIL simply notifies you that the associated DC backup (static inverter) has failed. Anytime the IRU selectors are out of the OFF position, the inverters are hot. As long as AC power is still available, the IRUs will operate normally.
    First, the ADC Warnings are tested. The OVSPD light and message will activate, along with both Master Waming lights and the siren. The warning test will shut down in about 2 seconds. Continuing to hold the test switch, the ADC instruments (Mach/Airspeed, Altimeter, and Vertical Speed) will begin winding up (increasing), then will display OFF (fault) flags. Releasing the test switch will return the ADC instruments to normal.
  13. Why didn't the VSI test? There was an OFF flag displayed prior to the test that did not reset when the test switch was released.
    The VSI is driven by both the (associated) IRU and the associated ADC. If either are faulted (or still aligning), the VSI will be faulted. In this case, apparently theIRUs are still aligning.
  14. Next to be tested on the side panel is the TO CONFIG switch. What all is being tested in this circuit?
    All the stuff across the front of the quadrant. The parking brake is released, the stab trim is in the green band, the speed brakes are closed, and the flaps/slats are in the TO range.
  15. What if you test the TO CONFIG and nothing happens?
    Everything on the circuit tested OK for TO. (ie: not normal for preflight, eh?)
  16. Gee whiz, what all gets tested on the LDG (landing) CONFIG circuit?
    The gear is not down and a) landing flaps have been selected or b) the (left) RA is below 800 ft with either throttle at idle.
  17. Continue a bit further through the setup and load the present position into the FMC to provide for IRS alignment. What is the difference in your flight instruments before, then after IRU alignment?
    Each IRU provides its associated ball (blue/brown horizon thing in the ADI), heading (the numbers along the outside of the compass rose on the HSI), VSI, and opposite RDMI heading. These items will be missing if the IRU is not operating.
  18. After present position entry, you go to the overhead panel. What's the first thing you do and why?
    First step on the systems setup is to turn on the R ELEC HYD pump to pressurize the normal brake system.
  19. What indications do you expect"
    The R pump PRESS and SYS PRESS lights and their associated EICAS messages will extinguish. The BRAKE SOURCE light will extinguish, and the brake pressure gauge will increase.
  20. How do you select alternate brakes?
    Alternate brakes are selected automatically anytime right hydraulic pressure is low and the alternate brake source (L on the 757, C on the 767) is available.
  21. What's the difference between normal brakes and alternate brakes?
    Normal brakes (r hyd sys) provides for antiskid per wheel with autobrakes. Alternate brakes (heavy hyd sys [L on 757, Con 767]) provide for antiskid per axle 'With no autobrakes.
  22. What if you were on a 757 and as you reached up to activate the R ELEC HYD pump, you noticed that 'With the pump switch in the OFF position, the PL~P PRESS light was extinguished even though the SYS PRESS light was illuminated. What does that tell you')
    Obviously, the RESV BRKS switch must have been selected on, which did 3 things. It opens a supply valve to provide the standpipe fluid, it turns on a pump (which caused the indications you're seeing) (R ELEC HYD on the 757, C #1 ELEC on the 767) to pressurize that fluid, and it closes an isolation valve to isolate that fluid from the main system (SYS PRESS light remains illuminated) for the brakes only.
  23. What would the indications be on a 767 if the RESV BRKS and STRG switch were activated.
    The C #1 ELEC HYD PRESS light would be extinguished and the C SYS PRESS light illuminated.
  24. What's the difference between RESV BRKS on the 757 and the 767"
    On the 767, RESV BRKS and STRG additionally provides nose wheel steering not provided on the 757. However, the 757 provides antiskid per wheel with autobrakes whereas the 767 provides antiskid per axle with no autobrakes.
  25. What would it take to get down to the accumulator brake system and would you still have antiskid
    Loss of both the right and "heavy" hydraulic systems. Yes.
  26. OK, while we're still on the hydraulics panel, what do we have for dedicated or standpipe fluid in both airplanes?
    767: C=RESV BRKS and STRG
  27. Fast forward to the takeoff roll. What all happens at 80 kts?
    80 kts: 1) Autothrottle servos disengage (THR HOLD) 2) Autobrakes are armed for RTO 3) The RAT is armed for autodeployment (loss of both engines) and 4) Master Caution lights and beeper are inhibited.
  28. What about a QTY light on a 767. Do you have a problem?
    Yes. The QTY light simply means low quantity.
  29. What's the difference between the L & R electric hyd pumps on the 757 vs the 767.
    Full time pumps on a 757 vs demand pumps on a 767.
  30. What activates the demand pumps in the AUTO position (767)
    In AUTO, the DEM pumps are activated by a) system pressure dropping to the demand level or b) anticipating a drop in system pressure (L or R sys: Fuel Control switch to Cutoff. C sys: activation of the gear, flap, or speedbrake handles).
  31. Guess that pretty well beats the hydraulic systems to pieces. Let's continue the cockpit setup now, everything on the hyd panel is configured normally. You continue up to the yaw damper switches and notice both INOP lights are illuminated. Why?
