Health Ch. 4

  1. mental disorder
    illness that affects the mind and reduces a person's ability to function.
  2. What are some behaviors of someone with a mental disorder?
    Abnormal thoughts, feelings, or behaviors
  3. What are some causes of a mental disorder?
    • 1. Physical factors (damage to brain)
    • 2. Heredity
    • 3. Early experiences
    • 4. Recent experiences (more likely to trigger a mental disorder)
  4. Describe three signs of attention deficit (ADHD)
    • - Doesn't pay attention to details
    • - Makes careless mistakes
    • - Does not seem to listen
    • - Disorganized
    • - Forgets to do daily activities
    • - Easily distracted
    • - Difficulty following instructions
  5. arachnophobia
    fear of spiders
  6. aviophobia
    fear of flying
  7. acrophobia
    fear of high places
  8. agoraphobia
    fear of open or public places
  9. ophidiophobia
    fear of snakes
  10. What is a phobia?
    anxiety related to a specific situation or object
  11. What is obsessive-compulsive disorder?
    When someone has a need to behave in a certain way to prevent a feared outcome.
  12. mood disorder
    extreme emotions that make it difficult to function well in their daily lives
  13. schizophrenia
    severe disturbances in thinking, mood, awareness, and behavior
  14. personality disorder
    behavior that makes it difficult to get along with others
  15. eating disorder
    mental disorder that reveals itself through abnormal behaviors related to food.
  16. anorexia nervosa
    does not eat enough food to maintain healthy body weight.
  17. Symptoms of anorexia include...
    extreme weight loss, slowed heart and breathing rates, dry skin, lowered body temperature, growth of fine body hair
  18. Health risks of anorexia include...
    Starvation; lack of essential minerals can cause heart to stop suddenly, leading to death
  19. Possible causes of anorexia include...
    lack of chemical that regulates mood, low self-esteem, strong desire to please others, troubled relationships
  20. Treatment for anorexia
    Must be encouraged to get help, must first be treated @ hospital to stop weight loss and eating habits, and mental health experts work with patient and FAMILY MEMBERS to address underlying emotional problems
  21. bulimia
    uncontrolled eating binges followed by purging, or removing food from their bodies
  22. Health risks of bulimia include...
    dehydration, kidney damage, and lack of necessary vitamins and minerals
  23. Possible cause of bulimia include...
    may binge to feel better emotionally, then purge because they are concerned about gaining weight. may also be connected to diet, then goes out of control
  24. Treatment for bulimia
    offer support in private, then gently encourage person to get help of mental-health professional.
  25. binge eating disorder
    regularly having an uncontrollable urge to eat large amounts of food
  26. Health risks of binge eating include...
    excess weight gain, unhealthy dieting
  27. Possible causes of binge eating...
    may use to avoid dealing with difficult emotions to provide temporary relief
  28. Treatment for binge eating
    may need to eat more slowly and deliberately, and need to address underlying emotional problem
  29. What is the difference between binge eating and bulimia? binge eating and anorexia?
    main difference is in bulimia you purge the food you ate. in anorexia, you eat nothing, and in binge eating, you eat alot.
  30. clinical depression
    feeling sad and hopeless for months
  31. suicide
    intentional killing of oneself
  32. Risk factors for suicide
    previous suicide attempt or family history of suicide, mental disorder or substance abuse disorder, feeling of hopelessness or isolation, lack of access to mental health treatment, influenced by suicide of close people.
  33. What ways can you prevent suicide?
    get treatment for any disorders, stay connected and have close relationships with family friends, and others in community
  34. psychiatrist
    physician who can diagnose and treat mental disorders
  35. neurologist
    physician who treats physical disorders of nervous system
  36. clinical psychologist
    person who is trainged to recognise and treat behavior that is abnormal. Have degree in phsychology and at least two years of practical training in clinics or hospitals.
  37. psychiatric social worker
    listen to and advise people. help people with mental disorders and their families to accept and adjust to illness
  38. psycotherapy
    therapy where person talks to therapist
  39. insight therapy
    help people better understand reasons for the behavior. Hope is, with insight, they will be able to change behaviors
  40. cognitive and behavioral therapy
    helps person identify situations, objets, or thoughts that trigger abnormal behaviors. Goal is for patient to learn new ways to behave
  41. group therapy
    people meet with other people with similar disorders. group members work together to develop coping skills
  42. drug therapy
    when doctors prescibe drugs to treat mental disorders. they can relieve symptoms and allow patient to function normally.
  43. hospitalization
    when disorder is so severe, they must be monitered at all times in hospital, where they get the care.
Card Set
Health Ch. 4
Prentice Hall Health Ch.4 Mental Disorders and Suicide