Biceps Brachii
Coracoid Process and Tubercle above Glenoid Fossa
Radial Tuberosity of Radius
Flex arm at elbow, rotates hand laterally
Musculocutaneous C5-C7
Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus
Distal end Humerus
Base of Second Metacarpal
Extends Wrist, abducts hand
Radial Nerve
Anterior shaft humerus
Lateral surface radius above styloid process
Flexes Forearm at elbow
Radial Nerve
Triceps Brachii
Tuberosity below glenoid fossa of scapula
Olecrannon process ulna
- Extends Forearm
- radial nerve and axillary nerve
Flexor Digitorum Superficialis
Medial Epicondyle of humerus, coranoid process ulna, and radius
Tendons of fingers
Flexes fingers and hand
Median Nerve
Tuberosity of Ischium
Pes Anserinus
Flexes leg, extends thigh, rotates leg medially.
sciatic (tibial, L5, S1, S2)
Gluteus Maximus
Posterior Surface Ilium, Sacrum and Coccyx
Posterior surface femur and IT band
Extends thigh at hip
inferior gluteal nerve (L5, S1, S2 nerve roots)
- Anterior Iliac Spine
- Medial Surface Tibia
- Flexes Leg & Thigh, rotates thigh laterally, rotates leg medially
- femoral nerve
Rectus Femoris
anterior inferior iliac spine, the iliac portion of the acetabulum
patellar tendon
knee extension; hip flexion
femoral nerve
- Medial and Lateral condyles of femur
- Posterior surface of calcaneus (ach tendon)
- Plantar Flex, Flexes Knee
- tibial nerve from the sciatic, specifically, nerve roots S1–S