    No gyro sources until at least 1 IRU reaches alignment
  32. The yaw damper INOP lights extinguish but you notice the L IRU ALIGN light begins flashing when the C and R ALIGN lights extinguish. What could cause that? (What could cause all 3 ALIGN lights to flash?)
  33. A fault in the L IRU (If all 3 ALIGN lights had been flashing, it could have been 1] No present position entered yet, 2] the present position entered was bad or, 3] the aircraft was moved during the alignment phase ie: released brakes and started the pushback)
  34. With only the L IRU ALIGN light flashing, what's the difference between the left flight instruments vs the right flight instruments?
    The left flight instruments will be missing the ball (The blue and brown horizon thing on the ADI), heading (numbers on the outside of the compass rose on the HSI), VSI (an OFF flag is displayed), and the opposite RDMI (FO's HDG flag displayed).
  35. OK, the IRUs are all fine now. Take a look at the overhead discrete annunciator lights. The top row is all the Door lights. How many doors are on the EMER DOORS light?
    6 [4 on the 767-200]. 4 [2] overwing escape hatches and 2 off wing slide pack doors
  36. What does it take to open the cargo doors on the 757? 767?
    • 757: AIRlGND on GND plus Gnd Handling Bus.
    • 767: Same except for manually operated Bulk Cargo door.
  37. The next 2 rows are the Probe heat lights. During cockpit setup, are those lights illuminated or extinguished? When do they change? Do they all change?
    Illuminated until probes are being heated. Probe heat is activated with either engine N2 50%. Assuming no faults, all lights extinguish even though TAT probes aren't heated until AIRlGND relays in flight. Then of course, on the 767-200's only, there's the MACH PROBE and the ENG EEC PROBE lights that don't extinguish until both engines are running.
  38. Down to the fault lights now. Fast forward to flying along FD&H on the C autopilot. Could I get a STAB TRIM light?
    Not with any autopilot engaged. The STAB TRIM light tells me I'm commanding full speed trim (ie, yoke trim switches only) and I'm not getting full speed. 1 or maybe even both motors are failing to respond.
  39. If i'm engaged on a single channel autopilot and hit the yoke trim, what happens?
    Autopilot disengages.
  40. I'm engaged on multlcahannel autopilot and hit the yoke trim, what happens? What does multichannel autopilot tell me about altitude?
    Yoke trim is inhibited with multichannel engaged (ie: below the 1500 ft autoland self test)
  41. Now, single channel or multichannel autopilot. What happens if I activate the STAB TRlM Master Overrides (Handles or switches next to the throttles)? Will I get any notice of this?
    The stabilizer will trim and the autopilot(s) will not disconnect until they are no longer able to control the acft. Since the autopilots are engaged and aren't the source commanding the trim to move, the fact that it's doing something other than commanded will activate the UNSCHED STAB TRlM light, message, Master Caution lights, and aurals.
  42. Now, back to the gate during cockpit setup. The R ELEC HYD pump is running for normal brakes and I decide to run the yoke full left and right to see if my seat is positioned OK. What will I see on the overhead discrete lights? Why?
    The SPOILERS light. With the spoiler panels being commanded for roll assist on only 1 hydraulic system, some of the panels failed to position as commanded and tripped the light and message.
  43. What does the RUDDER RATIO light mean? What happens?
    • The simplest cause is that there's no pressure on the L HYD system. Otherwise, there's a fault in the system. At Hi speed/Lo speed the system is supposed to be in Limited/Full authority but something is faulted. During a fault, the system is supposed to drop to Lo speed mode (Full authority) and depressurize I hyd channel out of the
    • rudder actuator pack to prevent structural damage at high speed.
  44. The simplest cause is that there's no pressure on the L HYD system. Otherwise, there's
    a fault in the system. At Hi speed/Lo speed the system is supposed to be in Limited/Full authority but something is faulted. During a fault, the system is supposed to drop to Lo speed mode (Full authority) and depressurize I hyd channel out of the rudder actuator pack to prevent structural damage at high speed.
    Either throttle through the Reverse Interlock automatically deploys the Speedbrakes, whether during a Reject or if we forget to arm them during an approach.
  45. With the Speedbrakes armed, what will deploy them automatically?
    Truck de-tilt (out of the tilted position) and throttles to idle.
  46. What does the Auto SPDBRK light mean?
    Fault in the auto speedbrake arming system. Do Not Arm because they may inadvertently deploy in flight or they may not deploy on the ground. ie: We don't know what they're going to do
  47. Are there any performance penalties associated with an AUTO SPDBRK fault?
    Yeah, Big Time.
  48. What's the difference between the SPOILERS light, THE AUTO SPDBRK light, and the SPEED BRAKES light on the Captain's forward pane
    The SPOILERS light means they're not doing what they're supposed to be doing. The AUTO SPDBRK light means there's a fault in the system and they may not do what they're supposed to do. The SPEED BRAKES light means I have them out with landing flaps selected, or if I'm below 800 feet.
  49. What does an ANTISKID fault light tell me and what do I lose with that
    There's a fault in the antiskid system and that will inhibit the Autobrakes.
