ENGLISH Vocab. List 3

  1. Auspices
    • n.
    • Protection of support; patronage
  2. Auspicious
    • adj.
    • Attended by favorable circumstances
  3. Circumspect
    • adj.
    • Heedful of circumstances
  4. Despicable
    • adj.
    • Deserving of scorn or contempt
  5. Introspective
    • adj.
    • Self-examining
  6. Perspicuity
    • n.
    • Quality of being clearly expressed
  7. Prospective
    • adj.
    • Likely to become or be
  8. Specious
    • adj.
    • Having the ring of truth but actually false
  9. Specter
    A phantom; apparition
  10. Spectrum
    • n.
    • A range of related qualities or ideas
  11. Acuity
    • n.
    • Acuteness of perception; keeness
  12. Consummate
    • adj.
    • Supremely accomplished or skilled
  13. Cunning
    • n.
    • Skill or adeptness in performance
  14. Deft
    • adj.
    • Skillful; adroit
  15. Endowment
    • n.
    • A natural gift or quality
  16. Facile
    • adj.
    • Done or achieved with little effort; easy
  17. Incompetent
    • adj.
    • Not capable; not well qualified
  18. Inept
    • adj.
    • Awkward or clumsy
  19. Proficient
    • adj.
    • Performing a skill with facility
  20. Propensity
    • n.
    • An innate inclination; tendency
  21. Beseech
    • tr. v.
    • To address an earnest or urgent request to
  22. Blandishment
    • n.
    • The act of coaxing by flattery
  23. Cajole
    • tr. v.
    • To coax gently and persistently
  24. Elicit
    • tr. v.
    • To bring out; evoke
  25. Enjoin
    • tr. v.
    • To direct with authority and emphasis
  26. Exigent
    • adj.
    • Requiring immediate attention or remedy
  27. Imperious
    • adj.
    • Arrogantly domineering or overbearing
  28. Injunction
    • n.
    • A command, directive, or order
  29. Mendicant
    • n.
    • A beggar
  30. Query
    • n.
    • A question, inquiry
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ENGLISH Vocab. List 3