Fluid and electrolytes

  1. NS 0.9%
    Blood, isotonic
  2. LR
  3. 1/2 NS = 0.45%
  4. D5
  5. Headache
  6. Muscle weakeness
  7. Abdonimal cramps
  8. Lethargy
  9. Oliguria
  10. Cerebral Edema
  11. Greatest effect of potassium imbalnce
  12. Increase of potassim can cause
    cardiac irritability
  13. Potassium given when?
    After first void
  14. Don't give what if they can't void
  15. Cardiac changes of hypokalemia
    Flattened T wave and ST wave depression
  16. Cardiac changes with hyperkalemia
    Tall peaked T waves and widened QRS complex
  17. Hypotonic muscles
  18. Decreased respirations
  19. Irritability
  20. Lab value of hypochloremai
  21. Co2 and hyperventilation
    C02 drops, it is blown off
  22. Bicarb range
  23. What excretes or conserves hydrogen ions and bicarbinate?
  24. Acts within miniutes to balance pH
    Respiratory compensation
  25. Acts within hours or days to try and balance pH
    Renal compensation
  26. Diarrhea
    metabolic acidosis
  27. DKA
    metabolic acidosis
  28. Prolonged vomiting
    Metabolic alkalosis
  29. Large quantities of bicarbonate antacids
    metabolic alkalosis
  30. Occurs when sodium loss is greater than water loss
    Hypotonic dehydration
  31. tx for hypotonic dehydration
    give hypertonic solution
  32. loss of water is greater than the loss of sodium
    hypertonic deyhydration
  33. tx of hypertonic dehydration
    hypertonic solution
  34. how many pounds of weight loss is severe in peds?
  35. weight loss
    clinical manifestation of dehydration
  36. rapid-thready pulse
    clinical manifestation of dehydration
  37. hypotension is a clinical manifestation of what?
    clinical manifestation of dehydration
  38. decreased urninary output is a clincial manifestation of what?
    clinical manifestation of dehydration
  39. Dry mucous membranes are a clinical manifestation of what?
    clinical manifestation of dehydration
  40. Absense of tears is a clinical manifestation of waht?
    clinical manifestation of dehydration
  41. Sunken fontanel is a clinical manifestation of what?
    clinical manifestation of dehydration
  42. Increased urine specific gravity
    clinical manifestation of dehydration
  43. elevated hemoglobin
    clinical manifestation of dehydration
  44. elevated hematocrit
    clinical manifestation of dehydration
  45. Elevated glucose
    clinical manifestation of dehydration
  46. Elevated ZBUN
    clinical manifestation of dehydration
  47. Elevated Creatinine
    clinical manifestation of dehydration
  48. Elevated protein
    clinical manifestation of dehydration
  49. Dark urine
    clinical manifestation of dehydration
  50. Strong odor
    clinical manifestation of dehydration
  51. Urine specific gravity exceeds 1.030
    clinical manifestation of dehydration
  52. Initial tx for dehydration
    Oral rehydrating solution
  53. What drinks to avoid in dehydration
    • Soft drinks
    • fruit juice
    • broth
    • athletic drinks
  54. Carbohydrate content for dehydration tx
  55. electrolyte concentrations for tx of dehydration
  56. When do you initiate IV thereapy in dehydration?
    When more severe or child cannot drink by mouth
  57. Fluid volume for tx of dehydration is based on...
    weight and S&S
  58. Each kilo of weight loss is equal to how many ml of fluid lost?
  59. Inflammation of the mucous memebranes of the stomach and intestines
    Acute gastroenteritis
  60. May or may not see nausuea, vomitin, fever or abdominal pain
    Acute gastroenteritis
  61. Is usually self limiting
    Acute gastroenteritis
  62. Can lead to dehydration with significant morbidity and mortality
    Acute gastroenteritis
  63. Can be cause dy viruses, bacteria and parasites
    Acute gastroenteritis
  64. Dx with stool culture
    Acute gastroenteritis
  65. Tx focuses on fluid replacement and correcting electrolyte imbalance
    Acute gastroenteritis
  66. Do not use antiemetics
    Acute gastroenteritis
  67. Do not use absorbent agents
    Acute gastroenteritis
  68. Do not use gut motility medications
    Acute gastroenteritis
  69. Use antibiotic therapy only if confirmed bacterial infection
    Acute gastroenteritis
Card Set
Fluid and electrolytes
Fluid and electrolytes peds nursing