
  1. ? Abandonar
    to leave temporarily ? to give up completely
  2. ? Acta
    formal written minutes of a meeting ? act
  3. ? Actual
    current, present ? actual or real
  4. ? Adicto
    addicted to a vice; *also a partisan or follower
  5. ? Admitir
    to admit that something is true ?permit entrance to a show (dar entrada)
  6. ? Advertencia
    warning ?advertisement (anuncio)
  7. ? Agon�a
    usually means �dying� ? agony in the sense of suffering intensely
  8. ? Americano
    �American� meaning someone from the Western Hemisphere ? U.S. citizen (estadounidense)
  9. ? Apertura
    aperture in the sense of hole or orifice; *also opening/ inauguration of a formal event
  10. ? Aplicar
    to put one thing to another ? request, as in �filled out a job app� (solicitud de empleo)
  11. ? Apogeo
    apogee in astronomy; *also zenith or height of a person�s powers
  12. ? Apreciar
    to esteem; RARELY = to appreciate
  13. ? Aprobar
    give approval; *also pass an exam
  14. ? Argumento
    legal or intellectual argument ?disagreement
  15. ? Arsenal
    shipyard? munitions factory
  16. ? Artista
    Painter, also movie/stage actor
  17. ? Asistir
  18. ? Atender
    To take care of
  19. ? Audiencia
    Hearing or meeting with an important person
  20. ? Avisar
    Warn or let someone know
  21. ? Bases
    Foundations; also, grass roots or Rank and file
  22. ? Beneficiencia
    Beneficiary; Public Welfare Dept.
  23. ? BINOMIO
    Binomial in mathematics; linking of two names
  24. ? BIZARRO
    Courageous; gallant.
  25. ? BRAVO
    Courageous; Also, fierce. A person who gets mad easily.
    Describe as; deem.
  27. ? CAMPO
    Countryside. Field as in playing field.
  28. ? CANCELAR
    To erase or eliminate; pay a bill or settle an account
    Foreign minister
  30. ? Carpeta
    Folder, as in file folder
  31. ? Casualidad
    Coincidence, chance
  32. ? Catedr�tico
    Tenured profesor at a university
  33. ? Charlatan
    Talkative; one who pretends to be more than one really is
  34. ? Colegio
    Secondary school, usually private
  35. ? Collar
    Collar of a shirt; necklace
  36. ? Colorado
  37. ? Compromiso
    Commitment, date, obligation
  38. ? Concentraci�n
    Concentration; mass meeting or rally
  39. ? Confeccionador
    Maker or drafter in a general sense
  40. ? Conferencia
    Lecture or formal presentation
  41. ? Conflicto
    Difficult situation; strain
  42. ? Constipado
    To have a cold
  43. ? Contacto
    Physical contact
  44. ? Conveniente
    Advisable, necessary
  45. ? Conviccion
    Conviction as in beliefs
  46. ? Copa
    Goblet or Price cup
  47. ? Copia
    Reproduction or imitation of an original
  48. ? Criatura
    Baby or infant
  49. ? Correspondiente
    Corresponding in sense of parallel
  50. ? Criollo
    Of Spanish descent but born in Latin America, or �local�
  51. ? Cuestion
    Question as in theme or subject
  52. ? Curso
    A series of events
  53. ? Cinico
    Shameless, irresponsible
  54. ? Decepcion
  55. ? Demandar
    To sue in a court of law
  56. ? Desgracia
    Disaster, tragedy, misfortune
  57. ? Deshonesto
    Immodest, lewd, indecent
  58. ? Discutir
    To argue
  59. ? Disgusto
    Displeasure, argument, difficulty
  60. ? Dormitorio
    Dormitory of an institution; bedroom
  61. ? Droguer�a
    Drug store
  62. ? Editor
  63. ? Educado
  64. ? Efectivo
    In cash
  65. ? Elemental
    Dealing with the elements
  66. ? Elevador vs. ascensor
    Elevator in some countries
  67. ? Embarazada vs. apenada
    To be pregnant
  68. ? Emocionarse vs. excitarse
    To be deeply moved or touched
  69. ? Entrenamiento vs. adiestramiento, formaci�n
    Training mainly in the military sense
  70. ? Entretener vs. diverter
    To occupy one�s attention
  71. ? Escolar vs. estudioso/erudito
    school child
  72. ? Estampa vs. sello/estampilla
    Picture, esp. A religious one
  73. ? Exito vs. Salida
  74. ? Experimentar vs. Sentir
    Experiment in the sense of trying out
  75. ? F�brica vs. Tela
    Factory or plant
  76. ? Facultad vs. Profesorado
    School in a university
  77. ? Fastidioso vs. Meticuloso
    Boring or irritating
  78. ? Feudo (fief) vs. odio
    Fief in a medieval sense
  79. ? Firma vs. empresa, compa��a
  80. ? F�sico (Physicist) vs. medico
  81. ? Forma vs. formulario, planilla
    Form in sense of shape
  82. ? Formal vs. ceremonioso o �de etiqueta�
    Reliable, trustworthy
  83. ? Gabinete vs. vitrina o muebles de cocina
    Cabinet only for a body of ministers or advisors
  84. ? Gentilmente vs. suavemente, cuidadosamente
    Charmingly, kindly
  85. ? Gracia
    grace; tambi�n = divertido, chistoso
  86. ? Granada
    explosivo, el pa�s, la fruta
  87. ? Gratificar vs. dar satisfacci�n o dar placer
    To tip or compensate
  88. ? Groser�a
    ? grocery�.. =crude act
  89. ? Harmonizar
    crear harmon�a, sincronizar
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