week 7 radiology

  1. T/F a pano is often used to supplement a bite-wings and periapical films
  2. List the uses of a pano
    • evaluate impacted teeth
    • evaluate eruption patterns and growth and development
    • detect diseases, lesions, and jaw conditions
    • examine large lesions
    • evaluate trauma
  3. lateral cephalometric projection evaluates:
    • facial growth and development
    • trauma
    • disease
    • developmental abnormalities
    • bones of the face and skull
    • soft tissue profile of the face
  4. waters projection evaluates:
    • maxillary sinus
    • frontal and ethmoid sinuses
    • orbits
    • nasal cavity
  5. posteroanterior projection evaluates:
    • facial growth
    • developmental trauma
    • disease and developmental abnormalities
    • frontal and ethmoid sinuses
    • orbits
    • nasal cavity
  6. TMJ radiography
    • the temporal bone and mandible
    • glenoid fossa
    • articular eminence of the temporal bone
    • condyle of the mandible
    • articular disk between the bones
Card Set
week 7 radiology
week 7 radiology