  50. On the 767, what does the AlL LOCK light tell me?
    The 767 has both outboard as well as inboard ailerons. The outboards operate similar to the Rudder Ratio system in that at Hi speed / Lo speed, the outboards lock! unlock to decrease / increase roll authority. If something faults in that system, you get a light
  51. Let's say we're sitting at the gate and being powered off the APD. When I ran the yoke full left and right a moment ago, I also ran the throttles forward and back. What might I see on the overhead panel as a result of this throttle movement?
    A single power source load shed (ie: both utilities and affected recircs [R only on the757, both on the 767])
  52. A single power source load shed (ie: both utilities and affected recircs [R only on the 757, both on the 767])
    Sure, get up another power source and it'll reset automatically. Or else, if the air/gnd relays are on the gnd, I have the option of manually resetting the load shed by cycling the mIL bus switches Off/On.
  53. Why are the DRIVE lights illuminated down there on the generators?
    Low oil pressure or high oil temperature. Sitting at the gate, it's probably low oil pressure since the engines aren't turning.
  54. Let's say we get that DRIVE light while we're flying along. We follow the checklist and push the DRIVE disconnect switch. How do I know if the generator drive actuallydisconnected?
    The generator OFF light 'will illuminate as the generator breaker opens with the generator spooling down
  55. Back up for a moment to a cold dead airplane sitting at the gate. With tbe external
    power AVAIL (not ON), is there any way to get passenger cabin lighting?
    Turn on the GND SERV bus switch at door lL.
  56. Ok, back to the setup again. Let's say we're getting everything ready to go when the FIt Attendants come up and say they haven't got any galley power. If you look at the UTIL buses and they show normally powered, what might be the problem and what might you do about it?
    The galleys themselves may have done some kind of internal load shedding. If you want to, you can try cycling the UTIL bus switches off I on to reset galley power
  57. What are you going to see during an engine start load shed
    • 1st eng: Both utils (plus affected recirc(s),
    • 2nd eng: Associated util (plus affected recirc)
  58. What does this load shed stuff have to do with the #2 C ELEC HYD pump?
    On a single power source, you can only run 3 out of the 4 ELEC HYD pumps on the 767. Both airplanes will shed the #2 C ELEC HYD pump
  59. Ok, continue down through the setup flow. Down, then back up the panel through lighting to Anti-Ice. Let's say we're planning to takeoff in a 767 in icing conditions. When would you plan on activating Wing All and why then?
    Not until the acft is "Clean and Climbing" (ie: gear and flaps up) to prevent inhibiting the ADP (C DEM Pump).
  60. Let's say there's about a 75% capacity fuel load on board. With all the fuel pump switches OFF, what lights will I see on the fuel panel
    • L Fwd PRESS light extinguished (for the APU) and the other 3 main pump PRESS lights illuminated. Both C tank PRESS lights extinguished (inhibited with switches OFF) and the FUEL CONFIG light illuminated (fuel in the C tank with the pump
    • switches OFF).
  61. Later, when we're getting ready to start engines, I turn on all the fuel pumps. Now what will I see on the fuel panel
    The PRESS lights on all the mains will extinguish. As I switch on the C fuel pumps, the FUEL CONFIG light will extinguish. With the C fuel switches in ON position, their PRESS lights will illuminate because the pumps are inhibited until the associated engine is up and running (N2 50%).
  62. Next on the setup are the ENG START switches. What does the GND position do?
    Opens the start valve, initiates the load shed, anns the igniters (through the Fuel Control Cutoff Switch), and kicks the APU to high flow. Also, if somehow an engine bleed valve was stuck open, GND position would drive that valve closed and open the APU bleed valve.
  63. When will the start switch release back to AUTO and what does that do for me
    Around N2 50%. AUTO provides selected ignition to continuous when the flaps are out or the engine anti-ice is on
  64. If AUTO is providing continuous ignition, when would I ever want to use the CONT position?
    Any time you want to, like maybe for.turbulence
  65. What's the difference between CONT and FLT?
    CONT is selected ignitor, FLT is both ignitors regardless of selection
  66. Suppose I show up some night on a cold, dead airplane and am trying to find the BATT switch but find the conveniently co-located RAT switch instead. If I push that switch with no power on the acft, will anything happen?
    You'll get a Ka-Thunk out the back of the airplane as the RAT deploys (Hot Batt Bus) and no Batt Bus lights will illuminate.
  67. When is the RAT armed for Auto-Deployment and what does it do for me
    Either above 80 kts or air/gnd relays in FIt. Loss of both engines (N2 50% speed cards) deploys the RAT to pressurize the primary flight controls on the C HYD system
  68. If Il ost both C ELEC Hyd pumps and the C DEM pump, could Iuse the RAT to get the gear and flaps out on a 767?
    No, the RAT is isolated to the primary flight controls only
  69. With the EMER LTS armed, what activates the interior emergency lights, the exterior emergency lights?
    Loss of "Normal" power to the emergency light battery chargers activates the interior emergency lights. Opening any armed door (overwing or entry) activates the exterior emergency lights on that side
  70. With normal power on the acft, are the EMER LTS batteries still being charged with the UNARMED light illuminated?
    Yes, the batteries are being charged anytime there's power on the acft.
