Music History

  1. Liturgy
    The prescribed body of texts to be spoken or sung and the ritual actions to be performed in a religious service.
  2. Liturgical Drama
    Dialogue on a sacred subject, set to music and usually performed with action, and linked to the liturgy.
  3. Kyrie
    One of the five major musical items in the mass ordinary, based on a Byzantine litany.
  4. Melisma
    In chant,a long melodic passafe sung to a single syllable of text.
  5. Antiphon
    A liturgical chant that precedes and concludes a psalm tone that is sung during the Office.
  6. Three melodic styles of chant:
    Melismatic style-many notes sung to single syllables

    Syllabic- one note sung per syllable

    Neumatic- 2-7 notes per syllable of text
  7. Neums
    Medievil note heads
  8. Canter
    Leader and most important member of the choir
  9. Antiphonal singing
    Two choirs taking turns at singing the chant. One line will go to one half and the next will go to the other half.
  10. Direct singing
    The whole chant is sung by the entire choir
  11. Responsorial singing
    Alternation between the Canter singing solo, and the rest of the choir joining in.
  12. Doxology
    A formula of praise to the trinity. to be sung after a psalm.
  13. Formula for sininging Psalm Tones
    [ 1.Antiphon/ 2.Psalm/ 3.doxology/ 4. Antiphon ]
  14. Hildegard of Bigen
    A intellect and artist, she founded her own convent and wrote music. Her most famous work Ordo Virtutum
  15. Tropes
    Addition to an existing chant, consisting of either more words, notes, or both.
  16. Solmization
    A method of assigning syllables to steps in a scale, used to make it easier to identify and sing the whole tones and semitones in a melody.
  17. guidonian hand
    A memorization method to learn the syllables of notes by mapping them out on a hand.
  18. "Quem Queritis in Pressepe"
    from the 10th century, it is consideered to be one of the oldest liturgical dramas plotted about the birth of Christ
  19. Formula for an Introit
    [ 1.Antiphon/ 2.A single psalm verse/ 3.Doxology/ 4.Antiphon ]
  20. Organum
    the medievil term for polyphonic music.
  21. Two kinds of polyphonic motion, they are:
    1. Parallel motion

    • 2. Oblique motion
    • (oblique motion was usedto avoid undesirable dissonances such as the tritone)
  22. Free Organum
    Melodic independence of both voices. contrapuntal and contrary motion.
  23. Discant
    Note against note polyphony
Card Set
Music History
provides study information for history in music. this set of notes focuses on medieval musical developments.