Renaissance Terms

  1. Define ambitus.
    Range into which most of the notes of the chant fall. This is either Authentic or Plagal.
  2. What is the range into which most of the notes of the chant fall. This is either Authentic or Plagal.
  3. What is a Final?
    The most prominent central tone, occurs frequently at cadences, and is usually the last note of the chant.
  4. What is the most prominent central tone, occurs frequently at cadences, and is usually the last note of the chant.
    The final
  5. What is the reciting tone?
    In authentic modes, a fifth above the final. In plagal modes, a third below the corresponding authentic mode reciting tone. Exception: If the resulting tone is ‘B’ it must be raised to ‘C’.
  6. Identify the ambitus, final, reciting tone of Dorian Mode (Mode 1).
    Ambitus: d to dd, Final: d, Reciting tone: a
  7. What mode corresponds with Ambitus: d to dd, Final: d, Reciting tone: a?
    Dorian Mode (Mode 1)
  8. Identify the ambitus, final, reciting tone of Hypodorian Mode (Mode 2).
    Ambitus: A to a, Final: d, Reciting tone: f
  9. What mode corresponds with Ambitus: A to a, Final: d, Reciting tone: f?
    Hypodorian (Mode 2)
  10. Identify the ambitus, final, reciting tone of Phrygian Mode (Mode 3).
    Ambitus: e to ee, Final: e, Reciting tone: c!
  11. What mode corresponds with Ambitus: e to ee, Final: e, Reciting tone: c!
    Phrygian Mode (Mode 3)
  12. Identify the ambitus, final, reciting tone of Hypophrygian Mode (Mode 4)?
    Ambitus: B to b, Final: e, Reciting tone: a
  13. What mode corresponds with Ambitus: B to b, Final: e, Reciting tone: a
    Hypophrygian Mode (Mode 4)
  14. What are the Office hours?
    Matins, Prime, Terce, Sext, None, Vespers, Compline
  15. What are the parts of the Synaxis portion of the Mass?
    Introit, Kyrie, Gloria, Gradual, Alleluia, Sequence, Credo
  16. What are the parts of the Eucharist portion of the Mass?
    Offertory, Sanctus, Lord's Prayer, Agnus Dei, Communion, Ite Missa Est, Benediction
  17. What are the Mass Propers?
    Introit, Gradual, Alleluia, Sequence, Offertory, Communion,
  18. What are the Mass Ordinary sections?
    Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, Lord's Prayer, Agnus Dei, Ite Missa Est, Benediction
  19. What are the sections of the Matins?
    Three Nocturnes: 5 Psalms w/ Antiphons, 3 Lessons w/ Great Responsories; Te Deum
  20. What are the section of the Vespers?
    5 Psalms w/ Antiphons, Hymn, Magnificat w/ Antiphon
Card Set
Renaissance Terms
Facts and figures about Renaissance composers