  71. What will automatically deploy the passenger oxygen system
    Cabin altitude above 14000 ft.
  72. What happens when the passenger O2 system is activated either manually or automatically?
    The passenger cabin O2 doors are energized open and the masks fall out, and the passenger signs are illuminated. When a passenger pulls a mask, it pulls a firing pin that starts the chemical generators burning and produces oxygen
  73. What's the difference between Cargo heat on the 757 vs the 767:
    • The cargo boxes on the 757 are small enough that the cabin discharge air being drawn around the outside of the cargo boxes by the recire fans provides sufficient cargo box heating. Inside the cargo boxes are little "swirly fans" that keep the air in the box moving around to prevent any cold spots. Since it'll be a bit colder back next to the
    • outflow valve, the "swirly fan" in the aft box is supplemented by a little electric heater. The cargo boxes on the 767 have the same cabin recirc air being drawn around them, but since they're so much bigger than the 757, cabin discharge air is supplemented by pneumatic bleed air (same concept as wing anti-ice) instead of the "swirly fans". 767 cargo heat is controlled by switches on the overhead panel and thus, can be considered to be "manual" as compared to the 757,"automatic".
  74. Ok,pressurization now. What does the ALia INOP light mean')
    Both auto controllers have faulted or you killed them by selecting MA.N.
  75. Sitting at the gate prior to engine start. What might Iinadvertently do to drive the outflow valve full closed even though the controllers are still in AUTO,?
    Push a throttle up telling the pressurization system that I'm getting ready to go fly. With any door open (ie: hole in the acft), the outflow valve will end up fully closed trying to pressurize the acft.
  76. There we are, flying along FD&H. Something happens and the cabin altitude begins increasing. What's going to happen')
    At 10000 ft, the CABIN AL T warnings will activate. At 11000 ft, the outflow valve is hot wired closed. At 14000 ft, the passenger oxygen automatically deploys
  77. We start our high dive. As the cabin altitude descends, when does all this stuff reset'
  78. Passenger oxygen cannot be reset. The other 2 reset 1500 ft below where they initially
    set. 9500 ft to regain control of the outflow, 8500 ft for the CABIN ALT warnings to extinguish.
  79. By the way, what's the difference between the CABIN ALT warning light on the overhead panel and the CABIN ALT warning light on the Captain's forward pane?
    Location. If you're looking forward and trying to ignore the problem, you get a light in the face, or if you're looking up trying to deal with the problem you get a light in the face.
  80. Cool' Ok, here we are' flying along FD&H again. The Fit Attendants call up that they have a galley fire in the aft end. What are your memory items and what does that do for this situation?
  81. UTIL BUS switches off will remove power to the galleys as well as the affected reeires (R on 757, both on 767) which stops the R recire picking up smoke from that aft cabin area.
  82. A few moments later they advise you they're having a real problem with the smoke back there. Of course we're going to get the airplane on the ground, but is their anything you can do to help clear the smoke in the meantime?
    You could try raising the cabin altitude to flush the smoke out the back end of the acft
  83. How would you do that"
    • Raise the LDG ALTon the on the pressurization panel, This will automatically raise the cabin altitude to whatever you select. If you want it to raise rapidly, simply increase the AUTO RATE. If instead you were to select MAN and drive the outflow valve open, the control is so sensitive it can easily get out of control. If cabin altitude
    • were to reach 10000 ft, the alarms would trip but more importantly, if the cabin altitude were to reach 11000 ft, the outflow valve gets hot wired closed and traps ALL the smoke inside the acft. What kind of a disaster could that result in?
  84. Next is the Equipment Cooling. What are the biggest differences between 757 and 767 ElE Cooling?
    757 is open loop (ElE Cooling system exhausts into the passenger cabin). 767 is closed loop (self contained and does not vent into the passenger cabin). 757 controls are automatic, 767 control is manually selected.
  85. What does an OVHT light mean and what do I do
    Some kind of airflow problem and the book tells me to select STBY on the 767
  86. When do I use REFRlG vs. AUTO on the 7677
    REFRlG on the ground above 70° F, AUTO for all other normal operations.
  87. We can use the pressurization system to flush out the back end of the acft. What could I use to flush smoke out of the front end of the acft?
    E/E smoke clearance. E/E selector to OVRD on the 767 opens the SMOKE CLEARANCE valve and flushes the Flt Deck and Fwd/Main E/E Centers out the side of the acft.
  88. Let's say it's a hot day and you're getting ready to do a walkaround on a 767 so you verify that the E/E selector is in REFRlG. What position do you expect to find the E/E valves in once you get outside?
    With the REFRIG unit operating, the REFRIG Supply valve just forward of the Forward Cargo Door should be open as well as the Exhaust valve on the bottom of the fuselage.
  89. What if it's not?
    For whatever reason, the REFRlG unit must have shut itself down. You have to cycle the E/E Selector to AUTO then back to REFRIG to reset the unit.
