Anatomy of the Periodontium

  1. dental organ is derived from what type of tissue
  2. dental papilla turns into what?
    dentin and pulp
  3. what is the function of the dental papilla?
    determines the shape and form of the tooth
  4. periodontium is formed by what?
    dental follicle
  5. PDL is formed by what type of cells?
  6. describe the differentiation of osteoblasts
    they differentiate from the dental follicle ectomesenchyme
  7. what type of germ cell remains in mature periodontium?
    ectomesenchymal cells
  8. define free gingival groove
    • - junction between free/attached gingiva
    • - corresponds to CEJ
    • - only 30-40% of adults
  9. describe the morphology of attached gingiva in relation to age
    width increases with age
  10. what percentage of adults have stippling?
  11. what type of epithelium is Col
    non-keratinized epithelium
  12. what the the two types of keratinized layers in oral epithelium?
    • 1. orthokeratinized (no nucleus)
    • 2. parakeratinized (nuclear remnants)
  13. what is the predominant cell type in oral epithlium?
    keratinocytes (90%)
  14. from the basal layer to the granular layer what patterns are present?
    • 1. increase in tonofilaments and desmosomes
    • 2. decrease in organelles
  15. what are the 2 layers of the basement membrane?
    • 1. lamina lucida: adjacent to basal cells
    • 2. lamina densa: adjacent to CT
  16. what attaches epithelium to BM?
  17. what is the cause of stippling?
    fusion of rete pegs
  18. describe the thickness of JE
    widest in coronal portion (15-20 cells thick) and thin at CEJ (3-4 cells)
  19. how does the cellular turnover rate of JE compare to oral epithelium?
    faster than OE
  20. what are 4 differences between OE and JE?
    • 1. size of cells, JE > OE
    • 2. Intracellular space, JE > OE
    • 3. Number of desmosomes, JE< DE
    • 4. JE physically attached to tooth
  21. list 4 fiber types in the lamina propria
    • 1. collagen
    • 2. reticulin
    • 3. oxytalan
    • 4. elastin
  22. describe collagen in terms of lamina propria
    • 1. cross banding
    • 2. produced by fibroblasts, cementoblasts, osteoblasts
    • 3. most abundant
  23. describe reticulin in terms of lamina propria
    • 1. adjacent to BM
    • 2. around blood vessels
  24. describe oxytalan in terms of lamina propria
    • 1. mostly in PDL
    • 2. runs parallel to long axis of tooth
  25. describe elastin in terms of lamina propria
    it is around blood vessels
  26. list/define 4 types of gingival fibers
    • 1. circular: encircle tooth
    • 2. dentogingival: cementum to free gingival
    • 3. dentoperiosteal: cementum to attached gingiva
    • 4. transseptal: tooth to tooth
  27. how are characteristics of tissue differentiation determined?
    genetically rather than environmentally
  28. what is the function of the PDL
    distribution of force and tooth mobility
  29. what are 4 types of fibers in the PDL?
    • 1. alveolar crest
    • 2. horizontal
    • 3. oblique
    • 4. apical
  30. list 4 ways in which cementum is different than bone
    • 1. no blood vessels
    • 2. no lymphatics
    • 3. no innervations
    • 4. no physiologic resorption/remodeling
  31. what percentage of cementum is composed of HA?
  32. list 5 types of cementum fibers
    • 1. intrinsic: produced by cementoblasts and parallel to root
    • 2. Extrinsic: sharpey's fibers produced by PDL fibroblasts
    • 3. acellular extrinsic fiber cementum: coronal to middle of root
    • 4. cellular mixed stratified cementum: apical third
    • 5. cellular intrinsic fiber cementum
  33. what is the thickness of cementum?
    • cervical: 20-50um
    • apical: 150-250um
  34. what is the origin of alveolar bone?
    dental follicle but forms independent of tooth development.
Card Set
Anatomy of the Periodontium
basic gingival anatomy