
  1. At what level is the spinal puncture made in myelography?
    L2-L3 or L3-L4
  2. A myelographic exam is a radiologic procedure of
    CNS structures within the vertebral canal
  3. What kind of contrast is used in myelography?
    non-ionic, water soluble
  4. In myelography, contrast is injected into the:
    subarachnoid space
  5. Term defining an injection into the sub-arachnoid space.
    Intrathecal Injection
  6. After a myelogram, the patient can return home within:
    4-8 hours of monitoring
  7. A myelogram is performed instead of MRI when the patient has a ____ such as ____ or _____.
    Contraindication to MRI, pacemaker or metalic spinal fusion
  8. Reasons for a myelogram:
    Spinal compression, herniated disc, tumors, bone fragments, or spinal cord swelling due to trauma
  9. The scout radiograph taken before a myelogram is a:
    x-table lateral
  10. An injection for a myelogram is _____ while for CT it is a _____,
    intrathecal injection, intravenous injection
  11. The patient position for myelography:
  12. Protocol for Contrast after myelogram:
    Usually non-contrast, unless after myelogram. No additional contrast administered.
  13. Patient prep technique for myelogram is:
  14. Why should a patient be well hydrated before a myelogram?
    Because the contrast medium is water soluble
  15. During a myelogram, the patients head should be:
    fully extended
  16. Why should the patient have their head fully extended during a myelogram?
    To prevent contrast from entering cerebral ventricles (compresses cisterna magna)
  17. Prior to performing the myelogram, what does the doctor do?
    Obtains a sample of CSF for analysis
  18. How much contrast is injected during a myelogram?
    9-12 ml
  19. Before being transported to the recovery room, what should be examined on the patient?
    The puncture site
  20. During a myelogram, the patients head and shoulders should be elevated:
    30-45 degrees
  21. Narrowing of spinal cord, spinal canal, nerve roots, or intervertebral foramina:
    Spinal Stenosis
  22. Narrowing of bony openings through which tissues pass:
  23. Nerves irritated in lower back from degenerative disc disease; pain shoots down leg:
  24. Nerve irritaion caused by damage to the outer ring of the disc due to trauma:
  25. What term is often used on requisitions to refer to sciatica?
  26. Fragment of the nucleus is pushed out of the outer disc margin:
    Herniated Disc
  27. Inner and outer layers of intervertebral discs:
    Annulus fibrosus and nucleus pulposus
  28. Diagnostic and sometimes therapeutic procedure performed to collect CSF for analysis:
    Lumbar Puncture
  29. The Data Acquisition System consists of:
    Gantry, table and generator
  30. Two types of Lidocaine:
    1% and 2%; verify twice with Dr.
  31. CARE Bill accronym:
    Consistency, Accuracy, Responsibility, and Excellence
  32. Objective of CARE bill:
    establish minimum educational and credentialing standards for personnel
Card Set
Intro to Myelography