  90. If you're out on your walkaround and hear a steady horn up in the nose gear well, what might be the problem?
    The GND CREW CALL HORN gets activated by an E/E Cooling system OVHT light or by the IRUs dropping to ON DC while on the ground (ie: AC power removed while any IRU is not OFF).
  91. Indicator lights. Suppose you're flying along some night all FD&H when suddenly (drum roll, please) all your indicator lights (at least all the ones that are illuminated) go from nice and dim to full bright. What might cause that?
    Might be due to an E/E OVHT. Normally, all these indicator lights bum 28 volts but, if you select the IND LTS to DIM you hook some resistors into the circuits that bring the voltage down to 12 volts instead. These resistors get kind of hot and are located pretty much everywhere there's indicator lights. If you get an E/E OVHT, the system will automatically cut these resistors (heat generators) out of the circuit (thus your lights go full bright).
  92. Continue on down the panel now and over to pneumatics. You get an OFF light in an ENG BLD valve switch. What does that tell you?
    The valve is closed, regardless of switch position
  93. With the ENG BLD switch selected open, what all might cause it to illuminate
    No air pressure, back pressure from another source (ie: ISOL valve left open), or system protection due to an Overtemp condition
  94. With the APU up and running and its BLD switch enabled, when will the APU BLD valve open
    When there is no ENG BLD source available to the center pneumatic duct plus anytime either engine start selector is in GND
  95. Why are there 3 ISOL valves on the 767 as compared to 1 on the 757?
    Besides just isolating the L & R ducts as on the 757, the 767 is designed to always provide a protected air source to the ADP
  96. For the pneumatic system fault lights, what do they mean on the 767?
    • On the 767 -
    • HI STAGE=OverTemp,
    • BLEED=OverPress,
    • DUCT LEAK=Duct Leak.
  97. Which fault will automatically shut OFF the associated ENG BLD valve?
    The OverTemp protection closes the ENG BLD valve (which can then be reset).
  98. Does anything occur automatically on a DUCT LEAK
    Nothing more than the light and message illuminate. The book tells you to shut off all the air to that side and don't attempt a reset
  99. Now to the air conditioning panel. What does a PACK OFF light tell you?
    Same thing that an OFF light on the Eng BId valve would tell you. Simply that the valve is fully closed.
  100. Flying along FD&H. I get a pack INOP light. What all can cause that
    Could be a pack auto controller fault, could be a pack outlet overheat, or a pack compressor overheat (in which case system protection will also close the pack valve ie: both lights
  101. How can you tell which problem you have?
    The book tells you to push the PACK RESET switch. A controller fault will not reset and the book tells you to select over to the Standby Controller (N, C, or W). A pack outlet overheat is indicated by an INOP light and will reset. A pack compressor overheat will also reset and is indicated by an INOP light plus also, once system protection kicks in and shuts the pack down, a PACK OFF light.
  102. If I have to switch over to the Standby Controller, what does STBY N, C, or W do?
    Drives the pack outlet to (N) about 75°F, (C) full cold, or (W) full hot
  103. Ok, let's say I've got my zone temp selectors set for Flt Deck-70, Fwd Cabin-75, and Aft Cabin-80. If the packs are operating in AUTO, about what temperature are they putting out
    The coldest temperature requirement. In this case, about 70.
  104. What all could give me a single INOP light on the zone control system?
    Could be an overheat in the trim air duct for that zone, a fault in that zone channel, or maybe someone just felt like switching that zone off
  105. If that INOP light is on the FIt Deck zone, what temperature are the packs outputting
    Since that zone is "out of the loop" now that it's INOP, the packs will be driven to the next coldest requirement, in this case 75
  106. Now we get an INOP light on the Fwd zone. What temperature are the packs
    outputting now?
    80 is the next coldest requirement.
  107. What could give me all 3 zone INOP lights?
    Turning off the TRIM AIR switch or a trim air controller fault.
  108. Suppose we had just departed a station when the zone temperatures just start going nuts. The Fit Deck goes to 90, the Aft Cabin goes to 60, and the Mid stays comfy at 70. Adjustments simply make the conditions worse. What should you do?
    Apparently, the Trim Air controller is kapoot. If you turn OFF the TRIM AIR switch, the packs drop to the default temperature of75
  109. Recirc Fans. Why do we have 'em?
    To save fuel. By using the recircs to provide airflow across the passengers, we're able to reduce the pack flow which reduces the bleed load on the engines.
  110. Where does the air come from that the recirc fans pick up?
    Cabin discharge. Both recirc fans are picking up the air being discharged from the forward cabin. The right recirc is also picking up discharge air from the aft cabin
  111. What all can inhibit the recirc fanes)?
    • 1) Load Shed: Since the recircs draw so much power but aren't very essential, they're powered off of the utility buses (except for the L recirc on the 757 which is powered off the L main AC) so any type of load shed will also depower the recircs.
    • 2) Cargo Smoke: Since they recirculate air back into the passenger cabin, you don't want them dumping smoke in there. If smoke is detected near the recire fan pickups (ie: around the outside of the cargo compartments), they get inhibited. Arming the fwd cargo fire switch inhibits both fans, aft cargo fire switch inhibits the R recirc.
