Virology 7.15

  1. This is a viral particle composed of nucleic acid, capsid, envelope and glycoprotein spikes.
  2. subunits that make up the capsid of a virion.
  3. protein coat that surrounds the genome in a viral particle.
  4. viral chromosomes, either RNA or DNA.
  5. Genome and capsid of a viral particle.
  6. Phenomenon in which viruses recognize their specific host tissue which thy have an affinity to infect.
    Viral tropism
  7. Viruses in the blood
  8. a virus that silently reactivates resulting in virla replication and shedding without clinical symptoms
    Latent virus
  9. Site where virus may lay dormant without clinical manifestation.
    site of latency
  10. inflammation of the liver tissue.
  11. stimulates uncontrolled growth of host cells.
    oncogenic viruses
  12. areas of dead or dying cells due to viral growth.
    cytopathic effect
  13. fusion of virus infected cells forming multinucleated cells.
  14. What are the six steps in virus replication?
    • attachment
    • penetration
    • uncoating
    • macromolecular synthesis
    • assembly
    • release
  15. what is the virus family responsible for the adenovirus?
  16. What is the virus family resposible for arbovirus?
  17. What is the virus family responsible for Hepatitis C virus?
  18. What is the virus family responsible for hepatitis B virus?
  19. the family herpesviridae is responsible for what four viruses?
    • Herpes simplex 1 and 2
    • varicella zoster
    • epstein barr
    • cytomegalovirus
  20. the family orthomyxoviridae is responsable for what virus?
    influenza A virus and B virus
  21. what two viruses are the family Paramyxoviridae responsible for?
    • Parainfluenza virus
    • Respiratory syncytial virus
  22. What are the five viruses that the family picornaviridae responsible for?
    • Enterovirus
    • Hepatitis A virus
    • Polio virus
    • Coxsackie A and B viruses
    • Rhino viruses
  23. What virus is the family poxviridae responsible for?
  24. What are the two viruses that the maily retroviridae responsible for?
    • HIV 1 and 2
    • HTLV 1 and 2
  25. Viral cultures are prcessed based on what two general classifications?
    • sepcimen type
    • request for specific viruses
  26. Adenovirus is a double stranded _____, icosahedral capsid.
  27. What are the three means of transmission of Adenovirus?
    • respiratory
    • fecal-oral
    • direct contact (eye)
  28. What is the site of latency for adenovirus?
  29. What are the three disease caused by adenovirus?
    • pharyngytis
    • pneumonia
    • disseminated disease
  30. what is the treatment for adenovirus?
  31. What is prophylaxis for adenovirus?
  32. This is a segmented single stranded RNA, pleomorphic capsid with envelope, transmitted by zoonoses from contact with rodent host.
  33. What are the two diseases caused by the hantavirus?
    • pneumonia
    • hemorrhagic fever
  34. What is the prophylaxis for hantavirus?
    avoid rodent urine and feces
  35. This is a single stranded RNA, spherical and icosahedral capsid with envelope, transmitted via parenteral or sexual, cuases acute and chronic hepatitis.
    hepatitis C
  36. What is the treatment for Hepatitis C?
    • supportive
    • interferon
  37. what is the prophylasxis for hepatitis C?
    screen blood supply
  38. This is a partially double stranded DNA genome, icosahedral capsid with envelope (Dane particle) aka australia antigen.
    Hepatitis B
  39. What are the three means of transmission of Hepatitis B?
    • exchange of body secretions
    • receipt of contaminated blood products
    • perinatal exposure
  40. What is the site of latency for Hepatitis B?
  41. What two diseases are caused by Hepatitis B?
    fulminant and chronic hepatitis
  42. what is the treatment for Hepatitis B?
    • antiviral medications
    • liver transplant
  43. What is the prophylaxis for Hepatitis B?
    • HBV vaccine
    • hepatitis B IgG
  44. what is the site of latency for Herpes simple 1 and 2?
    sensory nerve ganglia
  45. What strain of Herpes simplex can cause encephalitis?
  46. what is the treatment for herpes simplex 1 and 2?
  47. What is the prophylaxis for herpes simplex 1 and 2?
    avoid contact
  48. What is the transmission for vaicella zoster?
    Close personal contact (respiratory)
  49. What is the site of latency of varicella zoster?
    dorsal root ganglia
  50. What are the two diseases caused by varicella-zoster?
    • chicken pox
    • shingles
  51. What are the two treatments for Varicella-zoster?
    • Acyclovir
    • Famcyclovir
  52. What is the prophylaxis for Varicella-zoster?
  53. These methods of detection uses hematoxylin-eosin stain to detect virus or banormal cell morphology in cells or tissue.
    • cytology
    • histology
  54. This detection method is used for viruses that do not grow well in cell cultures, but has low availablity, is labor intensive and has low sensitivity.
    Electron Microscopy
  55. What are the four immunodiagnosis of viruses based on antibody and antigen reaction?
    • Raido-immunoassay (RIA)
    • enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)
    • Latex agglutination
    • Ab/Ag response stains
  56. This antibody and antigen reaction detection method uses radioactive mateials and has mostly replaced by ELISA?
    Radio-immunoassay (RIA)
  57. This immunodiagnosis detection method detects chromogenic reactions of virus?
    Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)
  58. This virus detection method uses Ab/Ag reactions, is easy and inexpensive but not as sensitve as other methods.
    latex agglutination
  59. This Virus detection method uses immunofluorescence and immunoperoxidase.
    Ab/Ag response stain
  60. This is a virus detectio method that uses molecular diagnosis, amplifies target DNA or RNA strand specific to an organism.
    Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
  61. What are the Three cell culture viral detection methods?
    • Conventional
    • shell vial
    • Enzyme-linked Virus-inducible system (ELVIS)
  62. this cell culture method of viral detection uses monlayer of cells inside tube, incubated for 1-4 weeks, uses immunofluorescent stain targeted at specific virus for identification.
  63. this is a modification of the conventional cell culture method uses galactosidase stain that allows quicker detection.
    Shell vial
  64. This is a cell culture with gene indicator that expresses in the presence of virus, uses galactosidase stain.
    Enzyme-linked Virus-inducible system (ELVIS)
Card Set
Virology 7.15
Microbiology Unit 7.15, Virology