criminal vs. noncriminal homicide
murder vs. justifiable
social roles (3)
- need for meaning
- need for hope
- need for love
imagine medicine in body
patterns of coping
- defense mechanisms
- coping strategies
Weisman's 3 Tasks of Coping
- existential
- accomodation
- terminality
Therese Rondo psychological & behavioral (REC)
- 1. retreat
- 2. exclude
- 3. control
Doka 5-Based Tasks
- 1. acute (diagnosis)
- 2. chronic - living w disease
- 3. terminal
- 4. prediagnostic
- 5. recovery
Corr's 4 Dimensions of Coping
- physical
- psychological
- social
- spiritual
provisions to will
administrator (will)
court-appointed executor
unconscious days/weeks
managed care
insurance - DRG, payment
types of elder care
- personal care homes
- skilled nursing facilities
- home health care
- congregate
technical imperitive
lots of tools to combat disease
principle of symmetry
technology should preserve QUALITY of life
hospital care
- acute
- intensive
- diagnose
- treat
- sustain
Uniform Anatomical Gift Act
- 1. 18+
- 2. family can donate
- 3. family can't revoke
- 4. family agree
- 5. card or verbal
- 6. can be revoked before death
- 7. time of death - neutral doctor
Veatch: 4 ways to define/determine death
- flow/vital fluids
- soul
- bodily integration (brain)
- consciousness
mode of death
accident, suicide, homicide
golden hour
help the injured ASAP
autopsies (6)
- official requirements (COD)
- knowledge
- genetic/infection
- malpractice
- identify remains
coroner vs. medical examiner
- coroner: elected official
- medical examiner: doctor - forensic pathology
functions of death certificate (4)
- money
- crime
- family history
- health info
palliative care
control pain (home or hospital)
psychological railroading
care is the same for everyone (nursing homes)
living will
written medical instructions
time after death - settle estate
appointed in will to manage estate
measures to add dignity
- combination of care
- health insurance
- hospice/palliative care
- pain management
- timely diagnosis
- refuse treatment
advance directives (2)
- living will
- healthcare proxy
persistent veg. state
unconscious long-term, eyes open, muscle reflexes
allowing vs. helping to die
- allowing: dignity, accept fate
- helping: assist suicide
informed consent (3)
- competency
- freely given
- understanding
3 ethical principles (end of life)
autonomy, beneficence, justice
4 Rs of effective communication
- relate
- review
- revise
- reflect
total care
physical, psychological, spiritual, existential