  112. What happens anytime a recirc fan is inop
    Since there are only 4 sources of air into the mix manifold (2 packs and 2 recire fans), if any source is lost, the surviving packrs) will go to high flow to make up for that loss (If the L recirc is inop, the L pack goes to high flow; if the R recirc is inop, the R pack goes to high flow; or if one paek is inop, the other goes to high flow).
  113. Will anything inhibit high flow even with the recirc(s) inop
    Sure. Since high flow increases the bleed load on the engines (thus reducing thrust), high flow is inhibited anytime thrust is needed more than passenger comfort (from the increased bleed), ie: flaps out (takeoff or go around), additionally (767 only), if engine anti-ice is on, or (gee whiz) if wing anti-ice is being used off of a single bleed source.
  114. Beat that stuff to death, eh? Well, next on the setup is the Mep. SOP tells me to select both F/D's to ON. When I do, I get the pitch and roll bars on my ADI. Where do they come from') Always?
    The F/D signal comes from whichever FCC is selected on the INSTR SOURCE SEL panel. -ormally, the Capt is set to the L, and the FO is set to the R, but you can choose whichever FCC you want (L, C, or R) to provide your F/D. (Remember on UAL's configuration, an FCC is restricted to EITHER coupling to its autopilot servos OR providing F/D signals).
  115. Let's look at the INSTR SOlJRCE SEL panel some more. Suppose we're flying along· FD&H, C autopilot in CMD, with LNAV and VNAY PTH engaged. What would the AFS indications of a L FMC failure be and what could I do about it?
  116. Since the L FMC feeds LNAV and VNAV stuff to the Land C FCC's, when the L FMC fails, we'll get amber bars through LNAV and through VNAV PTH on the ADIs plus, now that there's a fault in the engaged mode of the autopilot, an AUTOPILOT caution light, message, and beeper. The FCC's default to their basic pitch (VIS) and roll (HDG HOLD) modes. Selecting AL TN FMC on the Capt INSTR SOURCE SEL panel will pull the R FMC data over to the Capt's MAP display (and on the 767-200 only: also pulls the R FMC to the L and C FCC
  117. What happens if I now also lose the R FMC?
    • Same failure indications except nothing left to recover by selecting ALTN FMC. I've lost LNAV and VNAV, so about the best thing to do is select over to HDG SEL and FLCH and navigate the airplane either on radar vectors or pull out a map and start
    • dialing up some VORs (Ohhhh Noooool).
  118. What failure indications would tell me I needed to select EFI to AL TN
    • 1) Both screens (ADI & HSI) going blank would indicate a symbol generator failure. (If just I EFrs screen dies, there's nothing to do, the screen is dead.)
    • 2) Getting a fault flag for your LOC or GS receivers.
    • 3) Getting a fault flag for your RA recei ver
    • Swapping to the center symbol generator (EFI to ALTN) would recover the ADI and HSJ screens and swap to the C ILS receivers and the C RA receiver.
  119. Suppose we're flying along FD&H, FL370 on Track Y, about 10° West. We're inbound to LHR when I hear something snap in front of me. I look at the Autoland Status Annunciator and see an amber NO LAND 3 being displayed that will not reset. If there
    are no faults on EICAS or on the STATUS page, where else can I look to find the problem?
    There's only a few things that'll affect the ASA. Each autoland channel has to have an FCC, an IRU, a power source, an ILS and a RA receiver. The only stuff not monitored by EICAS are the ILS and RA receivers. Swap to the C SG (EFI to ALTN) and you should find your problem.
  120. What are the flight instrument indications that would tell me Ineed to select ALTN IRS?
    I'd lose the attitude ball (ADI horizon) and get an ATT fault box on the ADI, I'd lose the numbers on the compass rose and get a HDG fault box on the HSI, I'd get an OFF fault flag on the VSI and a HDG fault flag on the opposite RDMI.
  121. Am I CAT III autoland capable with an IRU inop?
    No. If I've lost an IRU, I've lost 1 autoland channel. NO LAND 3 will be latched into the ASA
  122. What are the flight instrument indications that would tell me I need to select ALTN ADC?
    I'd get OFF flags in the MACHI ASPD indicator, an OFF flag in the ALT indicator, and an OFF flag in the VSI (Note that the VSI gets instantaneous information from the IRU and trend information from the ADC).
  123. How many (FMC, EFI, IRU, ADC)'s are there and where do you go when you select ALTN?
    2, 3, 3, 2. If there's 2 of something and you select ALTN, you go to the opposite. If there's 3 of something, ALTN gives you the center.
  124. On over to the Autobrakes selector now. Which is stronger, Max or RTO?
  125. What all is required for the Autobrakes to operate?
    R Hyd system pressure (normal brakes), antiskid, and an IRU for deceleration rate.
