Review for Ch 16 Mounce

  1. What are the 6 different kinds of Tenses in Greek?
    1 - Present

    2 - Imperfect

    3 - Future

    4 - 1st aorist

    5 - 2nd aorist

    6 - Perfect
  2. In the indicative mood, the present tense indicates what?
    an action or state in present time.
  3. In general, what does the present tense indicate?


    What can it also communicate?
    1 - Continuous kind of action

    i.e. (I am going)

    • 2 - it can also communicate undefined action in the present.
    • i.e. (I go)
  4. In the present Tense from the perspective of whom is the time of action?
    The perspective of the speaker (or writer)

    not from the perspective of the hearer (or reader)
  5. The present active indicative verb is comprised of what three parts?
    1 - The present tense stem: ( lexical form w/out connecting vowel or ending.)

    2 - The Connecting vowel: (omicron or epsilon)

    3 - The personal ending: (the primary active ending)
  6. What do we need to remember regarding Aspect in the Indicative
    Although aspect always takes precedence over time

    In indicative mood time is an importand factor and can affect time.

    So, althought aspect in present tense is continous , the need to indicate present time may also result in a verb of undefined time being formed in the present

    luw can be translated either

    "I am loosing"


    "I loose"
  7. Greek verbs have personal endings that indicate the person and number of the subject.

    So a personal subject for the pronoun is not necessary.

    So, What does it mean when a personal pronoun in the nominative case appears?
    It is either

    1 - To clarify Gender


    2 - Add emphasis
  8. When a personal pronoun in the nominative case appears, it is to either
    Clarify gender or to add emphasis.

    When adding emphasis, how should it be translated?
    It should be translated emphatically or intensively.

    • i.e.
    • instead of "I went --> I myself went"


    "He went --> the same person went."
  9. Regarding Intensive autos

    What is autos?

    and how should it be translated when used intensively?
    • Autos is the
    • 3rd person
    • singular
    • nominative
    • Personal Pronoun

    It should be translated as

    • "You yourself say"
    • and not "He himself says."
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Review for Ch 16 Mounce
Rules for Ch 16 Mounce