  126. What do those ENG OIL PRESS lights tell you'
    That you either have low oil press on that engine, or that there's a high differential pressure across the oil filter
  127. What will activate the Standby Engine Instruments with the SEI selector in AUTO?
    Any situation that would prevent displaying the primary engine instruments on EICAS. Maybe something like loss of both EICAS screens or both EICAS computers, or maybe even something like loss of all AC (Remember all these CRT's are AC powered).
  128. Let's see, lights, we already covered the SPEED BRAKES light. What's the difference between the ALT ALERT light on the Captain's forward panel and the ALT lights on each pilots' altimeters
    Each altimeter light illuminates when approaching (900-300 ft) the Mep altitude. The ALT ALERT light illuminates when you're busting (300-900 ft) the MCP altitude
  129. What all could disconnect the AutoThrottle system')
    Turning the A/T ARM switch OFF, punching the AT disconnect buttons on the throttles, Loss of power to either EEC (Engine RPM spools below 10% N2 and the PMA's can no longer power the EEC's), taking a reverser through the interlock, or a fault in the system
  130. How can you extinguish the A/T DISC light on the Captain's forward panel
    Punch the A/T disconnect switches (on the throttles) twice
  131. What does the AUTOPILOT light tell you
    That there's either a fault in the engaged mode of the autopilot, or that you're exceeding the capabilities of the autopilot
  132. What does the FMC light tell you.
    To look down at the CDU scratch pad 'cause there's a message there
  133. How can you extinguish the CABIN ALT warning light?
    Get the cabin altitude down below 8500 ft
  134. If the FIRE light's illuminated, what does it mean and how can you extinguish it?
    It means there's a fire on the acft, could be an engine, APLJ cargo, or wheel well fire. The light will only extinguish when the fire's out.
  135. If we're on the ground, what could give me a CONFIG light?
    Running either engine up towards power with less than takeoff flaps, the speedbrakes extended, the Stab Trim not in the green band, or the parking brake set.
  136. If we're in flight, what could give me a CONFIG light')
    Either selecting landing flaps (25/30) at any altitude without a landing gear or descending below 800 ft RA without a landing gear with either throttle at idle.
  137. How can you extinguish the A/P DISC light?
    Push the yoke disconnect button twice.
  138. How can you extinguish the OVSPD light
    Slow down below Vmo /Mmo .
  139. When would you want to use that GND PROX switch up there on the fwd panel?
    To inhibit the GPWS cautions if we're deliberately going to be coming in under the glide slope (ie: maybe making a non-precision LOC approach on an ILS).
  140. What would happen if the upper EICAS screen were to burn out
    The primary stuff (messages and primary engine instruments) would shift to the lower screen and the secondary stuff would be displayed in compacted mode.
  141. Take a look at the EPR gauges. What's that green bug indicate?
    That's the selected EPR limit (TO, D-TO, CLB, CRZ, CON, or GA)
  142. OK, what's the double yellow hashmark on the EPR gauges indicate?
    The maximum available EPR for the current temperature and pressure altitude.
  143. Down on the EGT gauges, what's that lower red hashmark indicate?
    Start limit. Once the EGT rolls back during a start, the red mark disappears.
  144. What are the differences between Normal and Alternate flaps
    The Alternate flap system is electric instead of hydraulic, and it is very slow (about 1/4 speed). The Alternate system loses all the protection modes, ie: trailing edge asymmetry detection, flap load relief, and (757 only) Autoslat extension.
  145. That next switch down there, GND PROX FLAP OVRD. When would I use that"
    To silence the GPWS alarms anytime we're landing with less than landing flaps (25/30).
  146. Right next to it, the GND PROX/CONFIG GEAR OVRD switch. When would I ever use that?
    Anytime I'm landing with less than 3 gear (maybe ditching or a hung gear)
  147. What's the difference between the gear uplocks on the 757 vs the 7677
    On the 767, when you take the gear handle UP, the gear and doors come up and the doors are latched. When you take the gear handle OFF, the stuff depressurizes and the gear settles down onto the doors.
  148. What's required for normal gear extension?
    On the 767, it takes C HYD SYS pressure.
  149. What's the difference between Alternate Gear Extension on the 757 vs. the 767?
    When you flip the ALT GEAR EXT switch on the 767you're activating some electric solenoids (STBY DC BUS) that release the door uplocks and the whole mess falls out.
  150. What's the problem if you try to raise the gear handle after takeoff and it won't raise?
    The gear handle lock solenoid failed to release for some reason (maybe the truck didn't tilt normally after takeoff). Pushing the LOCK OVRD will allow you to raise the gear handle. The gear should raise OK but you should expect some noise as the mains slide against the gear doors during retraction.
  151. Suppose you're setting up for an approach and when you drop the gear, you get a NOSE and a RIGHT, but no LEFT green light. There are no EICAS messages or Warnings to indicate a problem. What happens?
    Both light bulbs in the LEFT green socket are inop. Do an indicator light test (button on overhead panel) to confirm this. If the gear was in fact not down, there are several other sensor/indicator circuits that would be giving you a GEAR DISAGREE Caution, plus once you descended below 800 feet RA with a throttle at idle, a GEAR NOT DOWN CONFIG Warning.
  152. Otay, Bucky' Let's look at the Fire Protection System. First off, what's the difference 'twixt an engine fire and an engine overheat?
    The real difference is location. The thermal loops (gas filled tubes that, as temperature increases, pressure increases) that trigger the fire alarms are located around the engine core, specifically around the accessory case and the fuel manifold. The thermal loops that trigger the overheat alarms are located up in the pylon around all the pneumatic ducting.
  153. What's the difference between this engine fire I overheat detection and the cargo fire detection?
    Engine fire and overheat detection (as well as APU fire detection) is provided by thermal loops, whereas cargo fire detection is provided by optical smoke sensors. Basically, a fan pulls air out of the cargo compartment through a box with a light beam in it. If the beam doesn't scatter, obviously there's no smoke in the airflow. If the beam scatters, then the cargo fire alarms are activated. The airflow then dumps right back into the cargo compartment.
  154. When do I find out if a thermal loop goes bad (inop) and when do I find out if an optical sensor goes bad
    Thermal loops (Eng Fire/Ovht and APU Fire) are continuously monitored, ie: if a loop faults (cracks), the pressure in the loop drops and the control card reconfigures to single loop operation. When it does, I get a STATUS message indicating the bad loop. Optical sensors (Cargo Fire) are only monitored when there's a power-up or manual test (push the FIRE/OVHT TEST button). If a sensor goes bad (LED burns out), it's not detected until another test is performed and thus, the control card doesn't reconfigure to single loop operation (ie:you really can't get a cargo fire indication until you push the TEST switch and reconfigure the control card).
  155. How's about Wheel Well fire detection, anything neat and nifty about it?
    It's only monitored during a manual test and it's single loop only. The loop is mounted along the top (ceiling) of both wheel wells so it's really only sensing anything when the gear's in the well
  156. What else can I talk about, eh? How's about some stuff on the FCCs. When I first activate an FCC (Let's say I flip a FID switch ON) on the ground, what modes do I see on the ADI
    Pitch and Roll modes both come up in TO. The AFDS mode comes up in FD.
  157. OK, what does TO mode do for me
    TO Roll mode "snapshots" the ground track at nose gear extension and provides guidance to maintain that until I select another roll mode. For a normal departure, TO Pitch mode provides pitch guidance to maintain V?+15. In the event of a VI cut, TO Pitch mode maintains the existing airspeed to a minimum of V2 and a maximum of V2+15.
  158. Now, let's say we're flying along FD&H. Disconnect any autopilot(s) and turn off both FDs. When you reactivate a FCC (either select a FD switch ON or engage an autopilot), what modes will it engage in?
    The basic default pitch and roll modes are VIS and HDG HOLD. When a FCe is activated in flight, it snapshots the existing vertical speed (and the VIS window opens to display that speed) plus it rolls wings level then snapshots the existing heading (Gee whiz, this heading doesn't really get displayed anywhere).
  159. OK, say we're on an approach, when does the GA mode get armed?
    Flaps out of the closed position or as capture
  160. During an auto land, when does the electric system isolate to 3 sources?
    When the third autopilot gets armed, ie:select APP and arm the other 2 autopilots
  161. During this autoland, when will the other 2 autopilots engage?
    Below the 1500 ft RA self test
  162. What are the indications of auto land capability?
    FLARE and ROLLOUT armed (white) on the ADIs. Also a green bar (LAND 3 or LAND 2) on the Autoland Status Annunciator.
  163. If you're down to say 300 feet and the glide slope transmitter fails, what are your indications?
    The glide slope bug will disappear, then a few seconds later, I'll get a yellow bar through GS pitch mode and an AUTOPILOT Caution and beeper.
  164. What d'you do? What do you do?
    Go Around
  165. We come back around and set up for another autoland approach. This time when we
    get to 300 feet, the left generator fails with no APU running. What are the indications
    The right generator picks up the left and center buses (drops off the battery and the inverter) and the ASA downgrades to LAND 2 / NO LAND 3.
  166. How about the same scenario but below 200 feet?
    Below 200 feet, the right bus tie won't allow the right generator to pick up the left bus, the center buses stay on the battery and the inverter, and there is no downgrade on the ASA (ie: no distracters do\VI1that low). Basically, the only thing that happened is that the left bus died (ie: upper EICAS plus some other stuff). However, you have to remember that the autothrottle gets powered off the left side so I'll get an AfT DISC Caution and so I have to manually bring the throttles off in the flare.
  167. What speed does aileron lock engage and disengage?
    280 / 240 kts
  168. What is important about the Ground Service Bus?
    The Battery Charger receives its power from it.
  169. What is a quick way to determine that I have lost the Standby AC bus? What at the Standby DC bus?
    • AC Bus - loss of the flood lights
    • DC Bus - loss of the standby altimeter
  170. What three things will cause the Fuel Config light to illuminate?
    • 1. 2000 lbs main takn imbalance
    • 2. 2200 lbs or less in the main tanks
    • 3. 1200 lbs or more in the center tanks with center fuel pumps off.
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B-767 Mysteries Revealed
Oral Questions